Incest stories – The first steps that altered the bond of mother and son

Still left with a throbbing erection, I began to rub it gently with my left hand. The buildup that I had before had subsided and I was basically starting anew. Without even bothering with her usual clumsy excuse, she placed her legs back over my lap and mounted me facing the TV again. I adjusted my legs to make her properly sit in the middle, crushing my dick under her soft ass. I suddenly felt her hands on my knees and saw her bending forward. She pushed back into me with so much force that it actually readjusted my position on the loveseat. Her rocking was no longer subtle. It was deep intense strokes, milking my shaft from the base to the tip. The aroma coming off of her was intoxicating. Every whiff I got sent electricity straight to my cock. Since she was trying hard to make me cum this time, I didn’t hold back either. I started pumping into her with every push she did. Making sure I shoved as much of my length into her ass as I could. The excitement of the whole rocking motion and the added pressure from her pushing made it so that my seed didn’t have to wait long. The tingles soon gripped my balls and cock, forcing me to reach out and grab her hips to force her down harder on me. I noticed again how her shorts were absolutely drenched. She stopped rocking and sat still while I ground my dick against her ass viciously. After about five more strokes, I took one last one before I was overcome with electricity. I forced her down hard as my cock spurted my juice all over my shorts. I felt like I could shoot her off of me with how forceful the orgasm hit me. I was left twitching slightly trying to shake out the last bit of feeling, and she gave me one last gentle push before she just laid back against me.

I put my head off to the left and she laid her head on my right shoulder. I sat there breathing heavily for a few moments while I waited to come down. We sat like that for what felt like an eternity, but was only about five minutes. The movie was nearing its end, and so were we. During that whole bout, we never made much eye contact or spoke to each other about what we were doing. Everything was done without words. Since I had gone flaccid, I had stretched my right hand a bit and laid it on the pillow that she had used to lay on. I suddenly felt a cold liquid all over it. She had a small puddle on the pillow. How in the world was she leaking that much liquid. That was actually blowing my mind as this was the most I had ever seen. Not even in porn did they leak this much. As the movie played out its last scene, she slowly got up off of me and stood up. She stretched for a second and then scooped up her comforter and started walking towards the bedrooms. She didn’t turn to look at me once, but I eyed her the entire time. I couldn’t believe what had just happened, and I wasn’t about to say anything to ruin it.

I guess she was leaving the cleaning to me. I reached down to straighten my shorts and felt her warm, slimy liquid all over them. It made me smirk as I was the one who got her so wet. I clicked the lamp to my left on as I got up to turn the movie and the TV off. The ice cream sitting on the coffee table had an entire melted layer across the top coating everything. I grabbed it and hurried to the kitchen to put it in the freezer. Once I stepped back out the kitchen and made my way back to the living room, I could make out the smell in the room. It smelled like absolute sex. I straightened out the cushions on the loveseat and grabbed the big soaked pillow that was supposed to go on the couch. Before I left, I cracked open the living room window so that the smell could air out. I stuffed the pillow under my arms as I flicked the lamp off and headed to the hallway closet. I tossed it in the dirty clothes bin and shut the door. Heading to the rooms, I stopped in the hallway and stared at her door.

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