I Got Caught

I’m reluctant to write this one. You’re not going to believe me. If I
tell you this one really happened yesterday, you’re going to all say
“right, this is the guy whose been sending stories every week to
Shylock and now he want’s us to believe this one is true!”

I swear, I’m still trembling from having years of incest fantasy turn
into reality. I am a single guy, living alone. I know I should have
been filing these stories on disk and hiding the disk. I know I should
have had password protection at least for the Shylock Folder. But I

My sister, whom I had in mind when I played many of these fantasies out
in my head and wrote the stories, does live in the same town. Many of
the stories did have some semblance of truth to them, except that I’d
never really had sex with my sister. Oh, we’d played doctor as little
kids and all, but that was it.

Anyway, she has a key to my place for emergencies, but it’s just hung
on her keyring for years without being used. Yesterday, I got home to
find a note on the cabinet that read she’d needed to use my computer
for some work she was doing for the PTA. “Hope you don’t mind” the note
read, “I used a few pieces of your printer paper and also drank one of
your beers.” I didn’t think too much about it until I turned on my
computer last night to check out the new Shylock letters. I always
clear the documents from Win95 each time I turn the computer off, but
last night I saw one named Why Just Fantasize as a wps doc. I brought
up my word processing and pulled the file down. My sister had typed a
hot letter to Whom It May Concern, that basically asked why I wrote the
stories about her but never followed through. I’m shaking now just as I
was last night when I read her letter.

I called her immediately and asked if she’d left something on the
computer for me. She said she really couldn’t talk, but that she had
stumbled onto my Shylock Folder, and being curious, had read some of
the stories. “I remember some of those things happening” she said. “But
I don’t remember us having sex.” She had to go because her husband was
coming in the house, but she told me that she was going to call in sick
the next day and she’d be at my place just as soon as her husband left
for work. I didn’t sleep at all last night!

At 8:36 AM this morning, my sister knocked on my door wearing nothing
but a long coat and shoes. I didn’t know that’s all she had on until
she walked in. As I shut the door behind her and turned around, she
dropped the coat to the floor and kicked off the shoes. I just stood
there trembling. For years I’ve jacked-off thinking about sex with my
younger sister, and there she was naked as a jaybird, nipples hard as
rocks and a body that was even better than I’d ever imagined. She’s a
blond, about 5′ 7″, big luscious titties that barely droop at all. I
was too stunned to move, so she walked over and untied my robe and
pulled it off me. She moved behind me and pulled my shorts down and off
my feet, running her hands up and down my legs and massaging my ass.
She stood behind me and put her arms around me to grab my cock which
was very hard by that time. With her boobs pushing against my back, she
used both hands to gently stroke my cock. She kissed my back and my
shoulders and talked to me about how she’d fantasized about sex with me
for years. She confessed that she’d had sex with both my younger
brothers when the three of them were in high school, but they’d all
stopped doing that with each other after they got married.

As she told me about giving our little brother blow jobs at night after
the parents were asleep, I shot cum all over my carpet. She didn’t stop
stroking my cock until I went soft, then she rubbed the cum she’d
gotten on her hands all over my penis and balls. I turned around and
she dropped to her knees and put my shriveled-up cock in her mouth and
licked off the rest of the cum.

I pulled her up and led her to my bedroom where I pushed her onto the
bed and spent over thrity minutes exploring her body with my tongue and
my hands. Her nipples were harder than any I’d ever felt, and her pussy
had a sweet aroma that made me bury my tongue as deep in her hole as I
could get it. All this time she held my head with her hands and talked
to me about how she’d dreamed of this happening since she was sixteen
years old. I lay there licking her pussy and thought about each of the
stories I’ve written about her, and relived each one, only this time I
had my face buried in her cunt.

I licked her clitoris as softly as I could to tease her until she
wrapped her legs tightly around my head and pushed her pussy hard into
my face. I pushed harder with my tongue and moved it back and forth
across her clitoris as I slipped two fingers inside her cunt hole.
Finger fucking her as fast as I could and moving my tongue hard and
fast across her clit, she came like an explosion and I really thought
she was going to break my neck with her legs. She didn’t let go until
she had a long sensual climax.

I laid down beside her and we fell asleep for an hour or so. I woke up
needing to pee, and when I came back to bed she moved down and pulled
my penis into her mouth and started sucking me. She put both hands
underneath my ass and deep-throated me for several seconds until I was
at my fullest erection, then she crawled up my legs and reached down to
pull her pussy lips apart. I grabbed my cock and put it up to her
opening and she sat down on the entire length. Her cunt was still wet,
and I almost shot my load again just watching my cock slip inside my
sister’s pussy. If you’ve never experienced that, you really don’t know
what I’m talking about. 20-25 years of fantasy and jerking off looking
at her picture had suddenly become real.

I reached around and grabbed both her ass cheeks and she fell on my
chest, held my head with her hands in a very gentle grasp and kissed
me. That kiss was the best I’ve ever had. Her mouth never left mine for
the next twenty minutes as we fucked slowly and gently, enjoying every
thrust of my cock sliding up inside her pussy, then pulling it slowly
out until only the head was inside her vagina. I felt like coming on
every stroke, but I forced myself to hold it. I felt her shake each
time I pulled my cock out and heard her gasp each time I forced it back

When I simply couldn’t take anymore, I rolled us over without losing
our connection and reached down to pull her legs up around my waist. I
continued the slow movement for about four or five more strokes, then I
just starting hammering away, slapping my balls against her ass. Our
lips finally parted as both of us had to breath. I can’t describe the
sounds we made or the feeling I had as I felt my balls tighten. Her
fingernails were locked tightly in my back, just like the stories I’d
written in my fantasies. She was bucking against me and trying to say
something. I really couldn’t tell what it was, but it sounded like she
was saying “yes” over and over again. The louder she got, the hotter I
got and the faster I pumped. I still had both her ass cheeks in my
hands pulling her into me as I felt my sperm start to explode. She felt
it too and locked her legs even tighter around my waist.

I’m telling you, I know I shot a half-pint of hot sticky cum up my
sister’s pussy this morning as she screamed for me to give her more.
I’ve never been able to go as long as I did with her this morning. My
cock just wouldn’t go down, and the only reason I stopped is because I
got leg cramps in both calves at the same time. I’m screaming in pain
trying to get off the bed to stand on my heels and she’s grabbing at my
cock trying to get me back in bed. Finally, she realized what was wrong
and we both started laughing at each other. We were covered in sweat
and she had cum dripping down her thighs. My cock was still sticking
straight up – it’s never done that before after sex. At my age, it’s
usually thirty to forty minutes after coming before I can get hard

My little sister kept my cock hard all morning and most of the
afternoon. By the time she had to leave, her pussy lips were bright red
from the rubbing action, and my cock was shriveled up inside my belly
and literally rubbed raw. I’m sitting here now with an ice pack under
my balls as I type this story, which may be my last. After all, once a
fantasy is fulfilled, it’s hard to fantasize anymore. Sister called me
earlier to see if she should call in sick again tomorrow, but one look
at my cock and I suggested we wait a couple of days before we try it
again. We’re having lunch anyway to discuss our plans for setting aside
time for each other.

I knew you wouldn’t believe me, but I swear, I fucked my sister this
morning. You’ve really got to try it. Maybe your sister has secretly
wanted it for a long time too.

Added by FunONE

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