Internet Incest Chat, Mother and Daughter unknowingly fall in love while online

RosePetal01: Hi Cheffette04.

Cheffette04: Hi RosePetal01

RosePetal01: Ive been reading ur comments, u seem sad and lonely.

Cheffette04: Is it really that obvious, I was trying to be discrete.

RosePetal01: I could feel ur words, maybe u were looking 4 some1 who understood u.

Cheffette04: So do you understand me?

RosePetal01: I would like to think so, maybe we could talk in private?

I agreed and I invited to talk privately.

RosePetal01: This should be much better, so do u want to tell me about u.

Cheffette04: Well as you can tell I am a chef, and female, anything else I will only give later if I feel comfortable.

RosePetal01: Sorry, did not mean to get personal.

Cheffette04: Don’t be, you only asked a question, I was being honest not hurt. Can you tell me a little about yourself?

RosePetal01: I am female also, young, single and female. So why are u sad, is it because u are lonely or something else.

Cheffette04: Do you want the short or long version.

RosePetal01: I really want to know u chefie, so tell me whatever you want, how ever long it takes.

Cheffette04: Thank you petal, it is nice to finally be able to talk about my problems.

RosePetal01: A problem shared is a problem halved, they say.

Cheffette04: Where to start. My husband left me some years ago, and until then I was a housewife and , that is all I have done since I left school. But now I am alone, no real friends but want to try and meet someone. My kids are no longer here so it is just me, I did not plan for this, my husband met someone younger, same old story and left. I feel like someone in the bottom of the toilet, my ex just pulled the chain and I have just been spinning around the bottom for the last few years. But I want, no need someone to help me out, give me something to look forward to, because my job though good, is only something I do for money and a distraction, I need someone in my life. So have been chatting recently to find someone.

RosePetal01: I don’t know if I can help u with the dating part, but I would be interested to be ur friend. I used to get on with my family, but I just felt so lost and lonely myself.

Cheffette04: Have you tried dating?

RosePetal01: Yes, but every guy I meet seems to missing something and I either get bored early on or the sex is really bad.

Cheffette04: lol, I used to think my husband was good, as I had no one else to compare it too, but when he left I got a vibrator, then I realised I was certainly fooled by him, men just have no skill in the bedroom.

RosePetal01: Tell me about it, maybe we should date, it might at least be fun.

Cheffette04: Are you being serious?

RosePetal01: A little, until now it was an idea, but if u ever think u might be interested 2 meet, then who knows.

Cheffette04: Wow, I never thought about being with a woman, I would like to think I am honest, so I am not entirely shocked by thought, but it makes me feel uncomfortable.

RosePetal01: Sorry, I did not mean to do that.

Cheffette04: Again, don’t be sorry, ever, I appreciate your honesty and candour, it will be nice to get to know you, and if we get more comfortable on the subject, maybe what we both need is a woman and not another crappy guy.

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