Their lights went out at about eleven thirty and I forced myself to wait until midnight before going to their room. Mother was sitting up as usual, as though waiting for me. Her face lit up in a smile when she saw me. Without saying a word she held out her arms to me and we held each other tightly, rubbing each other’s backs again. I let my erection press against her this time and when she felt it she smiled up at me. I was ecstatic. Looking down at her I could see through blouse her cleavage pressed against my stomach.
Mother smiled as I looked at it. She back away slightly and took my hands and put them on her breasts. I was in heaven. My mother herself put my hand on her breast. I was unsure what to do so I brushed her stiff nipples with my palms. She didn’t let me touch them for long though. She pulled them away then stroked my face and kissed me again. I left to go back to bed but decided to show mother the effect she had on me. I deliberately and noisily went to the toilet and then proceeded to toss myself off. After I came I suddenly felt horribly ashamed of myself, knowing that Mother knew what I was doing in there. I crept back to bed silently and slept fitfully.
The next morning in the kitchen I watched my Mother as she moved around the room. The sari she wore was tight around her buttock. Pallu of her sari was between her two breasts exposing their shape through her blouse. By the time I had finished my breakfast Father had left. I took the empty plate to the sink where she was busy washing up. I was curious to know if she would say anything about the night before. When I stood behind her, so close that her Sari was brushing me. She neither turned round nor said anything.
I did not know what to say either so I placed my hands on mother’s hips to see if that would get a reaction, but she simply carried on washing up. I slid them round onto her stomach; still no response. I insert my finger in her navel and move it in circling motions. Slowly, expecting her to stop me any moment, I moved my hands up onto her breasts. My heart pounding madly as I gradually took their weight in my hands, lifting them slightly through blouse. She wasn’t wearing bra but I could firmness yet softness of her breast.
Mother had stopped washing the dishes and was now motionless as I held her tits. I felt her nipples harden and I teased them with my fingers. She wasn’t stopping me and I wondered how far I could go. I pushed against her. She must have been able to feel my erection as I could feel her ass move against it. Finally, reluctantly she pushed me away from her. Then I went off to get my things ready for college. As soon as I was out of the door mother came and said mischievously,
‘You are getting too naughty, Raja. How could you dare to do what you did with your old mother? Don’t ever do it again or I shall have to spank you!”
Despite of her threaten I could sense that she was teasing me. I decided to tease back. I placed my legs inside the door so she couldn’t close it quickly and said her,