I have to take dad’s place

Hello Guys, I am Niyar Borah from Guwahati, Assam. I have completed my Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology and now working as an Electrical Engineer in a State Govt. Firm.
My family consists of my mom, Swapnalekha and myself. My father divorced my mom and married mom’s cousin sister when mom was pregnant with me. Mom has married my father against her parents wish. Till today mom has no connectivity with her parents. My mom loves me with no limit; she can do anything for me. She always asks me to study hard and be a successful man and be respectful to women unlike my father. I respect her as a mother, actually I worship her as goddess. I can’t repay her for sacrifices she has made for me. She always tells me that I resemble my father, I am too much similar in appearance with my father. Mom always calls me “Babu” but sometimes jokingly she calls me “hubby” then i used to call her Swapna in joke.
We live in a small house which my father had given to her. Till my completion of Engineering, Mom had to work in a private school as a Junior Teacher as she had completed her degree from correspondence. Dad used to send some money for us but my mother always refused to accept it. Mom tried her best to give me a better life.
After I got the job in AMTRON our life started to change. My salary is sufficient for our expanses and savings. I have brought a bike for me and used to drop her in school before my office. My mom always used to wear saree in school, in home she wears nighty only. I always used to drop her in hurry as i have to reach office in time. But one day I was not in hurry as my office was closed due to some strike, i dropped her and searched for some roadside shop to buy a packet of rajnigandha. Fortunately, I found one, shopkeeper was a elderly lady. A group of teenager was also present. One of the boy started to push me out saying some vulgar words. I pushed him aside and asked him.
Me: Hey bro, what’s the problem with you?
The Boy: Don’t you dare to call me, after what you have done to me.
I was shocked by his replay.
Me: Bro, you have any problem with me. I think we don’t know each other.
Another one pushed me and said
2nd Boy: You have stolen his Love. That beauty you are dropping these days, He loves her. She is so sexy. He is fond of her curvy figure.
Listening to his words i shouted at them “She is my mom, bastard. How dare you talk like it? I will kill you.” His word created a tsunami in my blood; i started to lose my temper. How dare they talk about my mother like that? Within a fraction of time i picked up a lathi and started to beat them. They also started to counter me and it became a mess. Police arrested all of us. Fortunately, SI was my friend father. He released me but told my mom about these.
Evening when i reach home from police station my mom opened the door. Her face was dull and eyes are swollen, it seems she has cried a lot. Her tears made me cry also, Tears rolled from both of our eyes. She hugged me very tightly and buried her face in my chest. Feeling the intenseness of emotion i picked up her in my arms and dropped her in my sofa. I wiped her tear and kissed her forehead.
Me: What mom? Why are you crying?
Mom: Why you have beaten them? If something happens to you…..who….whom will i live for? You are my only reason to live, babu. I can’t live without you.
She kissed me in chick and buried her face in my chest.
Me: Mom… They had talked so vulgar about you. How can i control about that. Are they disturbing you?
Mom looked in my eyes, our eyes meet.
Mom: Babu, Don’t you know your mom. Can I do that type of thing? I don’t want to know what they said about me. Just ignore them. I can’t lose you. Your father and you two are only men in my life. I already lost one…..I can’t lose you. Please, don’t leave me. You be happy and make me happy.
She again buried her face in my chest and said
Mom: If you want I will resign from job. I can do anything to make you happy. This woman can die for you. She kissed my chest.
I hold her face in my palm and wiped her tears
Me: No mom… You are not women. You are goddess. You are angel in my life. You don’t have to do anything. You already have done a lot for me. You sacrificed your whole life for me. Now stop crying and be happy.
I kissed her chick, she smiled and wiped her tears.
Mom: You sit, I will make tea for you.
I switched on the TV and started sports channel and waited for the tea.
Next Morning, I was ready for office but mom was not ready, she was still busy with her kitchen works.
Me: Mom, are you on leave?
Mom: Why have you asked that?
Me: You are not ready yet… it’s already late.
Mom: I have resigned from my job, I can’t see you fighting with those boys for me.
I got the shock of my life. I just held her in my arms.
Me: Why mom? Why? You should not do that. That job was you passion. That job has given you a career, an identity. You should not lose that.
Mom: Nothing is important than you for me. What would i do with a career if i lose you? You are my reason of living. Now onwards i will be a housewife.
I hugged her and kissed her chick. I hugged her so tightly that she felt some pain.
Me: why you always sacrifice for me mom, think about yourself also. I feel proud that i am your son. Only lucky ones get mother like you. I am the lucky one.
I pinched her chick and in joke said
Me: Mom, You want to be housewife? But where is your husband. I am your son na? You will be housemother.
She just pushed me out of door and teasingly said
Mom: You are both for me, My son and husband. So Mr. Hubby go to work. No more flirting with your mother.
The whole day i thought about mom only. About her life, she is so sweet and caring. She loves me so much. How can my father do so bad with her. He seems to be most idiotic person in world. How can he reject a caring and lovable woman like mom. Till today mom love my father even after what he has done to her. Thinking that one question come to my mind, will mother accept him if he return to her life? I called her.
Me: Hey mom, what are you doing.
Mom: Nothing special just cooking. What’s the matter? Why you have call me.
Me: I want to ask you a question? Will you answer me from your heart?
Mom: Tell me what is it?
Me: Mom, Imagine father has return to your life. Will you forgive him and accept him?
Mom: Dead person can’t come back, for me he has died 22 years ago. I had given you his place in my life. You are my life. I can’t leave without you. So, don’t ever talk about him.
Me: But you always think about dad…..every day you miss him. You have dad in heart so why not in life also.
Mom: That’s true that i miss him, He is my first love and will remain so. That’s why sometimes i act as your wife. I miss my wife days so much and you also exact copy of your father. So i have replaced him with you. It makes me happy.
Mom started to sob, I can hear her weeping sound clearly
Mom: If my acting hurt you, i will stop it. Please understand me..Please..Please…Please.
Mom’s weeping became louder, i tried to console her.
Me: Don’t cry mom…i can’t see you crying. You can do anything which makes you happy. Just tell me and I will do it for you. If calling me hubby can make you happy then call me every time by it. So, from now onwards you will call me hubby, ok.
Mom’s weeping started to be louder, She just weeping and weeping. Then she paused and said
Mom: Don’t feel pity for me, I can manage my feelings. If you feel…..
I just cut short her sentence and said
Me: I have said ……You will call me hubby and that’s final.
I just ordered her and disconnected the call. I thought that if calling me hubby can make her happy then why not. If one word can bring her happiness of be a wife then why not.
My mobile vibrated one incoming message. It is from mom, “Dear hubby.. Reach home in time. I have cooked your favourite dishes.” I just smiled reading the message.
Upon reaching home mom opened the door, she is wearing a black saree with backless blouse. This is uncommon; I had never seen her wearing saree in home. She has minimum 10 to 12 bangles in each hand. She is wearing a nose ring which is absent these many year. With light makeup she is glowing in beauty. I got amazed and got seated looking at her. She just smiled looking me.
Me: Mom…You are looking amazing, so beautiful and cute. Is anything special today? You look to young for your age. These bangles and nose ring where they came from?
Mom: Just calm down…today is special day. I got my husband back. After so many years i have felt, how it feels to wait for my hubby, Wearing makeup for him. Cook food for him then welcome him from door. I am so happy today.
Mom got seated close to me put her head in my shoulder and said
Mom: How do i looking, beautiful na? I am wearing these things after so many years. You made me so happy today.
I just hold her face and looking at her eyes said
Me: Mom….You look so amazing, beautiful, cute, gorgeous…..I have no words to describe your beauty.
She just turned her face away and with a sad tone said
Mom: You asked me to call you hubby but you are calling me ‘mom’. You can’t be husband to your mother. So call me by my name..Swapna or any name you want. You used to call me Swapna earlier, Now onwards call me by my name.
I just nodded my head. She kissed my chick and left for kitchen. After some time i called for her
Me: Swapna… I need a cup of tea.
Mom: Ok, wait for five minute. For then freshen up. You are looking tired.
She replied from kitchen. I went for a bath which i needed.
After dinner i went to watch TV, as we have separate bedroom it is not disturbing for mom. Mom used to sleep early, but today after changing to nighty she came to watch TV with me. She seated close to me and her head was on my shoulder. She was wearing a pink nighty, mostly she wears pink or red silk nighty.
Me: Mom…are you going to watch TV. You are not feeling sleepy? It is uncommon for you.
She just replied in mild voice
Mom: I just want to spend some time with you. I am feeling lonely. After today’s act i am feeling too much lonely.
I just patted her head and said ok. I started to watch the film, the channel is broadcasting ‘Sanam Teri Kasam’. One of my favourite movie. In between breaks we started to exchange dialogs of the movie. In ending when the heroine died my mother started to sob. She always do like that.
Me: Swapna stop crying…..It is film yaar. Why you always cry watching movie. It’s a reel life story.
Mom: This type of romantic film makes me emotional…. I married your father but he ditches me and married my sister. After that i lost my hope for living. It is hard to live not to die.
Me: Mom….why are you saying like these? You are so cute and beautiful. You are caring and loving. You have everything for an ideal wife. Father is an idiot to reject you.
Mom: very nice of you. You know how to console your mother but Truth remains the same, i am rejected woman.
Hearing her words i hugged her and switched off the TV. I carried her into bed. She catches my hand and asked me to sleep beside her. Till hugging me she buried her face in my chest. I switched off the light, covered our self with blanket. I pulled her closer to me and slept. She shivering and weeping. I slowly kissed her forehead then her earlobe then her neck. She is not resisting. Then i kissed her lips, not a passionate one. She pushed me away and slapped me tightly.
Mom: What you are doing? How dare you even think of it?
Me: swapna, it’s just a kiss.
I tried to hold her face but she again pushed me away.
Mom: Don’t touch me….. How dare you kissed me. I am just acting as your wife. It doesn’t mean that i am available to you. Just get out of here.
She pointed towards the door. I tried to say so sorry but she looked at with stern eye. I said nothing and moved to my room. I regretted at what i have done. I have never looked at mom with any type of lust. She is like goddess to me. In whole life i just worshiped her but today i broke her heart. I am feeling guilty for kissing her. I am speaking to myself ‘She is your mom…She has sacrificed her whole life for you but what you have done to her. She is trying to be happy with some act but you have shuttered her that dream also.’ I had taken a decision, after what have i done to her i can’t face her tomorrow. So i will move out from home. I will rent a home at some distant place. If possible i will try to apply for transfer to other city. Tears rolled from my eyes. From my childhood, I had never been away from my mom. How will i manage to do that but i have to do that. I tried to sleep thinking that.
Next morning mom woke up late, I quietly finished my breakfast then packed my cloths and necessary belongings. I have booked a cab it arrived. I asked him to drive for a hotel as i will follow him. Until i get some place to live i have to check in a hotel.
From the hotel i directly headed for my office. In office i got a message from mom ‘I have searched for your clothes for laundry…. where they are?’ I replied her ‘I am going for a office trip for a week’. I searched for rented house in net and contacted many broker. In evening i got a confirmation for a flat. It is 1bhk which will be suitable for me.
Next seven days are so boring that i hardly goes anywhere from my flat. Mom has not contacted me, neither call nor any message. I started to feel depressed, my mind is saying to call mom but somehow i controlled my emotion.
Next day by evening time mom called me, I answered in very first ring
Mom: Hello babu, are you coming today. I have cooked you favourite dish.
My words got broken by listening to her words; i cleared my throat and answered
Me: Mom….i want to tell you something, I have moved out from home.
She screamed loudly in phone
Mom: moved out! What the rubbish are you talking?
Me: Yaa mom, After what i have done to you. I am feeling so guilty to face you. I know that you hate me now, Be happy. I will not show you my perverted face in future. I will not disturb you anymore. I will pray to god to keep you happy. Good bye.
I disconnected the call and switched off the mobile. I headed towards my flat, after freshen up i started to watch TV. Meantime someone knocked my door. i opened the door, it is mom. I remain spell bounded. How see got my address. It sure to be aditya (One of my colleague), only he knows about my address.
Me: Mom…….you are here. Is any problem?
Mom: i should ask you this question. What is wrong with you? Why you are doing this to me? You know how much i love you. I can’t live without you. Why are you doing this?
I tried to cool her temper but she slapped me. I asked her to seat down and given her a glass of water.
Me: Mom, i am ashamed of my act. I should not have done that thing with you. I am feeling guilty for it. If i live with you, you will suffer from it….we both will suffer from it. It’s better that we live separately.
Mom just shouted at me
Mom: how can you say like that, I can’t even think of it. You are my last hope for this life. I am living for only you. You can’t leave me…please come home…please don’t leave me.
I tried to console her and calm her down
Me: I have done a big mistake. It had hurt you. It may repeat in future. I can’t see you got hurt for me. So it is better for both of us. Don’t worry i will call you every day but i can’t live with you feeling this guilt.
Mom looked at me with a pleading eye. Tears rolled from both of her eyes. I am in verge of crying but controlled my emotion. Emotion can cause a big trouble in relationship. I had done one and can’t afford another.
Mom: you are doing this to me because i had slapped you for kissing me. What do you want from me.
Me: Nothing……you had already given me everything. Please forgive me mom.
Mom: I know you are angry on me…..I acted as you wife. So you kissed me but i slapped you. It is not your fault it is my fault. i am sorry. Will you forgive me? Please.
She pleaded ……I can’t control any more. I felt on her leg, touched her legs
Me: no mom….. you are misunderstanding me. I have kissed you as a son. I tried to console you. That is my mistake…A son should not kiss his mother like that. Please, don’t say sorry.
Mom: Ok fine…tell me. What should i do for your return? I can’t leave without you. I promise i will make you happy. I will never slap you again. I will do as you say. Please come home. Please……Please….please.
She blinked her eyes, I love that. She knows what i love. I nodded my head in yes. She jumped on me. She hugged me so tightly that even air can’t pass through it. I kept my hands in her back. She is wearing that black saree with backless blouse. She looked in my eyes and closed her eyes. She placed my right hand her waist. We remain like that for some moments, i am little confused. Mom patted my head and said
Mom: Go on, Kiss me.
I slightly kissed her lips, she slowly opened her mouth. I responded her and started to suck her lower lip. Her rosy lips had made me mad. After we had broken the kiss. She smiled and said
Mom: Are you happy now…You can kiss me anytime. I am yours. My body, soul, mind everything belongs to you. I don’t have much in my body but i will try to do anything to make you happy.
She took away pallu of her saree. She was in blouse and petticoat. Her figure mad me go mad. A perfect model like figure.
Mom: this is what i got. I know you need more but i am aged now. Will these be enough for you?
I hugged her and put her pallu on place. I cried….kissed her everywhere….neck, eye, forehad, lips… everywhere.
Me: Mom….You don’t have to do anything. You already had given me too much of love. I can’t repay you that in my whole life. You are my everything….I love you.
Mom: I love you too…. I know how much you love me. Please be mine, I can’t share you with anyone.
Me: Mom… I will not leave you. You are my goddess. How can i leave you. You don’t have to do this type of thing to keep me with you.
Mom: These seven days, I understand how much i miss you. I am feeling too lonely. I realised i love you from my heart. More than a mother would love her son. I need you in my life as my man…. he will love me as his woman, protect me, care for me, fight with me then console me. I need you to be that man in my life. Your dad was my man but he betray me. You are exactly like your dad. Only you can take his place in my life. You can bring my happiness back.
Me: mom …..what are you saying. How can i?
Mom: Only you can take his place. Please be my man. I promise, i will be a good wife to you. Your wife will do anything for you. I will be loyal to you whole my life. I will try my best to satisfy you by every way. Please accept me as you wife. Please…. Please… please.
Me: The day you started to call me hubby you are mine. I love you. If i can make you happy by being your husband then why not. Afterall i can’t imagine another woman in my life. You are my everything.
Mom smiled at my answer. Her face glowed like the moon. She kissed me and handed me a small box. I open it, it has two ring and sindoor. I take a pinch of sindoor and smeared in her forehead. accepting her as my wife. Then we exchanged the rings. She fell on my feet and said
Mom: I will be a good wife to you, I promise. Bless me.
I took her in a hug and kissed her lips. She closed her eyes. I ask her to seat for some time then we will return to home. She nodded for yes.
After reaching home, swapna offered me cup of tea. She asked me to go for a movie as she need time to settle the around. After the movie when i reached home….wow swapna has decorated home so beautifully. It’s looking like a honeymoon couple’s suite. Swapna was wearing a red saree with matching sleeveless, backless blouse. I was sure mom has updated her wardrobe with fancy cloths. I had never seen her wearing this type of dress. Her blouse was so tight that it seems to burst out. Every curves of her perfect body is clearly visible from that transparent saree. She hugged me and kissed my lips and I also started to kiss her on her lips.
Me: mom, what is your figure?
Mom: I don’t know. Just measure it. I will also come to know.
I searched for the tape and started to measure.
Me: mom, I will not get the correct figure if you have cloths on your body.
Mom: so take it off, Babu.
Meanwhile I removed her blouse and petticoat also. Now I started to remove her bra and panty. She was shying. Her heart bits are faster.
Me: what is there to shy mom?
Mom: the truth remains same that I am your mother. And I am becoming nude…oh sorry you are making me nude for first time, that to measure my figure, uhh!
Now she is completely nude in front of me. I measured her figure, it was awesome. It is 36-29-38.
Mom: Its not good….. Your wife is nude already. You can play with her body but what about me….
Me: so you want to make me nude ha?
Mom: (smiling) yes.
Me: then make me nude, Honey.
Then she removed my all cloths, and touched my tool. I felt 440V current in my body.
Mom: You two, father and son are identical in every way. (and she get emotional.).
Me: what is there to be emotional?
Mom: I missed physical love so many years….. please make love to me…please.
I hugged her and started to press her boobs, and started to kiss her lips. From left hand I was pressing her right boob and I inserted middle finger of right hand into her pussy. While kissing she was playing with my penis with both hand.
After this we go to my bed and I started licking each other in 69 positions. She said she like this pose very much. In few minutes she cummed in my mouth. I drink all her cum. Now she come over me and took my tool and placed on her pussy. ”I heartily accept you as my husband” saying this she pushed herself down and my half penis is inside her pussy. Then I started to give the strokes. She was moaning very badly. After 10 minutes I was about to come so I take out my penis and stared to give hand strokes.
But she stopped me and said, “I want your son. You please come into me.”
Then I again inserted my penis into her pussy. Within 2 min I cummed into her. She also reached to the climax. We both slept nude in each other’s arm. In the evening at 6pm I wake up.
Mom was not in the bed. So I searched her in the house. She was in the kitchen making some breakfast for both of us. I moved closer to her and hugged her from behind and started kissing on her neck. My tool become erect and I pushed it between her legs.
Mom: oh god..!! Can’t you wait for some time? I am busy.
Me: no mom. You look very beautiful and sexy while cooking. That’s my fantasy to fuck my wife while she is cooking.
Saying this I lifted her night gown and pushed my penis into her pussy. She started moaning. Then in 15 minutes I ejected into her pussy. Then I left her and went to my room. After 15 minutes she came into my room and sat near me.
Mom: you are so hungry all the time.
Me: yes. And now I am going to fuck your ass.
Mom: no. please. I am not ready for that. I have never taken it into my ass. Your dad also doesn’t like this.
Me: but I like it very much.
Then I fucked her ass very hardly. She can’t even walk properly for 2 days.
I will narrate the rest of the story later on. Please send me your feedback on [email protected].

Added by Niyar Borah

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