She was experiencing high pleasures and putting her hands around my buttocks and pulling towards her pussy. Again I pulled back my penis and pushed deep. I started doing it continuously at after some pulls and pushes, I discharged all my semen in her pussy when my dick was very deep in her pussy. She kept my penis in her pussy itself and pulling my dick into the depth of her pussy. My semen went into her pussy like a fountain and like a bullet into her body. She accepted all my semen with happiness and was praying to god to become pregnant this time. I also gave her all my love juice till last drop so that it can enter into her womb and form an embryo. She rounded my buttocks with her legs and pulling me into her. My penis was touching very deep inner walls of pussy and I felt that she really did not wanted to leave me. I just gave all my semen into her pussy and laid on her. She also tightly hugged me for some time so that all the semen could go completely into depth of her vagina. She really wanted nothing to come out.
After few minutes we departed and I placed myself just beside her and told her to fold her legs so that all semen could reach her womb. She told me thanks in my ears for giving lovely seed so that she can become pregnant soon. She told me that she really wanted a baby girl like my daughter. I remembered that sent my daughter photo to the couple for getting idea of my potency. After seeing my daughter photo only she accepted for this fucking to have same angel like baby girl. I told her that it will happen surely and all her dreams will be fulfilled. She just gave a kiss again to me and said thank you, I took the thanks by kissing her back and then I went to my room. I told her to be in that position only for another 20 minutes so that my semen can reach the egg in her womb. She said ok for it. After some time, her husband came and went into their master bedroom and he told me thank you and went for a sleep. Next day morning we woke up around 9 am in the morning and I got ready and went out to forum mall in Bangalore for some shopping and did time pass till evening. After reaching their home, I had a coffee and a little chit chat with sachin. I was checking shraddha too.
She was blushing whenever coming in front of me and giving smiles too. I knew she was eagerly waiting for today’s session too. As I already mentioned, my stay was for 2 nights and my flight was Monday morning 7am to my hometown. I already told them that it will be a two days planning of fucking so that the pregnancy chances will be at maximum and they also wanted the same. We had dinner and immediately after dinner sachin went out again and I went into their bedroom. Shraddha was ready for today’s session eagerly. She was ready for great fuck again. She told me that she really had wonderful and beautiful fucking and cunnilingus yesterday and it was her best fucking till date. She told that Her husband was not that much romantic. She appreciated my pussy licking skills and foreplay session very much. I told that not many men actually know the art of foreplay and making a woman to reach orgasm. I have mastered those important skills which I was using. I also told her that she was beautiful like angel and her beauty is making me to give her more. She thanked a lot and she started kissing me this time. We started from kissing again to cunnilingus. She pulled me immediately on to her vagina and rubbing my face on to her pussy. I told her that today we try 69 position. She also liked the idea and soon my penis was in her mouth and her pussy was in my mouth. I was giving great oral session again and she was licking my penis.