Indian Mom: The Lesson

Indian Mom: The Lesson, Indian incest stories.. It had been three months since that erotic incident where my maid had helped satisfy mother’s longing desire ( Indian Mom: Mother and son develop a relationship). We never got a chance to discuss the incident due to my exams. It was another weekend, when I found mother in her blouse and petticoat before the mirror.

She glanced back with a smile, catching me staring at her curvy behind.

“Can’t take your eyes of my butt?” she said playfully.

“Nooooo!!!” I replied red faced in defense.

“I don’t know what the deal with my butt is, but people seem to be infatuated with it. “She proudly said running her hands over her buttocks.

I could feel my manhood strain against the thin material of my PJ’s, the sight of her hands tracing her rear combined with her remarks was extremely arousing.

“They are really soft you know!” she teased as she squeezed them in her hands.

“Want to feel them?” she playfully asked smiling wickedly.

“Yesss….” I half choked out, as my hand stretched out to touch them.

I had never touched her this intimately before. She playfully wriggled her buttocks allowing me a few minutes of pure ecstasy.

“Enjoying yourself?” she said with a wicked smile and a twinkle in her eye.

I grinned and said “They are indeed soft, but extremely firm!”

“You think so? “she asked, trying to glance at the image of her butt in the mirror, making no attempt to remove my hands.

Glancing at the clock she exclaimed “Oh no it’s getting late I need to hurry for my bath”

So saying she began to undo the string of her petticoat. She shamelessly dropped her petticoat exposing her naked buttocks to me. I was still sinking in their beauty when her blouse came off in rapid succession. She turned to check her figure in the mirror and noticed me staring at her naked body.

“Your shameless! Would you like it, if I stared when you undress? ” she chided.

“May be!” I cheekily replied.

Mother played along saying “Oh yeah, then I dare you to undress right now!”

Without much thought, I jumped at the challenge pulling my t-shirt over my head and dropping my pants along with my underwear to the floor, before stepping out of them. I could feel my flaccid penis rapidly growing. Mother instantly lowered her gaze to my crotch as my penis stood erect slightly exposing my pee slit through the opening of my foreskin.

“Somebody is feeling horny!” she giggled. I blushed and said “That’s what a beautiful woman like you, can do to a man!”

“Are you trying to flirt with me ” she laughed.

“No I really mean it Amma” I said moving closer to her I gave her a quick peck on her cheek. Taking my chin in her hand she bent my head, returned a peck on my forehead. Her sudden action forced my hand out and I felt her bare midriff against my palm. The skin on her tummy was supple and I made no extra effort to remove it from her belly. Instead I found myself caressing her belly, to which she didn’t react.

It was immensely arousing to be naked with mother. Getting no resistance I got bolder and brought my hand just under her right breast. She had sensed my longing to touch her breasts, but knew I wouldn’t do so without her prodding. She enjoyed being in control and spared no opportunity to tease me.

“Getting bold are we?” she said teasingly.

“You want to feel them, don’t you?” she giggled.

Grinning, I nodded.

“Ok just this one time for curiosities sake” she said knowing full well, she wanted it just as much.

I cupped her huge breasts, gently lifting them and feeling their weight. She moaned softly, as I touched her erect nipples letting my fingers circle her brown areolas. Soon I was pinching and pulling at her nipples. I guess women have a high tolerance of pain and I allowed myself to get pretty rough with her breasts. Mother just stood there amused, looking at me satisfy my curiosity.

“Relax sweetie! You can play as much as you want with them! There’s no rush!” mother laughed at my eagerness.

Her nipples stuck out like little thumbs and her puckered areolas were now smooth. I looked at her before bringing my mouth on her nipple. She let a slight moan as I violently sucked the nipple into my mouth.

“Aaaaiiiiiiii!!!!” she gasped, biting her lower lip, with her eyes shut tightly. I bit on the nipple, then sucked and gorged myself with as much of her breast as possible.

Having satisfied my curiosity with her breasts, I shifted my attention to her pubic region. Unhurriedly I ran my hands down her tummy, briefly pausing to feel her navel until. As my hands slid further down, I could feel the top of her pubic hair. I searched her eyes in approval, before proceeding.

“You aren’t going any lower are you?” she asked bashfully.

“Can I?” I asked cunningly.

“Your incorrigible you know” she said.

“Jesus!” she gasped, as my fingers found clit, through her thick pubic hair.

As I continued tracing her labial lips, I could feel the wetness of her vagina.

“Okay hurry up!” she demanded.

“Ooooo” she moaned as I managed to slip a finger inside her vagina.

“Amma can we make love?” I asked boldly.

With a concerned look on her face she took hold of my erection in her delicate hands and said “I know your curious, excited and horny allowing you to explore is one thing but intercourse is much more of an emotional thing for me. I need to think about having you inside me “.

Seeing the disappointment in my face she said “But look I have something in mind that is just as pleasurable.”

My heart skipped a beat when she cheerfully said “You can stick it in-between my butt cheeks, but no penetrating, I’m sure it’s the same as being in a vagina if not better.”

She gently stroked my erection, as she waited for my reaction. I nodded without much thought. I didn’t want to dispute whatever little I was getting .

She then took some a bottle of oil and applied it to my penis, when she was done she asked me to apply some around her butt. I explored all her holes, slipping a finger in, as I massaged her fleshy buttocks.

“Chee!! Your dirty, inserting a finger in my bum.” she said as she secretly enjoying my probing fingers in denial.

My erection brushed against her voluptuous behind as she turned round. With her back facing me she parted her butt cheeks and bent forward slightly.

Looking back with her big eyes she said “Okay come closer and place your penis between my butt cheeks, you can let the tip rest against my anus.”

Pealing back my foreskin, I guided my penis in between her spread butt cheeks bringing the bare tip of my penis in contact with her anal opening. Her butt cheeks engulfed my erect manhood as she let go of her cheeks.

“Sonu it’s so warm, Stay still! Don’t move as yet.” she whimpered enjoying my erection press against an intimate part of her body.

Raising her hands to her hips she began gently swaying her hips from side to side. I could feel my orgasm starting to build up.

“This is how it feels when you’re inside a woman” she said with a smile looking at my controlled expression in the mirror.

She had brought her hands up to her breasts cupping them as she clenched and released her butt cheeks in rapid successions making my orgasm nearer.

“This is how it would feel when the woman is having an orgasm” she said pinching her erect nipples.

She hadn’t judged my sensitivity and tightly clenched her butt cheeks around my erection.

“Does it feel good between mommies bum?” she playfully giggled

“Yessss!” I managed to gasp.

I could bare it no longer feeling the urgent need to cum I involuntarily thrust forward into her buttocks. The well oiled head of my penis easily finding her anal opening.

” Nooo! Ahhhh! Ouch! “she screamed as she bit her lips.

” Sonu, I’m not ready Ahhhh!” she screamed out as I felt my penis enter her tight hole.

“Amma I’m coming Ahhhh! Please!” I begged.

“Slowly!” she hissed, in her rather reluctant consent.

It was more pain than pleasure she felt, but she managed to control her anguish in order to allow me my pleasure. I felt her anus relaxing as my erection eased into her.

“Ohhh my …!” she exclaimed squirming her buttocks and thighs to assist my entry.

Her eyes were shut, her head thrown back on my shoulder as my orgasm exploded inside her sweet bum. I could smell her shampoo as I whispered into her ears “Amma I’m coming!”

She nodded in acknowledgement, her eyes still closed as she felt my pulsating penis pump wades of semen deep into her bowls. Her bangles clanked, as she through her hands back over her head around my neck . When I was fully spent, I stood motionless for a moment, giving her time to recover from the painful ordeal. My hands were gently caressing her sides, tracing the slopes and curves of her voluptuous body.

“God that hurt Sonu!” she cried out, feeling the last of my semen being pumped into her.

“I’m sorry Amma” I said.

With motherly tenderness she said “It’s okay sweetie, I should have anticipated your eagerness, I can handle a little pain. ”

“Oh Amma it felt so good to come inside you!!” I said.

“It’s getting late Sonu, I better go have my bath!!” she gleamed, knowing the full extent of pleasure she had just given me.

Still inside her I could feel my penis going soft. She slowly broke my embrace pulling her butt away from my groin, as I felt my rather limp penis stretch as it slid out of her anus

“Ouch!!!” she gasped as the thick knob of my penis left her delicate opening.

She left for the bath with her hand shamelessly in between her buttocks trying to massage her sore opening.

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