His pretty wife loved him but wanted more

It was ironic that with Brad’s sex drive cooling off, hers was heating up. Lately she was attracting young guys by the dozens. Her new improved figure hadn’t gone unnoticed by any of the men where she worked. Being around college guys most of the day, Marie was getting hit on regularly! So many guys were chatting her up she had to be careful to maintain a professional distance and not lead them on.

With her lover on the side she was getting her cravings satisfied, but wanted her husband to be happy too. Their relationship had never been very exciting in the bedroom. So she wasn’t too concerned that he was acting distant. She would just continue to be the loving, consoling she always was with Brad, and save her erotic sexual cravings for her young, hot, well endowed lover.

Marie knew her affair would cool off eventually. But at the moment it was still going hot and heavy. Whenever she had a chance she’d meet Oscar up at the cabin, where they would enjoy a couple hours of exciting, passionate sex. Then she’d clean up and return to her normal, rather routine but secure life with her older, unsuspecting husband.

Once she and Oscar finished having sex, she’d clean up everything making sure nothing would give away their time there. In the remote possibility that Brad might visit the cabin, she insisted on using the sofa, the kitchen table or the floor, anywhere that she could clean up easily. They never had sex in the bed, where the chance of a stain could implicate her. It was a perfect situation and despite Brad’s strange behavior she wasn’t giving it up.

As the next week went by Brad apathetic attitude bothered her. She wondered if he suspected something was wrong, and decided to take a break from her affair, just for a while until her husband got back to normal. She told Oscar they needed a break and he was disappointed to hear that. He thought she was worried about nothing but went along anyway.

By the second week of their break, she was having trouble keeping her mind off sex. She found herself day dreaming about the cabin, longing for Oscar’s dick and what that big thing could do to her. When she grew frustrated she masturbated in the privacy of the bathroom a few times. But her fingers were a sorry replacement for the real thing.

She didn’t want to get involved with any guy besides Oscar. But working at a college meant she was around young, attractive men all day. She found herself fantasizing about men she knew at work, and was starting to feel vulnerable to any good looking guy’s attention.

Before her affair Marie barely noticed the men she worked with. She was not a very physical person and didn’t concern herself with sex too much. But since she started , engaging in hot, regular sex with a young experienced lover, she found she couldn’t live without it anymore. When her cravings grew to an uncomfortable level, she decided to end her celibacy.

During her weekly workout she let Oscar know she was available again. She made it clear she wanted to restart their affair, and he was ready as well. They kept their distance from each other that day, maintaining a facade of respectability. When he escorted her to her car the two lovers made plans to meet the following week to resume relations. Brad mentioned some business meeting that day, giving her a few precious hours to sneak away.

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