I love my Job-2

I replied “if I get this job then I will simply do it”. He said “the next set of questions I am going to ask you are very personal. You can choose to not answer them. Okay”?

I calmly replied “fine go ahead and ask”. He asked “are you asexual”? I replied “no, why do I look like one”? He continued “how satisfied are you physically in your marriage”?

I replied “that is too personal a question so I refuse to answer”. He asked “do you enjoy sex”? While I was not expecting such personal and direct questions, I calmly replied “yes”.

Vikas asked “have you enjoyed sex outside your marriage”? I calmly replied “no”. He asked “will you consider it in the future”? I replied “I chose not to answer that”.

His next question stumped me, he asked “why Laila? Is it because you are not sure”? I firmly replied “that is a very personal question which I chose not to answer”.

He said “I am surprised that such a beautiful and sexy woman like you enjoys sex but does not look outside her marriage”. Trying to maintain my composure I asked “how is this even related to this job interview”?

Vikas said “fine, let me get straight to the point Laila. See my present assistant is forty years old with a nearly zero sex drive. When I make love to her if feels like I am fucking a lifeless doll”.

That broke all the suspense between us about what he was really looking for which was a personal assistant with whom he could also satisfy his sexual needs.

This was like the best part of this interview and exactly what I had come here prepared for. I so much wanted to jump on him right now but maintained my composure without showing my desperation.

He continued “I have offered a generous retirement package to my present assistant and am looking for her replacement. Are you ready to take up this role Laila”?

I asked “what about your wife Vikas? Won’t she have a problem if she finds out”? He calmly replied “see mine is an open marriage now. Except on our first night, she has not let me into her bed ever. So we both live our own separate lives”.

I remembered the experience I had with my hubby last night and Vikas was no different. Right now I could see a bright future ahead of me especially the sex but I did not want to give in to him so easily.

I was also not sure how to take this forward without coming across as a desperate or cheap woman. Vikas now came and sat on the edge of his desk very close to me while I was thinking.

I said “Vikas, thanks for being so honest and direct about everything. Just to make things very clear, I am not that kind of a woman and have never even thought about any such things outside my marriage”.

Vikas got up and took my purse and document folder from my hands and kept it on his desk. Then he held both my hands pulling me to my feet and took me to the sofa kept nearby.

I remained kind of frozen because when his hand held mine it kind of sent powerful pleasure shocks rippling thru my body. This was not the first time I was experiencing a male touch but Vikas’s touch was electrifying.

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