I Love My Mother, A son explains his relationship with his mother

“I was… nineteen. I had been injured playing football, broken collarbone. I was in excruciating pain. I was propped up on pillows in bed for a week, hardly able to move my upper body at all. I needed help with everything.”

He was staring at the wine glass in his hands, eyes unfocused, lost in his memory.

“I needed help in the bathroom. Mom was the only one home. She came in with me to help.” his brow furrowed slightly. “It was just a helping her son. After all, she’d changed my diapers.” he grinned, the became serious again.

“When she slid my sweat pants and underwear down, I became erect. She had seen me with an erection before, but this one… she was so close. I was suddenly embarrassed, didn’t know what she would think. I didn’t know what to do. It was … different.”

He stopped talking and looked at me, his eyes searching my face for a sign of understanding. I nodded, he swallowed, took a deep breath and started again…

“She noticed my erection of course and said it was okay, not to be embarrassed, that it was natural… and then…” he paused, ” She said if I was hurting, she could help me with that too.”

I sat in stunned silence, gripping my wine glass so hard I feared it would shatter. I was taken back, but also… aroused.

I adjusted the way I was sitting, tucking my feet under me.

He took a sip of wine, “She used her soft hands to pleasure me. It was like nothing I had ever felt before… wonderful, and natural, but at the same time, forbidden. I think that made it all the more exciting.”

He was smiling now, more relaxed since I had not been shocked or judgmental about his confession.

I was still unsure of exactly what my thoughts and feelings were about it, but I knew that this was something he was trusting me with, and I didn’t want to betray that trust.

I moved closer to him, placed my hand on his arm, “Please continue…”

“She took care of me that whole week. Until I was recovered enough to have some mobility and could fend for myself.”

“She pleasured you more than once?”

“Yes, several times.”

“It ended after that?” I asked.

“Yes… and no. It wasn’t until much later that we became… lovers.” he looked into my eyes again, expecting to see a sign of what I was thinking.

“Tell me everything Shaun… I want to hear it all. I want to understand.” What I didn’t have the courage to tell him yet, was that this was turning me on…

He continued, “I had moved to the city, several hours from where we lived. I wasn’t on my own for the first time, but I had lived with room mates before. It was the first time I had actually lived by myself. It had been a difficult adjustment, lonely. It was my birthday, and mom had come for a visit.”

I topped off our glasses, just out of the need for something to do. Nervous excitement now thrumming through my body in anticipation of the rest of his story.

“It was a typical visit at first. We spent the day shopping, she purchased some furnishings for my apartment. The new couch had been delivered, and we were sitting on it, talking about the usual stuff.”

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