Indian wife starts an affair with an older neighbor

My wife Vidya starts an affair with a neighbor – Rajesh.. The morning after our conversation about opening up our marriage, I tried to laugh it off as just dirty pillow talk. Sex talk at night, when you are horny, is a very different situation than in the cold harsh light of the morning.

Indian wife and husband discuss her taking on other lovers

I have watched my wife enveloped in the throes of an orgasm with another man between her legs – twice. It was a sight to savour as Vidya uninhibitedly enjoyed the pleasure that only a large penis could give her, and I couldn’t. I still get hard thinking about Ramu’s huge dark rod invading her fair pussy. It’s a spectacle to see Vidya, unrestrained, enjoying raw sex, even if that was with another man.

Jealousy was also the other primary reaction. It is definitely not easy to remain without emotions when you see your wife being pounded by another man and her face betrays the fact that’s she’s getting satisfaction from another penis. The only thing that kept me going through those affairs was that I loved Vidya more than anything in the world and I wanted to see her happy. And she was happy. And that she loved me equally, despite having another man humping her daily, because I let her do it.

I know that now, even when she is having sex exclusively with me, sometimes she is thinking about Ramu. Or Mohan. Or any of her other former lovers. Her legs might be wrapped around my hips, even as I pathetically tried to pleasure her, but she was picturing someone else in her mind. Vidya would often take Ramu’s name during sex with me. It was this fact that had led me to suggest that Vidya make another affair a reality.

Moreover, it’s not easy to know that she is only consenting to fuck you out of a sense of pity and a sense of duty. It might be better, so I had argued to myself, if Vidya enjoyed sex with her lover, leaving her free to enjoy sex with me, without picturing someone else. But again, once it was morning, I didn’t feel that way.

Vidya was equally feisty, telling me I had cum twice at the thought of another man’s penis penetrating her. When I denied it, she became playful and asked me to kneel down in front of her. She then proceeded to twist my ears and playfully scold me for thinking of her with another man. Immediately after a few such tugs at my ears, her hands went to my tiny penis and she naughtily commented that I had become hard just by thinking about being cuckolded.

“I can’t even tell if you are hard, darling.” Vidya impishly teased me. “Such a tiny penis.”

I had nearly cum at that. I was caught, and had to admit the idea was hot. Vidya grinned, and told me not to deny my true nature. We both laughed, kissed and made passionate love afterwards.

Life settled into a routine after that. As the days went by though, I began to forget about that discussion. It was something I felt I did in a moment of weakness. For the next three months, I relegated the thought of an open marriage to the back of my mind. Vidya would never cheat on me, I told myself. She loves me too much, and I love her deeply as well. Even if I find the idea of her cheating on me hot. Even I start to cum whenever she takes another man’s name in bed.

Work suddenly got very busy, and I was put in charge of some important national projects. A few days I came home as late as 9 pm. I even had to fly to New Delhi and Mumbai a few times for work, and stay a couple of days there, or more, each time.

“Don’t worry, darling.” Vidya would sweetly tell me every time I had to break the news of my travels to her. “You are doing this for a promotion, for a raise, for our future. I understand.”

And then she would proceed to fuck me dry before I left. She had a way of rubbing her pelvis against my dick and squeezing me once I was inside. It would render me helplessly aroused and I would soon be on the point of cumming. Once I had ejaculated into her, I would thank her even as she would start to laugh.

“You don’t need to thank me, sweetheart.” Vidya would kiss my cheeks and whisper into my ears. “You are my husband. Feel free to cum in my pussy any time. Other men have to ask for my permission; you just have to take me. If you are man enough, that is, hehe.”

Sometimes, during these work travels, the discussion of that night would suddenly pop into my head, and I would be consumed by thoughts of my darling wife taking on a lover when I was away. The cameras that I had installed during Vidya’s torrid affair with Gaurav were still there. After work, I would go to my hotel room, login using my iPad and turn on the cameras, hoping to catch her in the act. Shamefully, even as I feared her getting it on with another well-endowed man, my own little pecker would slowly rise in anticipation.

I would take out my penis and rub it even as I watched the cameras; however there was nothing to see. I would dutifully monitor the video stream – and yet Vidya was just being herself at home, busy cleaning, or watching TV, or entertaining a few friends. I even caught her masturbating, once. She was taking some other man’s name, of course. I began to love her even more as the days went by.

Vidya, my beautiful Vidya, my hot, curvaceous Vidya, my demure, dominant Vidya, my vivacious, energetic, naughty, slutty Vidya. She was my dutiful wife, taking care of me and the house and looking as impeccable as always.

When I was at home, every morning I would wake up (naked, of course, that was the rule in her bedroom), and kiss her feet, nuzzling her awake. She would then turn over and point at her butt.

“Get your tongue in there, darling.” She would order me haughtily, yet mischievously. “That’s what a cuckold husband like you is good for.”

She definitely knew how to get me going!

I would then part her panties slightly, and flick my tongue at her asshole. Licking her there thoroughly, I would then proceed to slurp and kiss her rotund buttocks. Sometimes I would slightly cup and shake them, and watch as her flesh quivered like jelly. She would then turn around and give me a warm hug, which always ended in an adoring kiss. It was enough to make any man hard. It was all I could do to not cum every morning with that ritual. Vidya would then slowly stroke me. Some days I would cum immediately, which resulted in me getting a scolding and some slaps. Other days I managed to hold out enough for her satisfaction, so she would then kneel and give me a blowjob. That was my Vidya. Any man would be lucky to have her. And she was my wife.

Life was pretty good, and humdrum. Soon it was our marriage anniversary. It was also roughly one year ago that Vidya had begun to fuck Ramu. We marked both our anniversary, and the anniversary of her affair with Ramu, with a scorching all day fuck session. I was completely drained out by the time Vidya was done with me. I wasn’t fucking her, she was fucking me, even though it was my penis inside her.

Oh boy! It had almost been half a year since that discussion. I had even stopped checking the cameras for weeks now, even though I was away frequently.

And just like that, suddenly my life turned upside down.

I had just returned from a trip to Mumbai. There were no telltale signs, of course, that anything was wrong. Vidya had never behaved any differently, and I still got sex regularly from her.

It was a Monday. I was in the office, and I called Vidya around noon. This was lunch hour, and Vidya was usually back from her gym by then. Yet, her phone rang and rang, but no one picked up. I hung up, surprised for a moment. Where could Vidya be? Maybe she was in the shower, I thought. Thinking for a moment, after what must have been weeks, I switched on the cameras.

Nothing. Vidya wasn’t even home, as far as I could tell, although the cameras only looked at the living room and master bedroom.

I was expecting a call back within a few minutes if she was in the gym, or out shopping. Yet, almost one hour later, when I had shut off the cameras and gone back to work, Vidya called.

“Hi, honey.” She said. Her voice sounded slightly raspy, as if she had just come back from a work out.

“Hi.” I said. “What’s up, darling? Where were you?”

“Oh, I saw your missed call.” Vidya replied. She had stopped panting by now. “I was in the shower.”

No you were not, I thought. You weren’t even home.

“I see.” I replied. I made some small talk with her and hung up. My mind was buzzing with a thousand possibilities. All my previous thoughts came back.

Was she having an affair? Was I once again going to watch another large penis ravage my wife?

Of course it could be just as Vidya said, and there’s nothing more to it. The living room camera doesn’t see all the bathrooms downstairs and maybe I missed signs of her being there. Even the master bedroom camera doesn’t show the attached bathroom there, but focuses on the bed. So she could be telling the truth, and maybe she was in the shower. But something, something, in the way she had answered the phone late, that raspy voice, and the words she had used … I had to trust my instincts. Something was up.

My mind went back to the time she had an affair with Ramu. I couldn’t even tell she was having an affair until the moment she showed up with him in our bedroom. So how could I tell this time?

If my lovely wife was having an affair, I started to think, it couldn’t be more than a month old at the most. Thinking back, I realized that’s when there had been subtle changes in her behavior. She seemed a bit tired, which wasn’t usually the case as Vidya was a very fit and healthy person. At night, our usual playfulness was somewhat reduced to just a kiss and some touching. I personally hadn’t paid much attention because I myself was busy and tired, and work had been all consuming. Yet, it was strange that Vidya hadn’t really made me pleasure her, or even asked me to lick her butt. And in the morning, whereas she would sometimes playfully try to make me late for work, recently she had been very efficient in getting my clothes and lunch ready. And I was only given a long kiss and some stroking on my manhood at the door before she let me go. No blowjob. It seemed almost as if she was anxious to see me go.

Was I really making this all up in my head? I tried to think objectively, and found that I couldn’t. There was only one way to settle this, I realized.

Today was a Monday. Throughout the last month, I had been home on the weekends and evenings, and only during work was I away. And there was that weekend in Mumbai.

Let’s assume she is having an affair. If I were to somehow make myself absent for a few days, Vidya’s lover wouldn’t miss the opportunity to fuck my wife on her own marital bed, in her husband’s house. He had already taken my wife, and probably had fucked her here in my house already, but he wouldn’t be able to resist the idea of taking her on our marital bed, again.

I acted quickly. Picking up the phone, I spoke to my boss that I was going to take the next Monday and Tuesday off, and return to work Wednesday. I didn’t give any specific reason, but just mentioned I had some family chores to do.

Then I called up Taj Hotel. This was a nice five star hotel quite near our place. I booked a room for four nights. Saturday. Sunday. Monday and Tuesday.

Then I looked up the airlines I normally use to fly to New Delhi. I noted their flight timings. I thus had all the information ready. It was now time to put my plan into action.

That evening, when we were eating dinner, I told Vidya, “Babydoll, something has come up at work, so I need to go to New Delhi this Saturday.”

“Oh, really?” Vidya raised her eyebrows. “How long will you be gone for?”

Was it my imagination, or did her pulse quick and her eyes twitch in anticipation, and her breathing became a little bit more rapid? Probably my imagination, but I replied, “Five days, four nights. I will be flying Saturday at 3 pm, and I will be there Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights. I will be flying back early Wednesday morning.”

“Oh, that’s a long time. Longer than usual.” Vidya made a face. “How am I supposed to go without sex for five days?”

I laughed, somewhat uneasily. “I am sure you will manage.”

Vidya grinned mischievously. “I shall have to take care of that starting from tonight.”

She was as good as her word. For the next five days, we fucked like bunnies all over the house. Vidya was incredibly horny, and was dripping wet even as we would start. In no time at all, I would be hard and inside her, and she would be grinding herself on me and humping me furiously. She seemed to be on a mission to make me aroused as fast as possible. I would hardly last a few minutes, before helplessly cumming into her. Afterwards Vidya would make me finger her to an orgasm. That’s the only way I could make her cum anyways.

I actually started to regret my suspicions. The way Vidya was sexually taking care of me seemed to dispel any doubts I had. Still, I decided to stick to my plans.

Saturday morning Vidya wanted to come with me to the airport, as she usually did. I managed to persuade her that there was no need as I had called a taxi already. I had packed for the five days, and I promised Vidya I would call her as soon as I reached my hotel in New Delhi.

Once inside the taxi, I asked the driver to take me to the airport. This was part of my ruse, as I didn’t want the driver to think there was something up if I changed my destination. Once I was at the airport, I waited for a few minutes, and then got into another taxi. This time I asked the driver to drop me at the hotel. Very soon, I was in my room. It was 3 pm when I had checked in. This was the time my “flight” was supposed to take off.

Once in the room, immediately I set up my laptop and iPad on the desk, and logged into my camera security system. Pretty soon I had the living room on my iPad and the bedroom on my laptop. It was now time to wait. I had a feeling that if Vidya was having an affair, these four nights was going to be some long nights for me. I couldn’t wait to see what happened!

It was a boring few hours. NOTHING happened. Vidya went to the gym, so I went and got lunch. After that I texted her, lying that I was now in my hotel room in New Delhi. Vidya got back and decided to take a nap for some time, so I decided to sleep for a couple of hours as well.

It was a big mistake. I hadn’t realized how tired I was. The long work days for the last few weeks, the small amount of sleep I had during that time, plus the constant thoughts about Vidya having an affair had a toll on me. I slept, and slept like a baby.

I suddenly woke up and immediately knew something was wrong. I was just supposed to nap for just a bit, I desperately told myself. Just a bit!

Instead, I could see through my hotel room windows that it was pitch dark outside. Fervently I fumbled for my watch. It was 11 pm in the night! I had decided to take a small nap at 5 pm and instead had slept for six whole hours!

I immediately glanced at my laptop. The screen was pitch black. I pressed a key to wake the laptop up. It came back on, and the camera app started to reappear. As the bedroom camera started to focus, something came up on the screen.

I froze.

It was Vidya. More precisely, it was her butt.

I realized I was watching my slutty wife from behind.

Wow. What a figure. What a wife I had. My dick began to harden.

She was naked.

Well, almost naked. I could see that she was wearing a thong. Just a thong. A black thong that was just a G-string, and disappeared into the crack of her big, voluptuous buttocks. She was standing, no, she was walking. Her ass jiggled and her hips swayed from side to side as she walked towards something.


I realized there was someone else in the room. My heart suddenly quickened. It was one thing to have suspicions, and to find the idea of your wife cheating hot. But suddenly, to have them proved correct, visually, and to realize that your wife was actually sleeping with another man, was almost like a blow to the gut. I tried to make out who it was.

It was a man, of course, that much was apparent. He was dressed completely, in a shirt and trousers. So my wife was naked in our bedroom (well, almost naked) but a fully clothed man was there. Who was it? I could see he was a dark skinned gentleman, and he was tall. And looked fit and athletic. Yet the camera wasn’t focusing on him, yet, as he was too far away. The camera’s auto focus had zoomed in and focused on Vidya’s gyrating buttocks as she walked to him. My pulse quickened as Vidya went up to her lover and stopped.

“Balachandraji, I am sorry.” Vidya said.

Balchandra? Balachandra?

I nearly chocked.

Balachandra Laxmikant was a South Indian gentleman, a retiree, who lived a few houses down the street from ours, in the next block. His wife had died some time back, and his kids lived in the New Delhi, so he lived by himself here in Pune. He had been an officer in the Navy, but was retired for at least ten years now. He must have been 60 years old. There was at least thirty years difference between Vidya and Balachandra.

So what was he doing here? And why was she apologizing to him?

In all my fantasies, whenever I had pictured Vidya’s next lover, I didn’t think of a man who was much older than me, let alone someone retired. I had thought Vidya would probably take some virile young man to bed, and someone who could fuck her to multiple orgasms.


The sound was sharp, like that of a pistol shot. Balachandra, my neighbor, had slapped my wife.

Vidya stood in silence, her hands at her side, glancing down at her feet in shame.

“I am sorry, Balachandraji,” She mumbled. “I should have messaged you immediately when Rajesh left.”


Balachandra slapped her again.

“That’s right, bahu, you should have.” He told her. “Instead, I learn from your friend Prakriti that you are home alone for the next four nights.”

He was calling my wife bahu, which meant daughter-in-law. Given their age difference, it wasn’t shocking that this was the term he would use. This is what much older men usually called younger married women. Bahu. Daughter-in-law.

“I am sorry, Balachandraji.” Vidya apologized again. “I was going to tell you, but I forgot and slept. I just woke up some time ago.”

Balachandra raised his hand again. Vidya flinched slightly, but made no move to step away from the slap. She was meekly accepting her punishment for not informing her lover that she was available for his pleasure.


Balachandra slapped her again. Vidya gingerly rubbed her cheek where she had been slapped. It was now red.

I knew Vidya liked her lovers to be a little rough. During the few days Vidya had been a sex slave of my boss Gaurav, he had slapped her a couple of times, and spanked her once or twice, and even caned her a couple of times.

I could not do rough sex. After the tryst with Gaurav had ended, Vidya tried to make me spank and slap her. I tried but I simply wasn’t up to it. I couldn’t bring myself to hit her with my full strength. Besides, all of her former boyfriends and lovers had been muscular hunks who could lift her up and toss her around. I was definitely not a muscular person.

Vidya, even while having sex on her terms, liked to be treated like a piece of meat, being slapped, spanked, pinched, groped and fondled by her lovers – something I couldn’t bring myself to do. No wonder I couldn’t satisfy her like they did.

Then she had begun her affair with Ramu the milkman.

Ramu used to spank her butt all the time. He was a low class labourer, and it was a thrill for him to smack Vidya’s bum, this high class memsahib, and watch her gori fair skin redden up with the marks of his fingers. I often used to come home and find Vidya naked, putting cream on red bruises on her buttocks that were welts from Ramu’s spanking.

And now this old man Balchandra was slapping her on her cheeks.


“Were you waiting for some other lover, bahu?” He asked her teasingly. “Is Ramu the milkman coming back?”

So Balachandra knew about Ramu!

“No! No!” Vidya was vehement in her denial. “Please, Balachandraji, it was an honest mistake. I have no other lover now, I swear. How can I, after you?”


“You like it this way, don’t you, bahu.” Balachandra grinned, raising his hand again. “You like it rough, Vidya.”


“Yes, Balachandraji.” Vidya replied. “But only from you, Balachandraji. Only you have the right to punish me, to slap me, Balachandraji.”

“Not even your husband, bahu?”

“No, Balachandraji, not even him.”


I could now see the marks of five fingers on her fair cheeks. I simply watched the monitor as he slapped her again and again. I didn’t know why Vidya was so meekly accepting those slaps. I wanted to go there and stop it, but I couldn’t.

Finally, Balachandra seemed to think this was enough.

“Bahu, kneel.” He ordered. Vidya immediately knelt down on the floor, right in front of Balachandra.

“You are a good slave, Vidya.” Balchandra told her, patting her now red cheeks.

“Thank you, Balchandraji.” My wife, on her knees, purred.

“And good slaves,” Balchandra told her, “Get treats. Now open your mouth, Vidya.”

“Yes, Balchandraji.” Obediently Vidya opened her mouth.

This was the moment of truth. I was going to see what my wife’s lover was packing. I hoped he had a large penis.

Balachandra unzipped his pants, and let them fall to the floor. He then pulled down his underwear. I stood amazed as his manhood finally came into view. I stared.

I had seen Ramu’s penis, of course. While Balachandra was no Ramu, it was still huge. Gigantic. Made my puny penis shrivel up in shame in comparison. He was big. And I knew I was going to see a side of my wife I barely saw with me. With a cock like that, she was a dirty, nasty, filthy whore.

“Stroke me, Vidya.” He ordered.

Without a word, my wife wrapped one arm around his appendage and slowly started to stroke him. Balachandra for his part reached down and started to play with Vidya’s big boobs, which were just hanging there. In no time at all, he was firm and erect.

Vidya then kissed the tip of his penis.

I felt myself through my pants. I was quite hard. I watched as my wife started to lick and slurp at this old man’s firm, big, mighty penis. She bent her head down and licked his balls. Then she came up and took his penis in her mouth again.

“Stand up.” Suddenly Balachandra ordered.

“Yes, Balachandraji.” Vidya took her lover’s penis out of her mouth and stood up.

Balachandra played with her boobs as she stood in front of him, facing him. He squeezed her breasts and pinched her areoles. I could now see that Vidya’s nipples were now quite erect. It was clear that she was aroused. I could see her panting softly now. Balachandra wrapped his huge arms around her waist and cupped her butt. He shook his hands slightly, and felt my wife’s ass cheeks quiver. He then patted her on her bum.

“Go, lie down on the bed now, bahu.” Balachandra ordered, taking off his shirt. He was now fully naked, and I noticed with shame that where I had gone slightly fat, Balachandra even at his age had kept himself fully fit.

“Yes, Balachandraji.”

Without another word, Vidya did as she was ordered. She went to lay down on the bed on her back, spreading her legs, and looked at her lover expectantly. He didn’t disappoint. Balachandra climbed onto the bed, roughly grabbed my wife’s thighs and spread Vidya’s legs even further open. In one quick move he pushed his hard cock into my wife’s pussy. Vidya grunted loudly at the swift invasion.

“Uggh!” Vidya’s eyes grew big. “Oh, Balachandraji!”

“Oh, Vidya! You’re so wet, bahu.” My neighbor exulted. “You must like being slapped, huh? It sure feels good stretching your tight little choot. Mmmm, you feel so good, bahu.”

There was no doubt now that my wife was having an affair for some time now. I watched as my wife’s legs began to wrap around Balachandra’s hips and her arms went to his neck. I couldn’t really blame her for cheating on me; not only did Balachandra have a huge penis but he was banging her vehemently.

“Oh, Balachandraji. OH YES!” She mumbled. “Harder, harder! Oh, Balachandraji.”

Balachandra was fucking her furiously. I was watching another man penetrating my wife, taking what was rightfully mine, in my own bed. It was a passionate scene.

“Your husband’s a sissy, bahu.” Balachandra taunted. “You need a big, strong, macho man taking your cunt. Instead, you got him. Good thing you found me, eh? You love this, don’t you?”

“Oh YES! OH YES! Balachandraji, I love you!”

He was right. Vidya did indeed love what he was doing to her. He was humping her. She in turn was pumping her hips hard back into Balachandra’s. Vidya’s breathing was coming in loud gasps and moans. She was clinging to him with all of her strength. From all signs I could tell that my wife was approaching an orgasm. From just being fucked. Something I couldn’t do.

I suddenly became aware of the rock-hard erection I had. As I watched Vidya start to moan, I couldn’t take it anymore. Without even touching my cock, I felt it start to spurt. My legs felt wobbly as I reached back for a chair and sat down, and watched the action on screen, even as I started to cum in my pants and underwear.

“OH BALACHANDRAJI!” My wife was shouting now, even as her lover buried his cock deep inside her and the two were shaking the bed furiously. Our bed. Our marital bed.

I turned away from the laptop. My pants were now wet with cum. It was the look of pleasure and pain on my wife’s face as her lover entranched his penis deep into her that had made me shoot my load.

I simply sat there and listened to the sounds of my wife getting thoroughly shagged by my neighbor. A range of emotions ran through me. I was angry. Angry that she was hiding it from me. Jealous that an old man was doing her. And finally, helplessly, shamefully, I was also very turned on. I had wanted to see Vidya getting well and truly bonked, and here it was. My wife was putting on quite the show.

I could tell by the grunts and moans that Balachandra was now cumming into her. I glanced back at the laptop and noticed that his hips were buckling and he was absolutely hammering my poor wife with his massive frame. An insane amount of cum was being pumped into her unprotected womb. Finally Balachandra’s butt stopped moving. He just lay there on her, both of them out of breath.

If I had hoped that he was done fucking her for the night, I was wrong. Balachandra couldn’t get enough of my wife. And how could he? He now had Vidya at his service for the next four days. He was going to screw her until she couldn’t walk.

Balachandra rolled off Vidya and grabbed her by the hair.

“Bahu, you know what to do. Lick me clean.”

Shocked, I watched as my usually bossy wife submissively position herself over her lover’s somewhat hard cock, now glistening with cum and Vidya’s own juices. She lowered her mouth onto it, licking and slurping the goo between her lips. Balachandra held Vidya’s hair in his fist, pulling her head up and down on his erection.

“Yeah, that’s good, bahu. Keep that up, just like that.”

He seemed to take a particular delight in ordering my wife about. For her part, Vidya was playing the perfect submissive slave girl. Her head was bobbing as she sucked Balachandra in and out of her mouth. She was moaning with pleasure, her ass rotating in the air as she licked and cleaned his penis. And who could resist such as ass!

With one hand holding her by the hair, Balachandra took his other hand and inserted three fingers between her legs and into her exposed cunt. His fingers were glistening with lubrication when he pulled them out. My wife was wet. Her cunt must have been a mess. Balachandra then roughly shoved one, and then two, and, finally, the third finger into my wife’s anus. Vidya shamelessly purred. I was watching my wife moan with pleasure at another man’s digits in her rectum.


Balachandra then raised his hand and gave her bare ass a series of resounding slaps, leaving bright red marks on her butt cheeks.

“You are a hot little piece of ass, bahu, but don’t get too comfortable, I’ve only just started.”

With a shock, I realized that Vidya had stopped sucking him. He was now fully hard, and my wife was looking at his huge appendage with hunger.

For the next two hours I watched as this older man ploughed into my wife from different positions. He would fuck her in one position, give her a break, and then fuck her again in another position. At one point she was on her back and bent nearly in two with her legs over his shoulders. They were going at it so hard that Balchandra started to sweat and pant. At another point she was on her back with her legs wrapped around his waist as he plunged into her. I watched the screen as the video showed him bury his huge dark cock into my wife’s married snatch, again and again.

Balchandra’s face had a constant triumphant smile to it. He was banging the best looking wife in the neighborhood – my wife – in her own bed, in her own house. I was amazed at his self-control. I would have cum barely within minutes, yet he perfectly paced himself. Vidya’s vagina squeezed his dark cock constantly and I felt he would also cum any minute, but he held on. Vidya was moaning continuously.

“Ah, Balchandraji, ah, Balchandraji! I’m cumming! Again! I’m cumming! Please cum in me, please, I beg of you, PLEASE!”

The way she clutched his body told me she’d surrendered everything to him. He was now furiously shoving his cock deep inside her and pulling out, repeatedly. Vidya’s clit was pulsating at the persistent onslaught. She was begging him to cum into her, and yet he made her wait.

I saw Balchandra exultantly smile to himself as he watched my wife bite her lower lip at yet another orgasm. As she started to shake her body, caught in the throes of passion, he forced his oversized cock even deeper into her twat. Her soft fair hands contrasted against his dark legs as incoherent whispers escaped her pursed lips. I briefly saw her wedding ring sparkle in the room’s lighting.

I heard Vidya groan in pain as Balchandra burrowed even deeper into her. His hips started to shudder and buckle. Finally, he was now cumming.

Vidya was in ecstasy as the dark South Indian cock pumped and pumped and pumped cum deep into her. Balachandra didn’t withdraw his cock out of her for some time, even as his juice flowed into her and down her thighs. Even after cumming inside her, they both lay there, he interred deep in her, hugging and kissing each other.

The lovers took a little break before, shockingly, starting again.

I reminded myself that it was me who has asked her – had permitted her – to have an affair. I was a cuckold and I should be happy she was enjoying it. It’s just sex, I tried to comfort myself, it’s just sex.

I don’t remember when I had taken the laptop into the bed, so as to be able to relax and watch, and had dozed off. Throughout the night, I was constantly awakened by the sounds emerging from the laptop of Balachandra and Vidya’s uninhibited sex. I may have missed a time or two, but by my calculation, he had fucked my wife four times in the pussy, and demanded and received one blow job. I knew I MUST be counting wrong – no man could cum that many times in one night – but it sure didn’t feel like it.

I woke up early, around 7 am. My back ached from my disturbed sleep, so I decided to take a hot shower and go for a walk, and maybe have some breakfast. I checked the camera. Vidya and Balachandra were fast asleep, naked, entwined in each other’s arms. I am sure my bedroom must have reeked of sex.

Shaking my head, I took a long, hot shower, masturbating in the tub to relieve my penis. Freshening up completely, I decided to head down for breakfast and a walk. I shut the laptop, put it in my briefcase and locked the briefcase. Calling the front desk and scheduling a housekeeping call, I went out.

It was about two hours before I came back. I had found this nice dhaba, where I had gone in for a full breakfast of paratha, omelets and sabzi, along with karak chai. I needed to eat. Finally, once back in my room, I steeled myself. I slowly undressed until I just had a T-shirt and an underwear on. I sat down on the chair and took out my laptop. Slowly taking out my cock from the underwear, I switched on the camera app. I wondered what Vidya and her lover had in store for me.

“Hands on the desk!”

A loud commanding voice barked the order. It was Balachandra. I noticed that he was naked, and very much erect. He had ordered my wife to go to a desk we had in the corner of our bedroom. I craned my neck to see what Vidya was doing. She was naked as well. Since it was now morning, sunlight flooded the room, making it easier to see what was going on.

Vidya leaned over and placed both of her hands on the edge of the wooden desk. Being a fit and athletic woman with a curvaceous figure, and being tall by Indian standards, Vidya’s butt was high in the air. I could see various bite marks on Vidya’s neck, and her bum was red from her lover’s spanking. Her hair was plastered to her face and neck. She was sweating.

Balachandra lined up behind her, and started to work his cock into her pussy from behind. He stood straight up and leaned forward. I slowly watched his dick disappear inside my wife’s cherry.

“Ungh!” She muttered, as her beaver was taken from behind.

“Oh, bahu,” Balachandra moaned, feeling the pleasure of the initial feel of his cock inside my wife’s cunt. “You husband … he has an amazing wife! What a maal you are, bahu!”

Vidya let out a whimper but was otherwise silent, even as Balachandra continued to mock me, her husband. Her head hung down, her long black hair hanging over her face, her eyes shut. Balachandra started to hump her, slowly at first, but soon got into a medium groove. I watched Vidya’s big tits hanging down as she leaned over the desk, bracing for the onslaught. Balachandra noticed them too, and reached around and played with them as he fucked her. Vidya started to groan. She had always been very receptive to her nipples being played with.

I wondered what it was that attracted her to this old man. Was it because he was ex-military and therefore in top physical shape, despite his age? Or was it because he was an arrogant prick? Balachandra had that self-satisfied smirk and a confidence that came from his big cock. I knew Vidya was always attracted to that. All women were.

Vidya’s butt cheeks rippled and quivered every time that Balachandra slammed his pelvis into her. Balachandra soon was banging my wife harder, and faster. Her ass and thighs now made loud slapping noises. Balachandra let go of her breasts and placed his hands on her hips. Vidya’s boobs, now free from her lover’s marauding hands, dangled down and gyrated wildly as she was being taken in this manner. Balachandra gave her butt the occasional slap.

“Oh my love!” Suddenly Vidya gushed out aloud. So far she had been silent, but now her own hips began to buckle. I was watching my wife start the pangs of yet another orgasm. She was shaking and letting out little noises that she never made when I made love to her.

“Ah, Balachandraji. I am cumming!” I could see Vidya was now helpless to her desires, her body bucking as she was being ravaged.

“Alright, bahu.” Balachandra grinned. “Time for your breakfast.”

He tapped her on her butt. Vidya, still recovering from her orgasm, stood up shakily as Balachandra’s erect dick popped out. She then turned to face him and knelt down. Balachandra placed his cock on her lips, and guided it into her mouth.

“Oh, bahu, you are such an amazing cock sucker. So hungry!” Balachandra gushed.

My wife was giving my neighbor a blowjob. And as I watched, it became clear that it was an eager, enthusiastic blowjob. I could see her thrusting her face forward to take as much of his dick in as possible. Every time she thrust forward, the fat on her naked squatting ass jiggled. She was even making gagging noises I could hear through the laptop speakers.

That was enough for me. I started to cum, even as I watched Balachandra start to cum in her mouth. I cummed long and hard, wetting myself and my underwear completely. On the screen, I could see Vidya lick her lover’s penis and take in every single drop of his semen.

I shut down the laptop, deep in thought. This was Sunday morning. I still had two and half days to go.

For the next couple of days I hardly switched on the laptop, only viewing my wife’s adultery occasionally. What was the point? I knew what I wanted to know; I had seen what I had expected to see. I stayed in my room, ordered in food, and went out swimming at the pool. I tried not to think of Vidya and what she was doing.

I had a good life. I had a great wife who was great in bed and took care of my sexual needs. So she also had a right to take care of her sexual needs. And I had allowed her. I had asked her. I kept telling myself that she was cheating on me because I had urged her to, not because I couldn’t satisfy her.

Finally, on Tuesday night, I switched on the laptop. I was coming home tomorrow. Let’s see what my slutty wife was up to on the last night with her paramour.

Both of them, as expected, had no stitch of clothes on their body. It was as if they had become nudists this whole time.

Balachandra was watching TV in the living room. He had a glass of what looked like vodka beside him. That was my vodka, in my vodka glass. And of course my naked wife beside him. Vidya was to his side, sipping a beer. I saw my wife, cuddled up with her lover’s arm around her, purr contentedly as he absent mindedly played with her nipples. From time to time her hand stroked his balls.

“Bahu,” Suddenly Balachandra commanded. “Get on your knees. My dick needs your mouth.”

“Yes, Balachandraji.”

Obediently Vidya hustled to do as she was told to. She looked down at his thick long dick, and after a moment of pause and a hungry expression on her face, put her lips on the head of his penis. The scary part for me was that he wasn’t even hard, and Vidya struggled to take it in completely. She bobbed her head up and down, working slowly on his shaft, her mouth stretched wide around it. Balachandra smiled down at my wife, smirking. Her jet black hair hung down on his thighs, and her butt stuck out as she knelt before the older man.

Then Balachandra said, “Okay, bahu, climb up here on my lap.”

Vidya stopped sucking, as Balachandra patted his lap, indicating where he wanted my wife to sit.

“Straddle this,” He said, pointing to his now erect manhood.

Vidya climbed up onto the older man’s lap, facing him, with her legs wrapped around his legs. I could see her spread her own pussy lips, and slide them down over Balachandra’s cock. She slid all the way down, and settled onto the man’s lap, straddling him.

“Bahu,” Balachandra grunted, “You are just a pleasure hole. A nice hole. You are nothing but a whore, bahu.”

“Ugghn!” It was all my slutty wife could reply, as Balachandra started humping up into her pussy. I watched Vidya’s butt jiggle as she thrust her hips up and down, with Balachandra’s cock sliding in and out of view. Then he sat back, moving his hands down Vidya’s sides, to her bare ass. He squeezed her cheeks and slid his palms all over her bum cheeks.

Vidya closed her eyes and threw her head back, humping rapidly, and her big tits bobbling in Balachandra’s face. He reached over and grabbed his glass of vodka, and downed it as he fucked my wife. Vidya gyrated her hips back and forth. Her thighs jiggled as she clenched them around her older lover.

“Okay, bahu, here it comes!”

His hips began to shake as Vidya hugged him tightly, shaking her butt. She was having an orgasm of her own.

I watched his cock stroking into her pussy and at the same time observed the reaction on her face. She was getting more cock than I could possible give her. That look, her expression, it’s burned into my soul. That’s her face when her pussy was satisfied.

I watched as cum leaked out from under her, on his legs and on to the floor. From what I could tell, she gave herself to him, completely. And he emptied himself inside her, completely.

* * *

It had been a couple of months since I had returned from my “pretend trip”. I hadn’t told Vidya anything about the fact that I knew about her affair, and she hadn’t confessed to me either. I put it out of my mind, and tried to enjoy my married life, even while knowing my wife was seeing another man.

I would meet Balachandra at common parties, of course. He even visited us a couple of times. Every time I would meet him, he seemed to have a smirk on his face (or maybe that was my imagination). I knew that this old man was actually fucking my wife whenever I was out. He had a huge penis, much larger than mine, and my wife was being fucked on my own bed in our own house. It was a good thing Vidya was on the pill, since my own cum couldn’t possibly fight against his virile seed.

My own sex with Vidya was more enjoyable as well. Vidya didn’t rush me, took her time, and made sure I was able to last a sufficient time before cumming in her. Since Balachandra was giving her all the pleasure she needed, she took care to give me pleasure when we had sex. She never complained that she could hardly feel my tiny dick, given that her cunt was being continuously ravaged by a much larger cock.

This continued until one night when she confessed everything to me. My wife Vidya had been Balachandra’s mistress for nearly four months by then, by my calculation. The next day there was a big India vs Bangladesh match – the second of a three match series – and India had already lost the first game. Balachandra had actually invited a few of our neighbors and friends to come over in the morning to watch the game, and yes, we were invited as well.

Vidya was already in bed when I got into the room. She was dressed in a blouse and a petty coat, no sari. Her navel and waist was completely bare. I entered the room, and as usual, started to strip. Once I was completely naked, I got into bed. Vidya pointed at her feet.

I began to kiss her feet, pressing my lips to each toe and sucking at her ankle. Then she pointed at her waist. I placed my lips on her navel, slowly flicking my tongue into her belly button. Then Vidya grabbed me by the ear and pulled me up to her side. We hugged and kissed passionately, before cuddling and lying down beside each other.

Vidya kept slowly fondling my emasculated manhood.

“You have a nice little penis.” She told me, gently leaning over and kissing the tip.

“Thank you, darling.” I replied. What could I say? My penis belonged to her, and her alone. Yet her vagina wasn’t mine exclusively.

“Darling.” Vidya slowly exhaled. “Remember that night, when YOU asked me to cuckold you?”

I pretended to not understand what she was saying.

“Er … what night? What cuckolding?”


Vidya’s tight slap and her impish grin broke my resolved. I feebly smiled back.

“Yes, I remember.” I slowly nodded. Vidya gave me a kiss.

“You were right, you know, darling.” She said. “I needed a big cock. I needed the pleasure of a manly cock.”

“Er, what are you saying, darling?”

Vidya took a deep breath.

“I have been having an affair, Rajesh.” She told me point blank. “It’s our neighbor who has invited us tomorrow. Balachandraji.”

I looked at her. I wanted to pretend to be surprised. To be shocked. Instead, suddenly, I erupted.

“HIM?!! Why him?” I suddenly burst out. I certainly couldn’t comprehend the fact. “When I told you to take some lovers, darling, I never thought you would go for an OLD guy.”

“Honey.” Vidya replied with an impatient tone in her voice. “You don’t have the right to tell me who my lover should be. I get to decide that.”

Her voice and tone immediately deflated my anger.

“I am sorry, darling.” I answered, abashed. “Please forgive me. But … but … Balachandra? And when? When did you start? How did this all begin?”

“I will tell you.” Vidya began to rub my manhood, which was now quite hard. “Do you want me stroke this little penis of yours while I tell you, darling? To tell you of my story with a REAL cock, sweetie?”

“Er … yes, dear.”

“As to why I fucked this older man … Balchandraji brings me to orgasms … note the plural … when he fucks me. Something you can’t do, darling.”

“But … but … he’s so old, dear.”

“Age isn’t the only thing.” Vidya responded. “With Balchandraji, it’s different. He brings me to heights of passion in some ways that others did not. Yes, it would be different with a young man, I agree, but Balchandraji is good in his own style.”

“I …” I paused, and then asked a question whose answer I already knew. “Was he bigger than me, dear?”

“Of course!” Vidya smiled. “Why do you ask such silly questions, honey?”

I was quiet. I felt like I had no arguments left. Vidya leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on my cheeks. She sensed my excitement building and grinned as she stopped rubbing me. “You are a good little cuck boy.”

“Er … thank you, darling.”

“But,” Vidya continued, “You will be glad to know it’s over.”

“Oh.” Now this I didn’t expect. “It’s over? When did it begin?”

Vidya reached out and once again started to stroke my manhood. She leaned in and we shared a kiss.

“You like it when I make fun of your little cock, don’t you?” Vidya asked, gently shaking my penis. “When I tease you and tell you about how much bigger all the other boys are and how better it is with them?”

“Please tell me how it began,” I begged, as we kissed again passionately.

Vidya didn’t answer. She just smiled and kept rubbing me.

“I love you, darling.” I told my wife, kissing her again. She kissed me back. We kissed steamily for some time.

“You are the best husband, darling.” Vidya finally said, taking a break.

“Thank you, babydoll.”

Sure, she loved me. But I remembered what I saw in her eyes, every time I had watched her surrender herself to Balachandra. She loved his cock and getting fucked by him. And yet she loved me. And I loved her.

Vidya then looked deep into my eyes.

“You like it, darling, when I tell you about another man’s big cock in me, don’t you?” Vidya asked me.

“Yes, darling.”


My wife Vidya had slapped me. I blushed.

“You are a cuckold, darling. Do you want to hear what he did to me? What he did to your wife?”

“Er … yes, baby.”


“Did you right now imagine how I rode his cock, baby? That’s what you wanted, right?”

“Er … yes, honey.”


“It’s good that you yourself pushed me to having an affair, honey. Imagine, if I cheated on you and you caught me, you wouldn’t be able to make a good argument now, would you, with this little dick of yours?”

“Er … no, darling.”


Vidya then reached out and grabbed my penis. It was rock hard.

“Fucking an old Malayalam man is totally worth it for our marriage, baby.” Vidya grinned. “It turns you on more than anything in the world!”

“I know, babe.”


“Do you want to fuck me now, darling?”

“Er … yes, dear. If you would allow me to, dear.”


“You can’t even get the nerve to just fuck your own wife, darling.” Vidya mocked me. “Does it bother you, honey, that you fuck me and another man’s cum was inside me just sometime before?”

“Er, no darling. It turns me on.”


My cheeks were now stinging from her slaps. Vidya then parted her legs and placed her hands in her pussy.

“His big, fat cock was right here, honey. Does that make you horny?”

“Darling.” I requested. “Please tell me how it all started. Please.”

“Hmm.” Vidya grinned again. “Are you sure, darling?”

“Yes, dear.”


Slapping me one more time, Vidya then begun her story.

“After that talk that night, what was it, half a year ago, I think? For some time I didn’t take your words seriously. I mean, we have a marriage, and yes, you have a small penis, my dear, but it sufficed for now. I wasn’t thinking seriously of taking on another lover. I love my husband, his smallness aside, and you are a good companion, darling.”

I blushed profusely as Vidya leaned in and gave me a peck on my cheek, now red from her slaps, before continuing her story, all the while rubbing my manhood.

“By this time, I had started a new fitness regime. Since the weather was getting warmer, I wanted to get some more cardio into my routine. Immediately after you left for work in the morning, I would go for a round of jogging and run around our neighborhood.”

This I knew. We lived in a gated community, so it was all upper class office folks who owned the houses here, and this was a very respectable, modern, progressive Indian community. I knew therefore that Vidya could go for her runs safely. My wife usually wore a tank top and yoga pants that hugged her butt when she would go out jogging; something she would never wear out in the regular streets of the city had we lived there. A couple of days when I was working from home I would see her in her jogging outfit. Vidya would smile as she would do her stretches in front of me, blowing me a kiss, before heading out of the house. She knew she was really blessed with a great set of tits and her sexy tight sports top showed them off a bit.

“Now there was some other joggers in the park as well. I got to know a couple of the women nearby – Prakriti and Laila – very well. They are just new moms, quite young really, going for a run with the kid asleep and the maid watching. There was also this senior men’s exercise group right in the middle of the park that’s two blocks from here. My route would take me daily through the park, right when this group was exercising. Sometimes the girls and I would do some stretches and aerobics along with these men. They were really a friendly group, mostly grandpas and retirees living here with their married kids, and they loved us girls for joining them. Balachandraji was part of this group.”

A shudder ran through my body as my wife took her lover’s name for the first time in her story. So this is where she met this old man who was now banging her on a regular basis. Correction – had banged her. Past tense; apparently her affair was over.

“At first, I didn’t pay much attention to him, or his attempts to flirt with me.” Vidya remarked. “After all, at this time our sex life was pretty mundane, but satisfactory. You are good at eating my pussy, and it had been a while since Ramu so I had forgotten what a big cock felt like. I was happy with your little thing in between my legs. And even if I took another lover, as you wanted me to, in my mind I certainly didn’t think of a man who was retired. I knew he was a retired soldier, so he was fit and athletic at his age, but even then I pictured taking a virile young man to bed, someone with a huge cock and a huge stamina, who would fuck me all night long and capable of giving her multiple orgasms. I never did think, even for one moment, that Balachandraji would be able to do all that.

Moreover, he always used to call me bahu, even while flirting with me. It’s hard to take a man who’s calling you ‘daughter-in-law’ seriously as a lover, even though he used to flirt with me every chance he would get.

One day Balachandraji invited Prakriti, Laila and me to his house for tea after the morning exercise. ‘My house is on the way to your house from the park.’ He told me. I asked him how he knew where I lived. ‘Oh, when a pretty young thing moves down the street from you, you notice!’ He replied with a laugh and a wink.

‘Oho!’ The other girls laughingly teased me. ‘Vidya’s got an admirer!’ I laughed as well, somewhat uneasily.

‘Oh, I am sure she has lots of admirers.’ Balachandraji charmingly put me at ease. ‘Now, bahu, if only I was a bit younger!’ The girls laughed again, and I put this down to some harmless banter by an old man.

This became our everyday routine. After our exercise, we would go to his house for tea, and he would shamelessly flirt with me, and just me, all the time. Prakriti and Laila would tease me mercilessly about it. It started harmlessly enough, but as the days went, his words became more and more suggestive. He would start by praising my yoga pants, for example, and then would add with a wink, ‘I am sure what’s underneath is even more beautiful, bahu’. The girls would laugh, and I would laugh along with them, all the while blushing at his words. He was charming and witty, and managed to put us at ease, even while making sexually laden jokes at me. Day by day, his flirting was getting more and more explicit but I never paid much attention to it, dismissing it simply as the fancies of an older man. Yet, no doubt, his flirting, and the teasing of my friends, used to make me wet.”

Vidya paused in her story telling. Her face was flush, and she was breathing rapidly. She had stopped stroking me, but my penis was rising on my own, titillated at the thought of how this old man had slowly seduced my wife. We both reached for each other and kissed for some time. Our hands roamed over our other half’s bodies, pinching and pawing. It was a while before she continued her story.

“One day both Prakriti and Laila were not there. It was just me, and this time I tried to avoid going to his house for tea after my jogging, but he was insistent. And let me tell you, it was really good tea that he made. I don’t know what malai or cream he put, but man it was good. As we were just sitting and enjoying our tea, and I was trying to brush off his praises about my body, he asked me, ‘So, bahu, you and Rajesh don’t have any kids? That must leave a lot of time for sex.’

His rather blunt way of putting it made me pause. Balachandraji had a sly grin on his face. I should have got up and left, but for some reason I shrugged my shoulders and replied, ‘Yes, it does. But what about you Balachandraji? You are now a widower, single, rich. I am sure women throw themselves at you all the time.’

‘Yes, they do, bahu.’ He replied. ‘And they go home very satisfied too, I can tell you that. Now that I am a widower, I don’t limit myself to just one woman, bahu. That way it never gets boring.’

The talk was getting more explicit, but I continued. ‘But surely they just don’t go home, do they? And surely – this is India – you can’t be serious about sleeping around, that too at your age! If one of these women love you, she might want to marry you!’

‘Oh, that’s not a problem.’ Balachandraji grinned. ‘You see, these women are already married.’

A shudder went through me as I looked at Balachandraji. I wondered if he was joking.

‘What do you mean, Balachandraji?’ I asked, curious as to he was hinting to what I thought he was hinting.

‘Oh, these women,’ He replied, ‘They are married to real wimps. Complete pussies. They can never satisfy their wives even if they tried their best, which many of them don’t. Typical hard working programmers! So you see, I am doing both husband and wife a favour by fucking the wife!’

I was now speechless. It was clear that there was more to Balachandraji than it met the eye.

‘Just three days ago,’ He continued, ‘I was visiting this woman in Dhayari. I met her online – so this was my first time meeting her in real life. She actually was in this swinger group with her husband. Very hush hush, as you can imagine – this is India after all. This husband had a fantasy about an old man fucking his wife in front of him, so I said I would do it. He also wanted the two of us to make fun of him and humiliate him. Strange, no? It was good though. He got what he wanted, I got to screw a beautiful lady, and she got to experience a beautiful gigantic cock for the first time in her life.’

I gasped at the last part, and then laughed.

‘Oh, come on now, Balachandraji, surely you are pulling my leg!’

‘Well,’ He said. ‘Why don’t you check it out, bahu?’

I decided the flirting had gone on long enough, and stood up. ‘I really have to go now, Balachandraji.’ I said.

I don’t know what happened, but the next thing I knew, I was on the floor. I realized that while turning to head out, I had suddenly caught my foot and stumbled on the carpet, and fallen face first on the floor. Luckily I had landed on the rug, but the tea cup was in pieces on the floor. My elbows and my knees had hit the floor hard, and I was shaken.

‘Let me help you up, bahu.’ Without waiting for my reply, Balachandraji rushed to pick me up. I felt him roughly grab me by the waist and haul me up. As he did, his hands brushed against my breasts. Rather than excuse himself, his hands lingered there.

‘Hey!’ I told him. ‘What are you doing, Balachandraji?’

‘Bahu, you have quite the tits.’ Balachandraji was now openly fondling me, as I stood there unsteadily. ‘Big ones. What a maal – an item – you are, bahu!’

‘Please stop it!’ I cried out, taking his hands and forcing them away from me. ‘I am a married woman!’

‘Why?’ He grinned. ‘That didn’t stop you from whoring yourself out to Ramu the milkman!’

There was pin drop silence there for a minute as he said that. I look at his face, wondering if he was joking.

‘What … what do you mean?’ Finally I asked him, my voice shaking.

‘Oh, c’mon, bahu.’ Balachandraji took out his cell phone. He fiddled with it for a bit and then put on a video. My eyes widened in shock as I saw it.

It was a video of a naked girl. She was on her knees, taking a huge dark cock in her mouth and licking it. Often she would take it out and kiss it.

I stood there riveted as I watched, breaking out in a cold sweat. That naked girl on Balachandraji’s phone was me! It was a video of me and Ramu!

On the video, I was looking up at Ramu and telling him, ‘Why do you have to go to your village, Ramu? You will go and fuck some village belle. But what about your memsahib? Who will fuck her?’

Balachandraji shut the video. I looked at his eyes – they were filled with lust. It was clear what he wanted.

‘You should never have let Ramu take a video of you, bahu.’ He told me. ‘These low class people want to brag about banging a gori memsahib housewife, all the time.’

‘But … but …’ I was still in shock, ‘It was our last week. He just wanted a farewell-‘

Too late, I remembered I just admitted the affair to him.

‘Now, now.’

Balachandraji put his arms around me and hugged me to him. He then squeezed against my body and I felt his hands groping my thighs.

‘Please, Balachandraji, please.’ I tried to wriggle out. ‘I have to go now.’

‘I am going to send this to everyone I know.’ He threatened me with a smile.

I tried begging, and then bargaining with him, and pleading with him, but he wouldn’t budge. He wanted to fuck me. It was then I remembered about your trip to Mumbai.

‘My husband is going to Mumbai for a few days.’ I told him, running to the door. ‘Maybe then.’

‘I will be at the airport!’ He called out, even as I ran away from the house.”

Vidya paused her story telling and looked at me.

“So now you know,” She said, “Why he was at the airport that day when I came to see you off.”

“What a bastard!” I exclaimed. “I thought he was there to meet a friend – or that’s what he said!”

“Well, yah.” Vidya laughed. “He was there to make sure I returned home with him after seeing you off!”

Vidya continued her story.

“I hugged you at the Departure Lounge, and Balchandraji was beside me, watching as I kissed you goodbye. As soon as you were out of sight, he turned to me. One look at his lust filled eyes, and I knew today was the day something would happen.

No sooner had you gone out of sight than he was by my side, his arm around my waist. ‘Hey, my beautiful bahu’, he said. ‘I finally have you all to myself. Your nikamma – useless – husband is gone.’

I couldn’t move. Balchandraji’s hand was caressing my bum, his fingers probing through the crack of my ass. We were still in the airport and any one could see us! I was being mauled right there in public.

‘I am going to strip you right here, bahu.’ He told me, his hands caressing my behind. ‘You are so beautiful, bahu.’

With great difficulty I managed to wrestle myself away from him. ‘Balchandraji’, I told him. ‘Please, let’s go home.’

We walked outside. I tried to walk a little front of Balchandraji, but he was quick, and he grabbed my butt again. I didn’t want to make a scene, so I had no choice but to let him grope me, right there, in public, as we waited at the taxi stand in the airport for a taxi. A couple of those construction workers saw me, and whistled, but Balchandraji wasn’t deterred. He kept kneading and pinching my bum.

“You have such a beautiful butt, bahu.” He kept telling me. “So round, so perfect. So pinchable! So spankable! Such nice mounds!”

Thankfully we didn’t have to wait too long for a taxi. It started to rain as well, so luckily there was a cover at the taxi stand and we didn’t get wet. The taxi driver was a young Sikh guy. As soon as we got into the taxi, Balchandraji wasted no time in assaulting me.

He squeezed himself against my body and started to grope my thighs. He ran his fingers on my legs and pressed in between the legs, and then wrapped his arms around me and kissed me full on the lips. I was trying to resist him but then with one of his hands he began to paw my breasts.

‘Balchandraji, please, not here! Let’s go home.’ I tried to beg him, but he wouldn’t listen. He kissed me at the nape of my neck and then pulled away the pallu of my sari. Quickly he unbuttoned two of the buttons on my blouse and buried his face between my breasts.”

Meanwhile I could see that the driver was astonished. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes on the road, and kept glancing at the rear view mirror, ogling my exposed cleavage. Meanwhile Balchandraji was like a man processed. He quickly unbuttoned the rest of the blouse, and the front fell open, exposing my bra. He reached inside and roughly grabbed my breast. In a shock I realized that one of my perfectly round breasts was now completely exposed out of the bra, flopping around for all to see. Balchandraji pinned my arms behind me and started to suck at my exposed tit. He was so strong that I couldn’t fight him.

‘Balchandraji!’ I pleaded. ‘Please stop. I promise you I will do what you want me to do once we get home. Please!’

Balchandraji decided either that was a good deal or he had mercy on me. He allowed me to cover up and once again be decent, but placed my hand on his crotch. I had to rub his pants and I felt his hardness. He was ready to have his way with me once we reached home, I realized. I mentally prepared myself to be ravaged by this man, and to my surprise, I found myself becoming wet at the thought. It’s been a while since someone had just used me as a piece of meat, I realized.

Somehow the driver managed to reach home without having an accident, as he was constantly trying to peek at what was happening in the rear seat, where I had to tolerate being groped, pawed, pinched and kissed by Balchandraji at his pleasure. Finally, the taxi stopped outside our house, and I got out. Balchandraji paid the driver and got out as well.

As soon as the taxi left, he turned to me. ‘Well, bahu,’ He told me, smacking me painfully across my bum, ‘Let’s go inside, shall we?’ I could only nod and open the door as he continued to squeeze and spank my buttocks. It was good that it was late at night, dark and raining, otherwise one of the neighbors would have surely seen something. I tried to open the door quickly, while knowing at the same time that as soon as the door would shut and we would be on the other side, I would be at his mercy. My body would be plundered by this old man.”

Once we were inside the house, I was fully expecting him to jump on me, but surprisingly Balchandraji had other plans. He told me to go to kitchen, and get a glass of milk and bring it to the bedroom. I didn’t understand why, but I nodded. He also told me once I was there, to sit and wait in bed for him. Just grateful that I wasn’t being sexually assaulted immediately, I agreed and went to the kitchen.

Just then it hit me. This was like a suhaag raat, when the first time an Indian couple has sex after marriage, along with the ceremonial glass of milk. Balchandraji wanted to treat me as a husband going to his wife for the first time. It didn’t matter that I was already married to you.

I did as he asked. I was sitting on the bed, with the anchal of my sari over my head, waiting like a shy Indian wife for my husband. The glass of milk was beside me on the bedside table. Balchandraji entered the room and gave a low whistle.

‘Oh, my bahu!’ He gushed. ‘My bahu is ready for me on my bed!’ His voice was full of lust and he was barely controlling himself from jumping on to the bed. He walked around and took a few sips from the glass of milk.

‘You are no longer my neighbor.’ He told me. ‘From now on you are my unofficial biwi – my wife. When Rajesh is here, you will be his biwi. But when he is away, you are my biwi. You will serve two men as wife, Vidya. You are a randi, a slut and this is what you are good for.’ His words were having an effect on me. Already I knew I was wet from his assault on me in the taxi, now he was almost making me cum already by his words.

He jumped into bed and lifted the anchal that I was using as a veil, and started to kiss me. He treated me a little roughly, unlike the careful and deferential way you treat me, Rajesh. He was sucking on my tongue, and biting me on the lips. Despite my initial reluctance, I could slowly feel my resistance crumbled. No one had kissed me like that in a while, Rajesh. I am sorry, but sometimes, a woman needs to be taken a little roughly. Balchandraji was an expert kisser. He knew when to probe and when to sit back. Besides, he kept his hands busy, mauling my breasts or pinching my bottom or rubbing me in between my thighs. I didn’t know what move to expect from him and started to enjoy being kissed like that.

Then he started to strip me. I tried to slow him down, as this would be the first time I would be naked in front of another man other than my husband in a long while, but Balchandraji had his way with me. He pulled away the pallu of my sari and pretty soon my sari lay crumpled on the floor. He then pulled the string on my blouse, unbuttoned it from the front and told me to raise my arms. I tried being a little coy, and shook my head. Before I knew it, he raised a hand and slapped me.

My cheeks were stinging as I looked at him, surprised. He slapped me again.

Then, very calmly, Balchandraji told me, ‘Bahu, I don’t want to slap you one more time.’ I immediately raised my arms. Balchandraji grinned and told me as he took off my blouse, ‘Now that’s a good Indian wife. Listening to her husband. Bahu, trust me, once I fuck you one time, you will become my sex slave. You will forget Rajesh completely.’ I nodded again. I didn’t want to be slapped again. I wanted to be fucked.

I was also eager to see if he would back up his boast.

Balchandraji undid my bra. My breasts leapt out, freed from the constraints of clothing. They were big, they were bouncy, and they were free for another man to ravage them, and ravage them he did. My nipples were pinched, pulled, sucked on and kissed in quick succession, and I could see Balchandraji knew what he was doing. He made my nipples erect and pointed in no time. You see, Rajesh, you hardly pay attention to my boobs when you are humping me. You mostly think your job is done when you finger or lick me to an orgasm, so my boobs haven’t been paid attention like that in a while. Right now, at that moment, my breasts were in love with Balchandraji.

Balchandraji then turned his attention to my bottoms. My petticoat and panty were ripped out in no time. I lay on the bed like a newly wedded bride, except that I was stark naked save for my bangles, my mangalsutra and my payal. Balchandraji was still fully clothed. I suddenly felt shy, and tried to cover my cunt with my hands. That left my top half exposed, and Balchandraji took full advantage, playing with and pulling my breasts. I was now quite, quite wet, and dripping like a faucet.

Balchandraji now stripped off his clothes. He was fast and smooth, and barely took any time. He had kept in shape, darling, unlike you, and his muscles were ripped. Even at his age I am sure he could take you on and barely break a sweat. I gasped as he then pulled down his pants and underwear, and his cock sprang out into view!

‘What do you think of your new husband’s lund, bahu?’ He laughed. ‘Is it not a beautiful cock?’

It was large, much larger than you Rajesh, of course, and almost, but not quite, as large as Ramu. I stared at it, amazed.

‘You are much bigger than Rajesh,’ I then told him.

Balchandraji laughed and said he would do things to me that you never will be able to, and I will be doing things to him that I never did for you. And he was right, honey, he was right!

Balchandraji now moved and started to slide his naked body all over my naked body. My hands still protected my womenhood, so he told me to move them. I played a little coy, and shook my head. ‘I will slap you again, bahu.’ He told me in a calm voice. I still shook my head.

Next thing I feel is a sharp whack on my cheek. Balchandraji had slapped me, again! Before I could even process the stinging pain on my left cheek, I felt another blow on my right! He had slapped me one more time! For the first time in a long while, another man was treating me so roughly, almost like a whore! I didn’t want to, but my body betrayed me. I started to cum again. I hadn’t been slapped like that since Ramu, my dear. Ramu used to be quite rough with me. The difference was that Ramu was always rough with me, whereas Balchandraji was rough if I didn’t obey him. So immediately I parted my hands and let him take a good look at my cunt.

Balchandraji smiled. ‘That’s like a good Indian bahu, my randi. I don’t want to slap you but I will if I need to. Understand?’ I merely nodded, lost in my passions.

We were now grinding against each other, and I was in his arms. He was kissing me all over, and my hands were busy rubbing and stroking his manhood. He was calling me names like kuttiya, bitch, slut and saali. He kept describing me as a maal, an ‘item’. He slapped my cheeks a few more times and told me I was a slut because I liked that. He was right! And then, he rubbed his now erect and monstrous cock over my naked clit, grabbed my hair in one hand, while his other hand grabbed my bum. ‘I’m going to enter you now, saali.’ He told me. He then positioned his cock, and rammed it into my pussy!

He fucked me long and hard, darling. Have you ever seen two dogs going at it, Rajesh? How frenetic and fervent they are? That’s what we were. Two dogs furiously humping each other.

There I was, lying on my marital bed, my clothes strewn all over the room, while my husband’s next door neighbor was fucking me deep! It had been his fantasy of having a ‘suhaag raat’ with me for a long while, and now that it was happening, Balchandraji was taking his time giving me a proper fuck.

I wanted to fight it. I really did. I knew if I let this rough, brutal, crude man bring me to an orgasm once he started fucking me, then I will be his slut. I would become his sex slave. I had flirted with him and had challenged him, and now I was regretting it. I was actually succumbing to him. If I became his sexual concubine, I feared I would both loathe and love the depraved things he would make me do.”

Vidya paused for a minute, her eyes vivid as she recollected the event.

“But it was too much. His huge cock was already pounding my stretched out pussy. It’s been a while since Ramu, and you, my dear, well … let’s just say you haven’t touched me in places this man was now touching me. I was ashamed, yet I was hungry. He was ordering me to cum and I couldn’t take it anymore. I started to sob with shame as my body began to convulse with an orgasm.

It was the moment I surrendered to him. The temptation of a huge cock was too much and I started to cum. Again. And how could I describe my feelings?! It was incredible as months of pent up frustration were blown away by the first powerful orgasm ripping through my body in weeks. And he was just starting. My married pussy was his now.

I must have cum at least three times before Balchandraji himself came. All the while his mouth chewed on my lips, his tongue probed deep into my mouth, and he kissed and licked every naked part on my body leaving a slimy residue of his spit all over me. And then his body started to buckle. I knew he was going to cum, so I held him tight. He never even asked me if I wanted to use a condom. He KNEW I wanted him to fill me up!

Balchandraji exploded inside me, grunting and pushing his cock even deeper into my pussy as his hips buckled, and he pumped and pumped and pumped into me. I held him against my body for a whole until I could feel his manhood slowly become soft inside me. But somehow I felt he wasn’t done for the night and I was right!”

Vidya paused for a minute, recollecting her thoughts. My penis was now painfully hard, so Vidya stopped stroking it. She ran her hand through her hair a few times before continuing her story.

“After he had cum into me, Balchandraji immediately sat up. I looked at him in surprise. I thought, for an older guy, he was done. I was wrong. He then dragged me by the hair. There were no pleasantries – he was now treating me as a whore. And I was letting him.

I had just been fucked, and fucked well, so I was still in a bit of a daze. Balchandraji gave me a couple of quick, sharp slaps that immediately made me focus. He then pulled me by the hair and placed my mouth right above his now slimy and wet penis, glistening with both of our love juices. Without a word I swallowed his penis and began sucking it. I held the base of his cock and sucked and licked his penis, while my other hand rubbed his hairy balls. I took a momentary pause and even licked his balls and the skin between his legs. Balchandraji was now lying on his back on the bed, nonchalantly watching as I licked him back to another erection.

I thought he wanted a blowjob so I was prepared for it, but Balchandraji had other ideas. When he felt ready, he clutched my bum and turned it towards him. He pushed me into a doggy position on the bed and got into place behind me, ready to ravage my butt this time. He started to spank my bum. At this point it was paining and I was sobbing but he didn’t pay me any attention. He spanked my ass until I was crying loudly and my bum was stinging, and then he spat on his hands and rubbed me around my asshole. Holding my narrow waist with his hands, he positioned his penis at my butthole and in one quick motion, thrust deep inside my rectum.

I started to scream as agonizing pain shot through my anus but Balchandraji continued to fuck me in the ass until he couldn’t take it anymore. For the second time he shot his load deep inside me. The bed was now a mess, and I was a mess. As we both lay there, panting, trying to catch up on our breath after this passionate sex, sperm leaked out from me, from both of my holes, down my legs and onto the bed. Everything was wet, and icky. I lay there, ashamed of my surrender, and tears in my eyes. Balchandraji then told me to hug him and snuggle against him, which I did. He was sweating all over too. We hugged as he groped my naked tits for a while. Sleep eventually came to us since we were so tired out.”

That did it. As Vidya finished her story of her first night with Balachandra, the image of this older man abusing and near raping my wife was too much for me. I could not control myself any longer. My dick burst, and I started to cum.

“Oh dear.” Vidya grinned. “Looks like you won’t be fucking your wife tonight after all. I was going to ask you if you minded me having an affair, but looks like you are all excited, little boy. Well, it’s a good thing for you I am not having an affair any more, isn’t it, darling?”

“Yes, dear.” I miserably finished my ejaculation. “I am sorry, dear.”

“Well, I might still let you eat me out, later.” My wife told me. “When it comes to your tongue, my little cuck, size doesn’t matter after all.”

Vidya then began to lick my penis and slurp at the cum. She flicked her tongue and started to clean up all the mess I had made. After some time, she looked at me.

“Do you want me to continue, darling?”

“Yes, dear.” I said.

“Balachandraji was to fuck me just that one time. And then he was supposed to give me the video. But he didn’t, and I never asked for it either. He still has the video! He just continued to fuck me ever since. Oh, his strong body! His powerful muscles! His firm buttocks! And oh, his big penis! How could I saw no to that!

The next morning, after our first night – our suhaag raat – if you will, I woke up first. I looked at the naked man lying next to me, and I burst into tears.

I don’t know why I was crying, but it woke Balachandraji up. And he ran his hand through my hair and made some comforting sounds.

‘Balachandraji,’ I begged him, ‘I have slept with you, let you fuck me as you desired. Please don’t send the video out to people I know. I will be ruined.’

‘There, there, bahu.’ He hugged me. I could feel his pecker slowly start to rise. ‘Bahu, it is now my turn to give you some pleasure.’

I looked at him, puzzled. He then swiftly moved his head down to my nether regions.

‘AAAH!’ I cried out as his mouth latched on to my pussy.

It was utter bliss. Balachandraji was using his hand, and his mouth, alternatingly to awaken my hunger. And it worked! Every flick of his tongue sent waves of pleasure through my body, and every probe of his fingers made my back arch and toes curl. I was now screeching and moaning, and taking his name.


He then raised his head and slowly started to move up, kissing my ankles, thighs and then belly.

As he sucked on my nipples, I wrapped my legs around him, rolled up over him and straddled him. I was completely lost. I kissed him on his mouth.

‘Bahu, open your mouth.’ He told me.

He then spat into my open mouth!

We smooched, transferring the spit between each other’s mouths. His hands were now groping and squeezing my tits. His penis was now rubbing my clit. I reached back, held his cock and lowered myself on to it.

“OOOH Bahu! You are so wet!’ His cock slipped easily into my well lubricated vagina.

It was so naughty. He was my neighbor. He was older than me. He called me bahu. He knew I was married. And yet, he was fucking me. It was just ‘sex’ to him, but he kept calling me his ‘unofficial biwi’.”

Vidya looked at me and my cock. It was semi hard, which was unusual as I had just cum some time ago.

“Just sex to him.” I repeated. “And to you?”

“The same.” Vidya replied, and then grinned. “OK, well, it was multiple orgasms, scream at the top of my lungs sex, but still … just sex. He has been fucking me ever since. Nowadays it’s mostly two to three times a week, in the afternoons. Um, darling, you are not mad, are you?”

“Er … no, dear.” I honestly admitted. “I told you to have an affair. But I am curious – why is your affair over?”

“Well, it’s not like .. over over .. but he has to go to his son’s place in New Delhi for a while. So last week we decided to call it quits. If it’s not over, at least it’s on a hold now.”

* * *

I watched as Viyda exited the room. We were at Balachandra’s for the cricket game. There were a few guys, and everyone’s attention was riveted on the cricket game. Only I had shown up with my wife – the other wives were coming later.

Balachandra had just excused himself, saying he had to go to the washroom upstairs. No one paid any heed; chips and drinks were on the table. After some time, I watched out of the corner of my eye as Vidya also excused herself and went upstairs. No one cared about her either. Everyone was following the game.

I got up and decided to follow her. I bolted out of the sofa, out of the room where everyone was cheering for India, and then tiptoed into the hallway. I climbed up the stairs.

I could see her now, walking down the hall upstairs to the bedroom door. She did not look back or anywhere else, but just kept walking straight ahead. Clearly she was in a hurry. My wife then knocked gently on the door.

“Come in.” Balchandra spoke. It was a soft noise, just loud enough to be audible to whoever was outside the door. It was clear that he was expecting her. I thought the affair was over?

Vidya opened the door and let herself in.

“Rajesh is downstairs?” I heard him ask.

“Yes,” Vidya said. “Please be quick. I will have to get back to the guys quickly though, lest people start wondering. And you said our affair was over.”

“One last time.” Balachandra said.

Suddenly the door to the room was shut.

For a moment I was stumped. I didn’t know what to do. I was also disquieted by the calm manner in which she walked into his room, and the fact that he was awaiting her. Clearly, the affair wasn’t quite over.

I walked over to the bedroom. There was of course no key in the key hole. I knelt down and tried to peer in, but it was too dark inside to see what was going on. However, I could listen. I placed my ear on the keyhole.

I heard Balchandra and Vidya talk. They were whispering something, and then there was silence.


The sudden loud moaning of Vidya almost jolted me. I could hear a rustle now. They were on the bed, kissing and cuddling. And Vidya was moaning, softly.

“OH YES! Balchandraji, oh YES!”

“You love having your nipples touched like that, don’t you, bahu?”

“OH YES, Balchandraji. YES!”

“Let me take off this sari from you, bahu.”

I heard more noises, and then another silence. I could only imagine that they were now in bed, making out. I could hear the soft squeak of the old bed as the bodies moved around.

“I missed your kisses, Balchandraji.” I heard Vidya say. “You are the best kisser I have kissed.”

“What about your husband, bahu?” I heard Balachandra say in a mocking tone.

“Oh him!” Vidya laughed. My humiliation deepened as her lover joined in her laughter. I could hear some deep smooching sounds. No doubt they were now sharing a very passionate kiss. My host was kissing my wife in his own house, and I was just standing there.

Vidya soon let out another deep sigh, and before long I was listening to her moans every few minutes.

“OH YES! Like that! Eat me! Oh yes! Oh, Balchandraji, I love you! I love you! I love you!”

That was Vidya. I now knew she was being eaten between her thighs. I felt shocked. I would never have pictured this gentlemanly old man to be one who would be open to going down on a woman. And my wife was not only loving it, she just professed her love for him.

For some time I could only hear my wife moaning as she was loving whatever her lover was doing to her. Not for the first time in my life I felt that feeling of arousal as I heard my wife’s erotic faint cries.

Suddenly her moans stopped. There was another sharp series of rustles and whimpers and thuds. From the noises, I could imagine that both of them now were stark naked. I knew it wouldn’t be long now before he was going to enter her.

“Oh, Balchandraji, I love you!”

A warm humiliation came over me as I heard the first of the proper squeaking of the bed springs. I could hear the rhythmic creaking of the bed frame and I had no doubt now that she was being taken. I was certainly a great guest. My host now had his manhood buried deep into my dear wife Vidya.

“OH FUCK YES! OH FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” Vidya now began screaming in earnest as she received his thrusts. From the sounds of the bed I could only imagine her impaled on his cock.



I then heard a couple of sounds that could only be slaps. Balchandra was once again slapping her! My wife was being slapped by another man while I was in the house!

“You are a very naughty woman, bahu.” I heard Balchandra say as he slapped her. “Your husband is in the same house and you are in the arms of another man.”

“Oh, yes, Balchandraji, I am a naughty woman. Please punish me.”


I could have gone in and stopped him from slapping her, but it was my wife who liked it rough.


The bed now began hitting the wall hard and the springs sounded as if they were going to break. The slapping had stopped, and all I could hear was the violent squeaking of the bed and the grunts of the lovers. Balchandra was giving it to her good, and Vidya was now screaming loudly.


Suddenly the squeaking stopped. I could hear a muffled groan, and then a small sighing sound from Vidya and a guttural grunt from Balchandra. I knew he was now cumming into her. He had his pecker buried deep in my wife, and he was ejaculating his sperm into her unprotected womb.

I quietly made my way back to the living room. It had been almost twenty minutes since she had entered his room. This old man Balchandra had been fucking my wife for almost twenty minutes before emptying his balls into her.

No one missed us. Vidya soon walked back into the room.

Our eyes met.

She was sweaty, and glowing. Her hair was hastily brushed, but some parts of it was plastered to her face. Her chest was heaving and I could see her nipples erect. Was it just me, or I could smell the scent of a freshly fucked woman on her?

She just mouthed something.

“I love you.”

I know darling. I love you too. You are the best wife anyone could have.

India was by then losing the game due to their reckless tactics. I wondered if I was losing my wife due to our reckless marriage.

Continue Indian wife’s old lover the milkman returns, with friends

Added by spankedboy

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