He builds life with two wives in Colorado mountains

Many times during this time Gramps also took Seth aside and instructed him in the ‘manly arts’. The ‘manly arts’ ranged from hunting to to sex and governing the settlement. A time or two Gramps even called Granny in and used her to demonstrate erogenous zones and techniques to please the woman. He then made Seth do the same thing to Tasha to show his mastery of the procedure. Though this embarrassed Tasha and Seth it did result in much better sex and more enjoyment for each of them.

In early September when the weather began turning colder Gramps came to Seth and said, “When we began staying with you you promised to help us complete our journey to the reservation. We feel now is the time for us to finish our trip home. It is becoming colder here and we miss the weather and our family and friends on the reservation. Would it be possible for you to arrange our return now? We appreciate your help over the summer. We have tried to return your courtesy by helping you in return but it is now time for us to move on.”

Seth felt as if the stuffing had been pulled from his abdomen. He remembered making the promise to Granny and Gramps but he had allowed himself to forget they did not want to stay here in . He would miss them. He sorrowfully began thinking about how he would get them home when all at once he remembered Tasha had been traveling with them. He almost sobbed when the painful thought of her leaving also hit him. His voice was breaking when he said, “If that’s what you really want, sure. I can help. I can drive you down there in my truck if you don’t mind waiting until this weekend to leave.”

“That would be fine Seth. We will miss you but this is best. You do not have room for us all here and it is not right that you should have to work so hard and pay for everything we have. I will tell the women.”

The next two days were torture for Seth. Several times he thought about begging Tasha not to leave him but he didn’t. How could he ask her to stay with him and leave her family? He knew he was a poor choice for her. He didn’t have a job. He only had part time work on an as needed basis. He had no real prospects. Who was he fooling? It was doubtful he could pay his own way much less the way for him and a woman.

Saturday morning dawned cold and windy. The sun was shining brightly but Seth was cold inside as it was outside. He didn’t even taste the breakfast he was served. The coffee only served to upset his stomach. He felt the acid of every swallow. As soon as the women had washed the dishes everyone loaded into his truck and they took off.

They stopped several times during the trip. The drive really wasn’t very long as drives go but to Seth it was a long, long day. They drove straight through to the reservation just outside Gallup New Mexico. When they arrived Gramps directed Seth down several dusty roads until they pulled up in front of a shack that looked like it was in worse shape than the small office building he was living in.

When the truck stopped they all got out. Gramps walked toward the shack. The door opened and a large heavy set Indian woman peered out. She and Gramps talked for a few minutes then she invited them inside. Seth didn’t understand much of what was said although he was beginning to understand some Navajo.

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