Incest Mom and son: A son makes a journey of discovery with his mother

“What’s it goanna be Mikey,” she whispers as I can tell by the tone in her voice that she wants me to take control of this moment.

“This is what you really want you want, isn’t it,” I say as I thrust myself as deep as I can as the look on her face instantly changes from one of taunting to a look I’ve seen in the videos of girls who were truly enjoying what was being done to them.

It’s as if my dick just slid inside a bowl of warm jello, and as I feel myself being squeezed in a way that I’ve been hoping for so long it’s the feeling of my hands sliding up and down her back knowing that she belongs to me is the only thought going through my head. Now I understand why so many guys obsess about pussy all the time, and I have a feeling that my life is never going to be the same after tonight. How can I ever go back to living the way I use too, and all those guys in prison would sell their soul for the chance to have their dick buried where mine is now.

“Am I tight enough,” she whispers as I suddenly feel her tongue licking the inside of my ear in a way that’s just pushing me even further past anything I could ever imagine.

I feel as though I’m paralyzed in not wanting to move and lose this sensation of how she’s gripping me, and even though I’ve seen hundreds of videos the truth is nothing could ever have prepared for the way my cock is being squeezed by her. But she’s pushing buttons inside me now that I never even knew existed, and even though Patty and Caroline kissed me and jerked me off they never kissed me the way she’s kissing me now. There’s just so much more to her than I realized, and as I feel her hips beginning to move I can tell she wants a lot more than to just lie here with my dick buried deep inside her.

me, fuck me hard,” she whispers in my ear as I feel myself starting to slide in and out of her as if my hips already know what they’re supposed to do.

This how they fuck in the videos, and as I slowly start to pump in and out of her it’s the low moans coming out of her mouth every time I bottom out that is just turning me on so much. That’s it you skinny bitch squeal just like a little girl as my cock threatens to rip you wide open, and as I slide my hands down to her ass and spread her cheeks open it’s as if I’m letting even more of that side of her that she’s kept hidden away from me come out. This has to be what I’ve read about the differences between passion and just hooking up is by the expression on her face, and no matter how much those girls in the videos tried to fake what they were feeling the truth is they were nowhere near the place she is now.

“I can’t believe how you’re stretching me,” she moans as she suddenly brings her mouth to mine and our tongues become intertwined in a way I just never thought they would ever be.

I don’t know why but I guess it just never occurred to me that once I slid inside her that the urge to kiss each other was just going to build until even that barrier had to come down too. It’s just adding an element that I was prepared for and the feeling I get in my thighs and balls right before I cum is already smothering me in a way that I know I’m powerless to fight once the process starts. I still can’t believe what she doing to me, and as my dick is ramming her faster and faster I just know there’s no way I’m going to keep going like this before I explode.

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