Mom camping with son

Sex stories, incest, Mom and son drunk in camping.. Paul stuffed the last of the camping gear into the back of the little blue Volvo. He wasn’t particularly looking forward to this holiday weekend anymore. It had started off as a grand multi-family adventure, with their all of their neighbors and friends going along, but … Read more

Mom lets Son try Anal

Sex stories, Incest, mom and son try anal, in the morning I woke feeling a slight pressure on my dick. I reach down to see what is making my dick turn so hard. I feel hair covering my dick as I try to focus. Mom is giving me one hell of a blow job and started … Read more

A daughter introduces her mother to the swinging lifestyle

This is my recount of a real life experience that occurred several years ago in Denver, CO at a hotel named Mon Chalet. The hotel have 25 or so rooms and caters to swingers and others who have are interested in a sexually open lifestyle. Normally, you must have a room to be there; however, … Read more

It’s a son’s job to make his mother happy

Sex stories, incest, mom and son, it’s a son’s job to make his mother happy, at how sexy she looked! And at the fact that I was finding her sexy! Friday Night: 22:41 PM Weary from a two hour study session, I rubbed my eyes and stretched my back with a yawn. My head spun … Read more

Now and then love between mother and son

He rolled over and slowly opened his eyes. Immediately Richie closed them, shielding himself from the sunlight which was streaming through the thin part between his bedroom window curtains. It was a narrow stream of light but enough to make the sandy-haired, naked 20-year old decide that he needed to get up. Opening his eyes … Read more

A Present for Mama, Much fun when our mother joins in our raunchy joke

My brother Sal and I were getting ready to watch a daytime baseball game the weekend before Mothers’ Day. During the pre-game show, they ran a promo for a rerun of SVU with one of their off-beat paternity cases. I don’t remember what they said in the promo, but it jogged Sal’s memory. “Did you hear about … Read more

Story of an Indian family

Aarav was delighted to see the color TV his father bought, it was the first color TV in his village and he wouldn’t get tired of boasting about it to his friends. Aarav was a little immature for an 18 yr old and his physique didn’t helped either anyone would easily mistake him for 15 … Read more

Mother grooms her son through his fetish for her lingerie

Sigmund Freud is a name I know, but I’ve never actually read any of his work. Although I am aware he proposed what he called the Oedipus complex. It seems he came up with a theory that all small boys select their mother as their primary object of desire! He also believed that this occurs … Read more

After mom comes her seductive busty sister

It was a big family gathering. Each year, our extended family would meet at a ski resort for rest and relaxation. There were always laughs and cheers since most of us lived far apart and we rarely got to see each other except for the holidays. I still lived with my mom while I went … Read more

A naturist mother and her naked son at a private beach

Incest, Mom and son, A naturist mother and her naked son at a private beach She believed in things being natural, as it was in nature; but, was what they did at their secret beach a natural sort of activity between a mother and her son? It was one of those days where the air was … Read more

More than Just Mother and Son, He did mom’s lez lover too! (True Story)

True Story More than Just Mother and Son, He did mom’s lez lover too, I have one child (Robert) and I have been given my ‘Freedom Papers’ recently from my ex-hubby. I work as a stripper and do erotic posing for a couple of photographers, including my best friend and lover, Karen. I know that sounds kinky, … Read more

Erotic story leads to erotic encounters

Erotic story leads to erotic encounters, I shifted from foot to foot, uncomfortably watching as my sister, Shelly read. She kept shaking her head and occasionally grunting in disgust. I resisted the urge to question her, to defend my statements as she made her way through the pages. Finally she finished the last page and slid … Read more

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