Incest stories – The first steps that altered the bond of mother and son

I stuck my index finger in the fold of the robe that was already slightly open and tugged gently to expose more of her cleavage. It looked like she was bra-less the way her breast were slightly dangling towards her left side. Once I got the robe open a bit more, I noticed I was wrong in my assumption that she was bra-less. It was a plain all black bra with no special markings, but the size of the tits they contained were big enough to make the bra seem sexy. I kept glancing back up to her eyes after every 5 seconds to see if she had any response. For the first time ever, I was happy that she snored a little as it would alert me that danger was coming if I heard any change.

My cock was throbbing the entire time and I decided that I should rub one out since I was already going this far. I chose to only rub my cock through my pants in case she woke up. I wouldn’t have to do any strange movements to alert her to what I was doing. Focusing my attention on her robe, I had almost completely exposed her left breast and I was rubbing myself furiously as it took longer to get off this way. Once her left breast was completely out I was in awe at how huge just one of her tits were. Her chest would rise ever so slightly with every breath she took. She looked like she popped straight out of a porn magazine. As I stated previously, this may not seem like a big deal, but to me it was. She never exposed her cleavage at anytime, especially around me as she had a fashion style that was….. motherly I guess. Choosing to avoid anything hugging her curves or showing much skin. The most I had seen was her in a bra when i came out my room early one morning and she was ironing her shirt with her bedroom door still open. I was young then and that stored image has faded to nothing as the years passed. After spending what felt like an half an hour staring at her left breast, I then took my hand and attempted to reveal her right breast. As I dug my finger under the fold of the robe, I noticed a key portion was lodged under her arm and would need a considerable amount of strength to pull it loose. I took a break from rubbing myself and peeked back at her eyes to make sure we were still good. She was still snoring away looking as calm as ever. I used both hands this time to perform the delicate surgery and it was a success. Both breast sat exposed in front of me and my jaw fell wide open. Such an amazing rack that most men will only see through a screen.

I resumed rubbing my cock through my pants with a accomplished feeling lingering over me. Smelling her sweet aroma as i watch her breast move up and down with every breath was more than enough to quicken my eruption. Feeling the tingle start to rise from the base of my cock, I knelt in a better position to release my seed. It was then that I was alerted that I didn’t hear her snoring anymore. Complete terror filled my body as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and my nose cleared itself. I stopped rubbing and looked at her eyes as fast as I could to see what was going on. To my utterly shocking surprise, she was staring me right in my face with a glare that meant she means business. She had awakened when I revealed her right breast but chose to lay motionless to see what I was up to. My soul had already left my body at this point and before i could say anything, she pushed me away from her with so much force that I went backwards faster than I could control. I slammed into the lazy-boy chair that sat off to the right of the loveseat. Riddled with goosebumps, I sat in disbelief as she jumped up yanking her robe back into place and gave me the meanest looking face I’ve ever seen her make.

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