Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor – Part 4

Mini and Max were standing outside Nadia’s house in the dark looking through the living room window at Nadia and her husband Dan having sex with their Mom. Max had just shot his wad in his sister’s mouth when Mom caught them red-handed and gave them an ultimatum and then went back inside. It was really Mini’s choice. She had to decide if she should go inside and have sex with Nadia’s husband Dan, who was right then in the process of fucking Mom’s face, or go home to bed alone or probably with Max. The choice was hers alone and she seemed unusually stressed about it. (Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor – Part 3)

Max was waiting for her decision as he watched Dan launch his cum into his mom’s mouth. Mini had made her decision but she wanted to finish watching Mom deal with Dan’s load. After another minute, she took Max’s hand and whispered, “Let’s go home. I don’t want to disappoint Mom, but I don’t feel comfortable having sex with Nadia’s husband.”

Max clutched her hand and whispered back, “No problem. Let’s go. Mom will be fine with it.” He pulled his sweatpants up and tied them. They walked across the backyard hand in hand toward their house next door. When they were a hundred feet from the back porch Max stopped short and said, “Oh Fuck. Oh Fuck.”

Mini looked at him and said, “What?” Max pointed toward the driveway. Dad’s car was there. Mini replied, “Oh Fuck.” They took a few more steps closer to the house and Mini stopped again. Max looked at her. She said, “Do you have anything to wipe my legs and pussy with. I can’t go in there with cum running down my legs. My pussy is squishing with every step. Dad will kill me. He’ll kill you.”

Max fumbled around where pockets would normally be and he didn’t have any in his sweatpants. He said, “Sorry, Mini.” Then he thought, “How about in your car? You must have something.” Even in the dark he could see her smile.

She started walking again as she headed past the porch to her car. She was praying out loud that she hadn’t locked it. The praying must have worked because she pulled the door handle quietly and the door opened. She slid in and grabbed a towel from her gym bag and wiped her bare pussy and down both legs. She stepped outside the car and wiped her pussy again. She threw the towel back in the car and quietly closed the car door.

Mini headed for the back door and Max said, “Mini, you go ahead in. It might be better if we don’t go in together with that skirt on. I’m going to go back and warn Mom.” She hesitated and then nodded and went up the steps to the porch and pushed open the back door and disappeared inside.

Max hurried back across the back yard and around to Nadia’s back door. He knocked and waited a long time before the light came on above him and the door opened. It was Nadia wearing a robe. She invited him inside and shut the door. Max asked for his mom and she stepped into the kitchen totally naked.

Mom said, “I’m glad you guys decided to come in.” She noted the look of concern on her son’s face and she stepped over to him and said to Nadia, “I’ve got this; I’ll be in shortly.” She turned to him and said, “What’s wrong Max? Where’s Mini?”

“Mini and I decided not to come in. She said she wasn’t comfortable with having sex with Nadia’s husband, but I think something else is bothering her. Anyway, I came back to tell you that Dad’s car is in the driveway and the lights are on in the house. I sent Mini in like she had been out on her own. I figured I’d wait here for a few minutes and then go home like I was out at a friend’s house too.” Where should I say you are, I know he’ll ask?”

Mom thought a moment and said, “Tell him I’m next door visiting with Nadia and Dan. There’s nothing like telling the truth in a situation like this. Come on in and enjoy the entertainment. I know Nadia will be happy to see you. She told Dan about your monster-cock and he thinks she’s exaggerating.”

Mom led him into the living room and said to Nadia and Dan, “Max is going to spend a few minutes with us. Steve is home so we have to break this up earlier than I’d planned.” Max crossed the room toward Dan and shook his hand and then remembered what he’d just been doing with it. He wiped his hand on his pants. Max nervously said, “Hi ‘ummm’ Dan. It’s nice to ‘ummm’ see you again.” It was impossible for Max not to look down at Dan’s cock. He turned toward Nadia’s naked body and his cock involuntarily hardened and raised the leg of his sweatpants. “Hi Nadia. It’s nice to see you again too.” After the salutations, he didn’t know what to say so he just nodded and looked at the floor.

There was total silence for several moments before Mom, Nadia and Dan all burst out laughing. Max’s face went beet red with embarrassment. Dan spoke up and said, “Max. It’s good to see you. It’s been a while. Look, I know you’re very uncomfortable but I know you have had sex with my wife. It’s OK. I’m OK with it. We’ve had an open marriage for many years going back before our kids.” Max just kept his eyes on the floor and started swaying nervously from side to side. Dan continued, “Nadia was telling me, really raving would be a better word, that you have the best cock she has ever had the pleasure of sucking and fucking. How about you drop your pants and show me, because I can’t even imagine it.”

Max kept on swaying. Nadia broke the spell when she came toward him and leaned in and kissed him on the lips so gently that he almost couldn’t feel it. Max’s cock responded instantly and pushed on his sweatpants again and this time Dan saw the movement. He looked at Mom and said, “Holy Shit.”

Mom looked at Dan and grinned with pride. “Told ya. That’s my baby boy. I guess I must have had triplets instead of twins.” Dan looked back at Max just as Nadia had lowered herself to the floor on her knees. She was looking up at Max’s lowered face. ‘God, she is beautiful,’ he thought. She put her hands on his thighs and his cock jumped hard on her right hand. She pulled that hand back and just stared at the movement under the material. Her hands went to the tie-string and pulled the two loose ends down. She stretched open the waistband and slowly lowered Max’s pants all the way to the floor.

His cock sprang out and smacked Nadia on the nose. He glanced toward Mom and Dan, who were standing next to each other watching. Dan’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped when he saw it. “Jesus, Meredith. Nadia wasn’t kidding. That’s massive.” Mom reached over and pushed Dan’s jaw closed. She had a huge smile of pride on her face.

When he felt his cock being handled, he looked at Nadia, stretching her mouth from side to side to get his cock-knob past her lips. She stared right up at him as his cock slowly disappeared into her mouth. Max was transfixed. He couldn’t move. He didn’t even blink. Inch by inch was being pulled into Nadia’s mouth by her distended lips. The whole scene was so erotic that he pushed past his nervousness and his cock got harder.

Nadia closed her eyes and scrunched up her face as she groaned around his shaft. After a moment, she collected herself and continued her journey. She stopped about three quarters of the way down and pulled back again. Max actually could see his cock move back up her throat. She pulled all the way off and coughed up a massive amount of saliva. She spit it on his glans and sucked it back in and pushed her mouth down again. She went faster this time and Max watched his cock push into her throat.

As Mom and Dan stood there watching intently, Nadia descended all the way down his cock and pushed her nose into his pubic hair. He smiled. He knew she could do it. Tears were pouring from Nadia’s eyes and she pulled back quickly and gasped for air. Mom said, “Nadia that was amazing. I guess I’m going to have to practice more. What do you think Max? Can you help me practice?”

He looked at Mom and smiled. “In any way I can Mom.” Max was hoping that Nadia would get him off with her mouth but she stood up and grabbed his cock and led him to the couch and pushed him down to sit on a plush leather cushion. Before he had even settled, Nadia was climbing into his lap and guiding his cock into her pussy. Mom sat down on one side of Max and Dan sat on the other side.

Nadia began sliding her hips forward and back on Max’s cock as she fucked him in long, slow strokes. She pulled his face down to her tits and he sucked hard on one or her erect nipples. She looked over at Mom and then leaned over to kiss her. She turned back to Dan and she leaned over to kiss him as well.

Nadia’s hips picked up speed and she was flailing herself on Max’s cock. He disengaged from Nadia’s nipple and leaned back against the couch. Mom reached down to cup her son’s balls in her hand and juggled them around with her fingers. He closed his eyes to savor the sensation.

Max felt new movement and he opened his eyes to see Dan moving in behind Nadia. She looked up at him and said, “Fuck me in the ass baby.” Max’s eyes went wide and he wasn’t sure about this turn of events. Nadia noticed and in a very soothing voice said, “It’s OK Max. He won’t touch you. You’ll like the sensation. I promise. Relax. Fuck me Max.” He took a deep breath and blew it out. Nadia leaned down and kissed him as she continued to fuck his cock. Max settled down and waited for the sensation of Dan’s cock sliding into Nadia’s ass alongside his in her pussy. Max knew there had to be a separation of the two cavities, but he had no idea of the details.

Nadia stopped her motion and the moment that Dan’s cock pushed into her ass, the pressure on Max’s cock was unbelievable. Dan pushed in slowly as far as he could and Nadia let out a scream of pain or joy; Max couldn’t tell which. After several moments, Nadia started her fucking motion again. She was groaning, “AAHH..AAHH..AAHH,” constantly separated by gasps for air.

Since Max and Dan’s cocks were static to each other and Nadia was the moving body they just felt the tremendous pressure and not the sensation of their cocks sliding by each other. Max could feel his orgasm gathering on the fringes and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. When Dan decided to start fucking his wife’s ass on his own, the feeling of Dan’s cock sliding along Max’s collapsed those fringes and cum boiled up his shaft into Nadia’s pussy. Max was contributing to the motion now as he was thrusting his hips up hard alongside Dan’s cock and Nadia burst out screaming and screaming.

Her face was staring, unseeing, at the wall above Max’s head. Her mouth hung open in a silent scream and Dan and Max watched as the muscles in every part of her body clenched tight. Max was two shots of cum into his orgasm when he felt Dan’s cock surge and start cumming too. Nadia’s eyes were as big as quarters as a low guttural growl surged up from her lungs and it grew louder until she was screaming again. It just kept increasing in pitch until Max swore only dogs could hear her. Then she sucked in a huge amount of air and held her breath as her muscles tightened even more.

In one sudden moment, Nadia’s body released and she groaned the air from her lungs and both Dan and Max could feel a massive orgasm roll over her. Dan was still pumping his cum into her ass as Max was doing the same in her pussy. Nadia’s convulsive clenching was effectively milking their cocks of their loads.

Mom’s eyes were huge as she leaned in close to watch the amazing triple orgasm in front of her. They heard her mutter to herself, “Fuck Nadia. That’s fucking incredible. I’m so jealous of you right now.” Nadia must have heard her because she turned her head toward Mom and smiled. Then she put her hand on Mom’s shoulder to help steady herself.

When Dan and Max finished shooting their wads and Nadia’s quaking pussy had settled down, Dan pulled his flaccid cock from Nadia’s gaping sphincter and helped Nadia up off Max’s softening cock. Gobs of cum and vaginal juices poured out of her pussy and ass into Max’s lap. Mom started laughing and pushed herself off the couch and rushed to the bathroom and came back with a towel. She handed it to Max and he cleaned himself up.

Mom leaned in and kissed Max and whispered, “You’d better be getting home. I’m not sure it’s a good idea for Mini and your dad to be alone considering what happened this morning.”

He looked at her and whispered, “Dad wouldn’t do anything to her.”

“I don’t mean that. I mean he’s suspicious that Mini is having sex with you or me. He might use this opportunity to grill her on it. He’s a pretty smart guy. She may confess without even realizing it.” Max nodded and pulled himself to his feet pulling his pants up at the same time and tied them tight.

Max gave good-bye kisses to Nadia, who whispered in his ear, “Max, Sweetie. That was the most incredible fuck. Thank you.” He smiled at her as she pulled back. Max shook Dan’s hand again and then was out the back door.

He hurried across the backyard and rushed up the porch stairs two and a time. Mini was sitting in the living room opposite Dad. They were talking when he came in a little out of breath. He noticed that the TV was off. Max said, “Hey Dad, sorry I wasn’t home. I was playing video games with a friend.” ‘Be cool,” he thought to himself. Max flopped into a chair and said, “What are you guys doing?”

Dad said, “Oh nothing. We were just talking about school and stuff. How are things going with you? Anymore talk about college next year?” Mini flashed her eyes at Max trying to send some signal, but it was lost on him.

Max was looking at Mini as he said to Dad, “Nothing new really. That Guidance Councilor thing got postponed. I haven’t heard anything about a new date. School is good. Girls seem to be talking to me more lately.” Mini flashed her eyes at Max again and he decided that she just wanted him to shut up. So he did.

There was an uncomfortable silence in the room and then Dad said, “Where’s your mother anyway?”

Mini started to say something but Max cut her off, “Mom said she was going next door to visit with Nadia and Dan. She said she hadn’t seen Dan in a long time. She was still here when I left so I don’t know how long she’s been there.”

Mini spoke up and added, “She was still here when I left to visit a friend down the road.”

There was silence in the room again. Dad was looking at Mini and would occasionally glance over at Max and then return to Mini. Max started looking at Mini too wondering what was going on. She glanced over and gave Max a look that simply said, “What?”

As Max looked back and forth from Dad to Mini it suddenly struck him what was going on. Dad was looking up Mini’s pleated, cheerleader skirt at her naked pussy. Max couldn’t see it from where he sat but Dad’s line of sight was perfect. Max hadn’t noticed it before but Dad’s pants were bulging out in his crotch.

Mini was uncomfortable with the silence and she rattled off a series of questions that only revealed her nervousness, “When did you get here? Have you eaten? Would you like me to fix you something? When are you leaving again?”

‘Jesus Mini. Settled down,’ Max thought. Mini’s nerves made her fidget in her chair and she settled back down with her legs slightly separated. Dad’s boner jumped as he now had a better view of Mini’s neatly trimmed pussy.

Without moving his gaze from Mini’s pussy Dad said, “Umm. I got home around seven o’clock; I haven’t eaten; a sandwich would be great; and I leave again tomorrow morning.” Max looked at Mini and noticed that she was breathing hard. It may have been nerves or it could have been that she noticed Dad’s boner and she was getting horny. Max’s bet would have been that she was getting horny because her nipples were rock hard. She was braless and her tee-shirt did nothing except accentuate them. The bulge in Dad’s pants jumped up when he noticed.

Without a word, Mini pushed herself out of the chair and said, “Is a bologna sandwich OK?” Dad nodded and sat back against the couch and crossed his legs man-style with his ankle on the other knee.

Dad turned to Max and asked if he had any preferences of colleges. Max shunted his attempts at conversation. He was a little miffed that Dad was turned on by looking up Mini’s skirt and looking at his own daughter’s nipples pushing on her tee-shirt. Then Max thought, ‘Well, I’m being hypocritical aren’t I. Dad’s boner was a natural reaction for a man. It’s involuntary. And looking at Mini’s naked pussy and big tits? How could he not?’

Mini came back to the living room with a sandwich and a plateful of potato chips; her nipples were still hard as erasures. Dad already had a beer on the end table and four other crushed cans pushed off to the side. Mini bent down and picked up the empty cans and threw them in the trash in the kitchen. She returned with a fresh one and handed it to Dad.

He had taken a bite of his sandwich and mumbled as he chewed, “Thank you sweetie.” Mini sat back in the same chair and Max and Mini watched Dad eat. He finished the fifth beer and crushed the can in his hands and then popped the tab on the sixth one. He took a long pull on it and belched loudly. Mini scrunched up her face as a reaction and looked at Max.

Max gave her a look and put his finger on his nipple and pointed at her. She looked down at her chest and saw that her nipples were clearly visible. Her first reaction was to place her hands over them to hide them but that just made her hornier.

Just then, Mom opened the back door and walked in. She was just as gorgeous as she was when she went out. Her perfume preceded her as she stepped into the living room and went directly to Dad and bent down and gave him a kiss. He stood up to accept her kiss and then he sat back down. He had a stupid smile on his face. She knew he was bombed from the smell of his breath and the grin on his face. There was no point in explaining where she had been or any other conversation.

Dad guzzled what remained in his beer can and belched again. He set his plate on the couch and stood up. He staggered toward Mom and almost fell into her. He grabbed her slim waist to catch himself. Max jumped up to help but Mom held up her hand to motion him back. Max dropped back into his chair. Dad was leaning into Mom and his hands dropped from her waist to her ass. She was gentle with him. It amazed Max that she wasn’t mad. She maneuvered him down the hall to their bedroom as he was trying to get his hands into her panties from behind.

When they were gone, Max leaned toward Mini and said, “Dad was looking up your skirt. You don’t have any panties on. He was looking at your nipples too. He had a bulge in his pants.” Mini pulled her skirt up and looked at her pussy to see how much Dad could see. Max could tell from where he was sitting that she was sopping wet. She pulled her skirt back down and slammed her knees together.

She groaned out, “Jesus Max. I’m so horny right now. I think I may cum just sitting here.” She scooched forward on her chair until her pussy was right at the edge and leaned back against the chair. She lifted her skirt and pushed her hands down into her wetness and touched her bulging clitoris. Her head flew back against the chair and a loud groan erupted from her throat. She looked over at Max with glassy eyes and in a pleading voice said, “Max. I’m right on the edge. Please put your cock in me and make me cum.”

When Mom came back into the living room, Max was kneeling on the floor between Mini’s legs, which she had placed up on each chair arm. He was driving his cock into her pussy. Mini had already exploded into one orgasm the moment Max pushed his cock into her.

At the moment of that orgasm she was thinking of Dad’s cock, which she had seen that morning in the shower as he was jerking off. She had made a show out of how surprised she was that Dad could see her pussy but she knew full well what she was doing to him and she knew Dad had a boner going as he watched her. That is what had made her so horny when she asked Max to put his cock in her.

Mom sat down in a chair beside Mini and watched her two kids go. Mini had two more orgasms before Max blew his load into her pussy. When he was done he slowly pulled his softening cock out and Mom slid off the chair to take his place as she sucked Max’s cum from Mini’s pussy. She slurped and sucked and licked all around Mini’s pussy until she was satisfied Mini was nice and clean. She turned and sucked Max’s soft cock into her mouth and cleaned him all off too.

Mom said, “It’s late. We should all get to bed.” She pushed herself to her feet and disappeared down the hall. When they heard her door shut, Mini confessed that Mom’s ministrations to clean her up had gotten her back up again. Max wasn’t surprised. Mom’s cleaning techniques always did the same to him. Mini seemed to always be horny lately. He was too for that matter.

Max said, “Good night,” and kissed her on the lips and then went to his room. She didn’t follow him right away and he figured she was probably masturbating in the living room chair. Max was nearly asleep when he heard Mini’s door open and then shut. Max drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Max felt his covers lift and a body push up against him. The covers dropped back down and he woke up totally when a cold hand wrapped around his soft cock. He came up on one elbow to see who it was. It was Mom. “Jesus Mom, you’re taking a huge risk with Dad right there.” He pointed toward her room.

She whispered, “I know, but he is snoring so loud I can’t sleep in there. He always snores like that when he’s been drinking. Besides, I woke up from an erotic dream and I’m so unbelievably horny. I tried to get him up. I sucked his cock for twenty minutes and he never woke up and his cock never did anything. I’d have fucked him in his sleep if I could have got his cock up.” She increased her grip on Max’s cock and started jerking him off. His cock was responding as she wanted and in seconds it was as hard as an iron pipe.

He ran his hand down over her tits to her stomach and stopped as his fingers trailed through her pubic hair. She was soaking wet. When Mom was satisfied that he was up, she spooned up close to Max and guided his cock from behind her as she raised her top leg back over his thigh. Max complied and pushed his hips forward and his cock slid into her pussy. She pushed her ass back at him sinking his cock deeper. She moaned hard as she found her depth.

Max laid his head down on his pillow behind hers and kissed her gently on the neck and then her earlobe. She rolled her head away to allow access and moaned again. He began fucking his hips into her from behind as they spooned. Mom whispered, “Oh my God Max. Your cock is wonderful. It fills me to the brim. I’m going to cum baby. I can feel it coming.” Her muscles were beginning to clench tightly and she amped up the pace. Max’s orgasm was rushing up fast and he was trying to hold it back so he could cum with her.

When she seethed air through her clenched teeth and her hips fired her pussy hard onto His cock, he knew she was cumming and he hurried to push his forward too. They cummed together and they fed off each other’s spastic movements for several minutes.

They both settled down together and Max drifted off to sleep with his cock still buried in Mom’s pussy.

Mom’s movements woke him again as the gray early dawn light was penetrating the darkness. Max’s cock had pulled from her pussy during the night and now was so unbelievably hard from his usual morning woody. Mom had her hand on it again fumbling around with it between her legs. Max laid still and let her do whatever she wanted. He wasn’t sure what she was doing but when she turned her head to him and whispered, “Push your cock into me”, Max did as she asked.

He pushed his hips forward and he felt a resistance, which he gently but firmly pushed through, and then a he felt a pressure that was not coming from her pussy. He knew immediately that she wanted him to fuck her ass. He had never done that before and his heart rate ramped up. Blood was pounding in his ears. The pressure was incredible and it felt fantastic. The heat was amazing. Mom whispered, “We have to go very slow. You may be too big for this, but I have to try. Just follow my lead. OK?” Max kissed her on the neck as his answer.

Max watched the digital clock tick off two minutes and neither one of them had moved an inch. Mom was breathing hard and blowing out her breath through pursed lips. Finally, Mom inhaled and pushed her ass back and he pushed his cock another inch into her ass. She stopped again and resumed her rapid blowing of air through her lips. Max patiently waited for her to make the next move and it wasn’t nearly as long as the first one. He pushed another two or three inches in before she stopped again. She stopped blowing air and she relaxed quicker and she pushed back again. He sank another three inches and she was still pushing back so Max pushed another three inches and with the next push he was all the way in.

Max’s cock was buried to his pubic hair in Mom’s ass. The heat and pressure were incredible. He thought that he would cum right then without another move. He tried counting backward by threes to hold his orgasm back.

Mom started the air blowing thing again like she was dealing with incredible pain. When her breathing slowed again she pulled her ass away from him slowly but steadily. When his cock had pulled out to the glans, she stopped for only a moment and pushed back until he was all the way in again. Max let her take total control as he was concentrating on other things. She turned back and whispered, “Fuck Max. You’re in but I don’t know if I can fuck on it or not. Just let me do it.” He kissed her on the neck again.

He just laid there offering just enough resistance to keep his cock in the same place as Mom pushed herself back ever so slowly and then pulled herself slowly forward. She was doing pretty well. She looked back over her shoulder at Max and he could see her smiling. After several slow and tentative cycles up and down his cock, she started ramping up to a normal fucking pace and Max knew he was going to cum very soon. He moaned out, “Mom, I’m gonna cum. Jesus.” He was gritting his teeth trying hard to hold himself back.

Mom whispered simply, “I know baby; cum in your mother’s ass.” She felt his cock surge in size and that was it for her too. She groaned hard and she lost her rhythm so Max picked it up and began thrusting his cock hard up into her ass. He had felt the clenching of a pussy on his cock many times before but what he was experiencing now was not that. The pressure of Mom clamping on his cock was incredible and cum exploded up from his balls and poured into her bowels. Max groaned hard and so did she. Mom knew she was having an anal orgasm and she was reveling in the sensation. Max didn’t even know that was possible. All he knew was that the sensation was unbelievable. He pumped stream after stream of cum into her ass with his cock buried to the hilt.

It was a long time before they settled down and Max thought again about the danger and risk. Dad could be getting up any time now. Mini was certainly up by now. It was at that moment that Mini’s door opened and she went into the bathroom. When she came out of the bathroom, she opened Max’s door and said, “How come you aren’t up and in the shower yet? We’re going to be late.”

Max mumbled something like, “I’m getting up now.” She closed the door again and went back in her room. She didn’t notice that Mom was in bed with him.

Max pulled his softened cock out of Mom’s ass and she sat up and went to stand up. He couldn’t help notice that Mom’s anus was gaping wide open. She stopped half-way across the room and whispered back, “Fuck, Max. I think you split me in two. I may not walk right for a week.” She continued to the door at a slower pace. She quietly opened the door and went into the bathroom. When she came out, she went back to her room.

Max crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom. He didn’t have time for a shower so he just washed his face and then his soft cock with a facecloth before returning to his room.

They all made it to the breakfast table except for Dad. Mom said that he was still out. Mom quizzed Mini on what she and Dad talked about before Max got home last night.

Mini frowned and said, “He wanted to know why I got in the shower with him yesterday morning. I didn’t have a good answer and he tied me up in knots. I’m pretty sure he knows that I thought I was getting in the shower with Max.”

Mom looked at Max and said, “Yeah, that’s what I thought might happen. I guess there’s nothing to be done now except weather the storm whenever he brings it.”

Mini said, “Sorry Mom. I tried the best I could.”

Mom said, “I know you did baby. Don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault.”

Max had listened to them going back and forth before he said, “Hey Mom? What if we brought Dad into our clique? Last night before you got home I noticed that Dad was looking up Mini’s skirt at her bare pussy and at her braless tits through her tee-shirt. He had a big bulge in his pants, so I know he was horny thinking about her.”

Mom didn’t respond but he could tell she didn’t like the idea much. It was just a thought. He just let it go. Max motioned to Mini that they had to go and she pushed her chair back. He followed her out to her car.

At lunchtime in the cafeteria, Max carried his tray to a vacant table and started to eat alone like every other day. Mini never ate lunch with Max. She had too many friends to sit with. He could see her across the room. It looked like they were passing a cell-phone around the table. He didn’t think anything of it until one of the girls, sitting with her back to him, turn around and looked right at him. At least he thought she was looking at him. Max turned and looked behind him to see if she was looking at someone else.

When the girl realized that Max had seen her looking, she spun back around and said something to Mini who also looked over at him. They all started laughing at something one of them had said. Max always felt that they were laughing at him and he looked back down at his tray.

Max shoveled a few forkfuls of food into his mouth and grabbed his milk box to take a sip. When he tipped his head back to swallow, the girl that had turned around at Mini’s table was sitting down on the other side of his table. Max turned red with embarrassment. ‘How is she going to make fun of me now?’ flashed through his mind.

Max knew her name was Meghan; everyone knew who “The Meghan” was. She’s very pretty and very tall. She didn’t have a body like Mini’s. She was thin but had all the curves in the right places. She was prettier than Mini, with long blonde hair. Max was captivated by her ice-blue eyes. He had never been this close to her before and his heart pounded in his chest. A lot of guys, way cooler than him, had a crush on Meghan. Max was so nervous he was trembling.

She looked across the table at Max for several seconds and then said, “Hi Max.” He didn’t respond. He couldn’t. He was still sure she wasn’t talking to him. She smiled at Max and got up and came around to his side of the bench and sat down beside him. He thought his heart was going to hammer right out of his chest. Max looked from her toward Mini’s table and they were all turned toward him. He was frozen in place and when Meghan put her hand down on his left thigh and touched his cock, he jumped up and fled the cafeteria leaving his tray where it was. Max vaguely remembered seeing Mini and her friends burst out laughing as he flew by them heading for the exit.

Max kicked himself for reacting that way all afternoon, but the damage had been done. He wanted so bad to graduate and move on and start over. He was thinking, ‘Once your place has been established in High School, it’s virtually impossible to change it. You are as a senior what you were as a freshman. Your place in the hierarchy never changes.’

When Max got home, Dad’s car was gone. Mom wasn’t home either but her car was in the driveway so he figured she was next door at Nadia’s. Before his lunch time embarrassment, he would have gone over to get it on with both of them. As it was, he was feeling very depressed and he just laid back on his bed and drifted off to sleep. He didn’t even take his cock out to masturbate.

The phone rang an hour later. Max answered it and it was Mom. She confirmed that she was at Nadia’s and that they were waiting for him to come over. Max declined her offer and hung up. He went back to his bed and fell back asleep.

Max woke to Mini looking down at him as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her hand was on his crotch rubbing over his cock. She pushed the fabric of his pants around Max’s hardening cock so that she could see the outline on his thigh. He looked down to see what she was doing. He said, “Mini. I’m not in the mood. I had a terrible day; maybe the worst day ever.”

Mini didn’t respond right away as she kept right on stroking her fingers along the sides of his cock through his pants. “Why was this the worst day ever?” she said. Max and Mini never talked together like this so he was surprised that she even asked her question. She continued, “Was it because of what happened in the cafeteria?” He looked up at her and nodded and then lowered his gaze to her hand moving up and down his thigh. She said, “Max, that was my fault. I’m sorry. I was sorry the moment I knew what Meghan was going to do.”

Max looked back up at her face, “You sure got as big a laugh out of it as the others. You were showing them the pictures you took of me weren’t you?” She hesitated and then just nodded and said, “I’m sorry Max.”

She said, “I’m just trying to help you Max. You told Dad that girls are talking to you lately. That’s good isn’t it? You have to stop being so painfully shy. Meghan saw your pictures on my phone and just got this glazed look in her eyes and then got up and went over to your table. I didn’t know what she was going to do until she did it. I’m sorry.” Mini was silent for several moments and then continued, “If it’s any consolation, I know she’s interested in you or maybe just your big cock. You should find out which.”

“Yeah? How am I going to do that?” Max said.

“Come into my room and make love to me and we’ll figure it out. OK?” She stood up and offered her hand to him. He took it and she pulled him up. She led Max into her room and sat down on the edge of her bed. She pulled Max up close between her spread knees unbuckled his pants. Max was amused by the look of intensity on her face as she gazed up at him. She unfastened the button and pulled down his zipper. She was licking her lips as she pulled his pants off his feet. She immediately pulled his boxer shorts off. Max’s hard cock sprang out and stood straight out bobbing in Mini’s face.

He pulled his shirt off and other than his socks, he was naked. Mini pushed him back a couple steps so she could stand up. Max expected her to take her clothes off but she was hesitating. He looked at her and said, “What’s up?” Mini was rocking back and forth from side to side. She only does that when she’s nervous. He asked the question again.

She said, “I need you to do something for me. Well, it’s really for you. I have a surprise for you. It’s in the closet. It should make you feel better about today. It’s on the top shelf, way up high. Can you get it for me?” Max just stared at her for several seconds trying to figure out what she was up to. From his experiences, it couldn’t be anything good.

With his hard cock swinging left and right he stepped to the closet door, which was closed. He kept his attention on Mini as he slid open her closet door. She said, “It’s up high on the top shelf.” Max turned his gaze from Mini to look on the top shelf. He didn’t see anything. Mini stayed where she was and said, “It’s probably in the back. You’ll have to look for it. You’ll know it when you see it.”

Max moved further into her closet and started moving things around on the shelf. The tip of his cock was brushing on Mini’s clothes hanging in the closet and he liked the sensation. As he continued to paw around on the top shelf, there was a new sensation on his cock.

Max instinctively jumped back and pulled a naked Meghan with her lips stretched around the head of his cock out of the closet to her hands and knees. Max was shocked. She was looking up at him as she just held his glans tightly between her lips. She had a huge smile on her face in spite of the long shaft sticking out of her mouth.

She moved her body closer to Max and he moved back until his feet hit the bed and he sat down. Meghan held his cock firmly in her mouth as he moved back, and when he sat down on the bed she moved up close and sat back on her feet as both hands wrapped around his shaft. Max was still in shock but he forced his gaze from Meghan’s cock stuffed face to look at Mini. She was grinning back at him as she sat down in her swivel desk chair. She moved both hands down inside her pants and started fingering her pussy.

Max looked back down at Meghan’s face as she was pulling her lips off his glans. She ran her tongue down the underside of his cock all the way to his balls. She never broke eye contact with him. She sucked one of his balls into her mouth and he could feel her tongue pushing his marble around in the sack. She pulled back and stretched his scrotum to the limit and popped it from her mouth. She repeated this on the other testicle and then lapped her way back up his cock and kissed his glans.

She used her hand at the base to rub his cock all around her face like a cat rubbing itself on someone’s leg. It was very sensuous. Max thought he was going to blow his wad right there. She cradled her other hand along the shaft to rub it more firmly on her face. She was moaning loudly as she was breathing rapidly.

Max couldn’t tear his face away but he was trying hard to think of anything except what Meghan was doing to his cock. As the shock wore off, Max took a moment to absorb the vision of Meghan’s beautiful body. She was long and lithe. Her tits were nowhere near the size of Mini’s but they were perky with long hard nipples which she was kneading with her index fingers and thumbs.

His attention moved back to her face when she stretched her lips back over the glans and pushed her head down the shaft. Max wound up breaking the eye contact when his head rocked back on his shoulders and a long groan forced its way from his lungs. “Oh Jesus. That feels fantastic.” His orgasm intruded on his consciousness again and Max pushed it back as best as he could. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold it back for long.

About two-thirds of his cock disappeared in Meghan’s mouth before she gagged hard and quickly pulled her head back to the glans. She clamped her lips on the ridge and the tendons in her neck distended as she was trying to swallow the saliva that wasn’t being forced out of her mouth and down along the underside of his cock.

When Meghan gathered herself, she went right back down to the same depth and started an amazing blowjob that was at least on par with Mini’s skills. Max groaned out again. He wanted to cum so bad in Meghan’s mouth but he didn’t want her blowjob to ever end. ‘Fuck. She’s good,’ he thought.

Movement across the room brought his attention back to Mini. She was moaning as her hips flailed in the chair. Her head was back with her eyes shut. Her face was a mask of contracted muscles as she seethed air through her teeth. Her fingers were furiously pushing the material of her pants in and out. She was in the midst of an orgasm. Max had become accustomed to her orgasms and he knew this was a big one.

Meghan seemed to know that Max was close to cumming because she pulled back to the head and flicked her tongue all over his velvety glans and then popped her mouth off the end. She pushed Max back on the bed and crawled up his body as he was pushing himself back on the bed. His cock was trapped between his stomach and her body as she slid up on top of him until they were face to face.

No words had been uttered by anyone. Meghan looked down at Max and leaned in and gave him a long passionate kiss with her tongue glancing briefly along his lips. She didn’t try to force her tongue into his mouth. Her approach was much more sensuous than playing tonsil-hockey, which is what Max had always thought French-kissing, was. He was totally at her mercy.

Meghan broke the kiss and slid her body further up until her tits were in his face and his cock sprang up between her legs. He had learned a lot from Mom and Nadia over the past few days and he gently sucked one of her rigid nipples between his lips and flicked the tip of his tongue on it. Meghan moaned and popped her nipple from his mouth and offered him the other one. Max did the same and she moaned again. He lightly caressed both tits with his hands and she ground her hips down onto his stomach.

She knew Max’s huge cock was standing up between her thighs and she slowly pushed her body down over his until the length of his shaft was touching her pussy. She reached back with one hand and held it tight against her as she pivoted her hips up along the length and back down again. She repeated this several time. She was dry-humping Max except that she was anything but dry. Her pussy was leaking copious amounts of vaginal fluid that was running down his balls onto Mini’s bed.

Meghan was gasping for air and groaning loudly on the exhale. Max noticed that Mini had recovered from her orgasm and was intently watching what Meghan was doing. Her fingers were still going inside her pants.

Meghan still had one hand on his cock pushing him tight against her and then she lifted her hips as high as she could and tried to push the tip of his cock into her. She realized she wasn’t high enough and she pushed her knees under her to lift herself up higher. When she was high enough, she pushed his cock knob into her pussy and started to let herself drop down the shaft. She groaned in obvious pain and stopped her descent. Max could feel her entire body relax and then she pushed herself down a little more before stopping to adjust again. Max was curious as to how much of his cock she could take. No one had taken it all yet.

Meghan stopped suddenly and pulled back slightly when about three-quarters of his cock was buried in her pussy. She held her position for several moments before she started to fuck Max’s pole. Her legs were between his. This new position added extra pressure as Meghan pulled herself up and down his cock.

It wasn’t more than ten fuck cycles and Max knew the battle with his orgasm was lost. She felt his cock surge in size and she groaned out the first words uttered since they had started, “Oh Fuck Max. You’re too big.” She pulled herself back to the ridge and then pulled all the way off just as Max’s first salvo rocketed up his shaft onto her stomach and tits. She was quickly moving down his body to catch his load in her mouth.

All the remaining shots were deposited in Meghan’s mouth as he groaned hard with each shot and gasped for air through her nose in between. Meghan’s lips were pressed up tight to his glans as she collected what must have been a half-dozen long ropes of cum. She struggled to swallow but couldn’t and cum drooled out of her mouth and down his shaft. Her smiling face disappeared as her lips and cheeks distended trying to deal with the quantity of cum.

Meghan was finally able to swallow some and the smile returned to her beautiful face. When Max was done, she pulled her lips back. She turned to face Mini and opened her mouth to show her the pearly white creamy cum on her tongue. Mini smiled and pulled a glistening hand out of her pants and raised a clenched fist with her thumb pointed up. She then pushed her thumb and all four fingers, one at a time, into her mouth and sucked on each one. She pulled her other hand out of her pants and did the same.

Meghan watched what Mini was doing and then turned back to Max and made a big show of swallowing what she had left in her mouth. She pushed her mouth back down his shaft and licked and sucked and slurped until she was satisfied that he was clean. She then dipped her head and sucked his ball clean of her juices. They had been drenched.

When Meghan rolled off Max and lay on her back, he pushed himself down her body until his face was in her crotch. He dipped his pointed tongue into her bubbling pussy and sucked and licked her juices until she was clean. He finished the job by lapping his broad tongue from her anus to her clit and she groaned and fired her hips up into his face when he touched her clitoris.

Mini made no attempt to join them on the bed. She stayed right in her chair. She said, “Wow guys. That was so incredibly hot. I had three orgasms just watching.”

Meghan was lying on her back still trying to catch her breath. Max laid the side of his face on Meghan’s neatly trimmed pubic hair. She was gently running her finger tips over his face and hair. It was quiet for nearly two minutes before Meghan said, “Mini. I’m sorry I called you a liar. I was so unbelievably wrong. Holy shit was I wrong.”

Max figured Meghan was referring to the size of his cock. Mini had mentioned that her friends were calling her a liar when she described his cock. That’s why she wanted to take pictures with her cell-phone. Max had cooperated but he thought it was a big mistake and the photos would come back to bite her or him.

‘Well, if today was being bitten. Keep biting me,’ he thought as the wonderful odor of Meghan’s pussy wafted up into his nose. Max pushed his tongue out and lightly touched her clit again and her hips involuntarily pushed up again.

She swatted him on the shoulder and said, “Stop that or you’d better be ready to go again.” Max could feel that his cock was still quite hard and he reached down between his legs to verify. It was more than functional and he rolled his body between her legs. She raised her head to look and her knees rose up and splayed wide as Max pulled himself up her body with his elbows and toes.

Max stopped to suck on her tits as she smiled down at him. Her nipples were still very hard. He moved his body further up and kissed her hard on the lips. Meghan reacted as Max could have only dreamed she would. She was on fire when his cock came in contact with her labia. She wrapped her legs around his ass and pulled him into her. She screamed out but she kept on pulling him down with her legs and Max offered no resistance.

Max was conscious of her limits even if she wasn’t. He pushed back against her legs when he knew she couldn’t take anymore but Meghan kept pulling him deeper until she felt the limitation too. She mumbled, “Please just stay right there for a moment.” Max froze with his cock buried to her limit until she indicated that she was ready.

When she pushed her hips down into the bed, Max pulled his hips up until only the glans was imbedded in her pussy. He looked down between them and he was amazed at the sight of her pussy clamped tightly around his cock. Her pussy was stretched and pulled out of her more than an inch as his cock pulled out of her. It was like her pussy had been turned inside out.

Meghan’s teeth were clamped tight as she seethed air in and out. She had wrapped her arms around Max’s neck as she held on for dear life. He fucked her hard and fast and then gentle and slow. He pulled all the way out until just the tip of his cock just barely touched her labia and then pushed back in again. Meghan burst into an orgasm. She was clamped onto his body with her arms and legs and he was actually lifting her off the bed as he pulled back. She was driving her hips up as the rest of her body was off the bed.

She pulsed from her orgasm for several minutes. Max fucked her pussy long and slow as she crested and then descended. She was still gasping for air right in his ear as she clung tightly to him. He started fucking her with just the tip as fast as could move his hips and Meghan went nuts. She screamed and screamed over and over again as she launched into another orgasm. Max kept pummeling her with the tip until he had to stop to catch his breath.

They were both gasping and groaning. When Max could feel his impending eruption, he started a long, fast paced fucking motion and Meghan started screaming again with another huge orgasm as he anticipated the arrival of the boiling cum from his balls.

Max figured she wouldn’t want him to cum in her so he was pulling out of her pussy when she yelled out, “Fuck Max. Cum in me. Oh my GAAAAWWWWDDDDD.” She burst into another orgasm as he was launching his load of cum into her. She screamed with every shot and her hips were ratcheting all over the place.

When he was finished Meghan relaxed her death grip around Max’s neck. Her legs slid off his ass and collapsed splayed out wide on the bed. She was like a rag doll. Every muscle had gone limp. She just lay there as her chest heaved up and down searching for oxygen.

Max rolled onto his side beside her and his softening cock slid out of her. Her pussy was gaped open as it continued to clench randomly. Max kissed her tits and then he kissed her lips. Meghan didn’t move for nearly fifteen minutes. Mini came over and sat on the bed to make sure she was alright.

She was definitely breathing. Her eyes were open but it looked like she wasn’t seeing anything. Mini spoke to her, “Meghan. Are you alright? Max didn’t fuck you to death did he?”

Meghan chuckled and said, “Jesus Mini. He nearly did. Best fuck ever.” She rolled over slowly onto her stomach. Max looked down at her perfectly shaped ass which was the feature that all the guys in school went ‘gaga’ over. He couldn’t resist it. He bent down and kissed her on each butt-cheek. Meghan giggled.

Max’s cock was pretty much completely flaccid when he pushed himself off the bed and stood up. Meghan’s eyes went wide when she saw where his cock hung down to when it was soft. She turned back to Mini and said, “Jesus. His cock is bigger when it’s soft than any other hard cock I’ve ever seen.” Meghan pushed herself up to a sitting position with her feet on the floor and then stood up. Her long blonde hair swung in the air as she shook her head.

Max had to look up at her because she was nearly six foot tall. He gazed at her naked body trying to absorb as much as possible in his memory because he figured he would never see her that way again. As Mini had said in Max’s room, “She’s interest in you or just your cock.” Max figured it was his cock she was interested in. That was fine with him as long as she was interested again.

Meghan and Max got dressed and she hugged him and then he watched as she went out the back door. A car started and then drove off. She must have followed Mini over in her own car. Max watched out the kitchen window until she was gone.

Mini came down the hall with her cell-phone in hand and held it up for Max to look at the screen. It was a photo of Meghan on her back being fucked with her legs splayed wide. Max’s face was cut off at the top and the photo showed Max’s cock half in her pussy. Meghan’s face was turned directly at the camera. He grinned at Mini and said, “Can you send that to my phone? I might remember to carry it if that picture is on it.”

Mini started laughing. She agreed to send the photo but she made Max promise that it was only for insurance if Meghan became a problem for whatever reason. Max promised and she punched several icons and typed something on the screen and said, “You should have it. Enjoy.” She turned around and headed back to her room. She threw open a window to allow the intoxicating smell of sex to escape the room.

Mini tapped a few more times on her phone and watched a video of the entire session between Meghan and Max. She thought, ‘I know I’m evil but this is so hot.’ She pushed her fingers into her pants as she lay down on her bed and held the phone above her face.

Max came through her door and stood there at the foot of the bed watching Mini finger-fucking herself using what he presumed to be the photos she had taken of him and Meghan as pornography. He said, “Mini? If you were so horny, why didn’t you join Meghan and me?” He sat down on the edge of her bed.

Mini kept right on fingering her pussy and clit for many more seconds. She was trying to ignore Max’s question and the fact that he was even there but he was distracting her so she tapped a few icons on her phone with her thumb and put it on her nightstand. She pulled her fingers out of her pants and pulled herself up to sit against the headboard. She crossed her legs ‘indian-style’ and said, ‘I didn’t join you guys because I don’t want everyone to know that I’m having sex with my brother. I absolutely love it but it is incest and others wouldn’t understand. Having seen your monster cock is one thing; fucking and sucking it is something else. Meghan is a blabber-mouth. She would tell everyone.”

Max frowned and said, “Do you think she will blab about her and me having sex?” Max wasn’t certain if he cared either way. He was about to ask another question, but Mini cut him off.

‘I’m not sure which way she’ll go. She’s pretty wrapped up with her status. If you were one of the status guys, one of the ‘cool’ guys, I would say ‘definitely yes’. Where you’re not one of those guys; I’ll say ‘maybe’. If, for some reason, your status changes, she’ll definitely want everyone to know that she fucked you first.”

Max thought about what Mini had said for several moments and said, “You have that photo. Can’t you just show it to her and tell her to keep her mouth shut?”

Mini laughed and replied, “If she wants to tell everyone. The photo will just be proof. She’d distribute it herself if she had it.”

Max just shook his head and said, “Women. I’ll never understand how their minds work.”

Mini laughed and replied, “Max. You have the photo too. I think it is more likely that a guy would want that photo all around school. Proof that you had fucked one of the top three hottest girls in high school would really raise your status.”

Max smiled at her and said, “So, tell me what happened after I ran out of the cafeteria today. How did it result in her coming home with you and hide in your closet? That must have been your idea. Right?”

“Well, after you left, Meghan just sat there for a while. She had the oddest look on her face. She looked like was thinking, contemplating really. I don’t think ‘thinking’ is in her wheelhouse. She’s as dumb as a box of rocks.” She looked at Max and giggled. Max signaled for her to continue.

“After a while she got up and took your tray to dump it and then came back and sat back down at our table. We were all quiet waiting for Meghan to say something. She never said a word. She just looked across the table at me as a wicked smile formed on her face. She must have been thinking about what she felt when she put her hand on your leg. After school, she approached me with a plan to hide in my closet and I would use my feminine wiles to get you into my room so she could do what she did. The whole run-up to her sucking your cock into her mouth while you searched the top shelf was all her idea.”

Max said, “For a box of rocks, it was pretty inventive.”

The back door opened and shut and they could here Mom’s heel clicking down the hall. She saw Mini and Max sitting on Mini’s bed fully clothed and not engaged in anything sexual and she had a surprised look on her face. “What are you guys talking about?”

Mini took the lead, “We were discussing school stuff.” Mini scanned her mother from head to toe and nothing indicated that she had been engaged in another lesbian session with Nadia next door. She was dressed and made up like she just walked off a model’s cat-walk. She was as gorgeous as always. Mini always loved that Mom was so stunningly beautiful at her age. To Mini it meant that she would be able to keep her figure and looks too.

Mom looked down at Max and said, “You sounded so down when I called earlier. I told Nadia I had to go home and see if I could help. Is there anything I can do to raise your spirits?”

Max started to shake his head ‘No’ when he thought about how she had asked her question. “I think there is something you could do.” A smile formed on Max’s face and without a spoken word Mom started unbuttoning her blouse. Mini looked at Max and a huge grin formed on her face as she pulled her shirt over her head and released her bra.

Max removed is pants and went and sat in Mini’s swivel chair by her desk and watched his mother and sister stripped themselves bare. Max said, “I feel awful that I interrupted your girl-on-girl session with Nadia.” He motioned for her and Mini to proceed. Max was thinking he would engage when he thought the time was right. His cock was hard as a brick as he took long strokes from head to balls.

Mom crawled across the bed on her hands and knees until her face was over Mini’s pussy. She looked up to Mini’s face and noted that she was already breathing hard and fast with anticipation. Mini loved it when her mother ate her pussy and she loved eating hers too.

Without breaking eye contact, Mom lowered her face and pushed her rigid tongue into Mini’s pussy. Mini’s chest heaved and her tits bounced. Mini’s nipples were rock hard. Max noted that Mom’s nipples were just as hard as her tits hung nearly to the bed.

Mom started out gently kissing and tonguing Mini’s clit and vagina and even her anus. Then she shifted gears and her attack became urgent and aggressive before slowing back down again. Mini loved it all and she moaned and groaned and convulsed her way through several orgasms.

Mom hadn’t touched herself but her juices were flowing down her thighs. Mom finally broke eye contact with Mini and looked over at Max. She waggled her ass in the air and he got the signal. He climbed from his chair and headed for Mini’s bed. His cock preceded him like a divining-rod searching for water.

Max climbed up on the bed and moved into position behind his mom. Mini had recovered from her last orgasm and she pulled one of her pillows under her head so she could watch her brother mounting her mother doggy-style. Mini had a huge smile on her face.

When Max pushed his huge, swollen cock-knob into his mother’s pussy, she let out a loud groan and dropped her head back into Mini’s crotch. Mom muttered, “Oh Jesus. Oh God. That is the best feeling there is.” Max couldn’t hear her but Mini did and Mini smiled broadly at her mom and nodded her head in agreement.

Mom pushed her ass back on Max’s cock and slowly impaled herself until she couldn’t take anymore. Max noted the depth and he placed his hands on her hips and started vigorously fucking her. She was in a constant cycle of “AHH’s” followed by urgent inhales. The “AAAHHH’s” changed to “OOOOHHH’s” or “OOOHHH FUCK” until she lifted her head out of Mini’s crotch and said as she gasped, “MAX. FUCK ME BABY. MOTHER IS GOING TO CUM ON YOUR COOOOCKKKK.”

Mini had pushed her fingers by her mother’s face and into her own pussy and she was furiously frigging herself trying to catch up to Mom’s impending orgasm. She knew she didn’t have much time because Mom was about to blow. Mini looked up at her brother’s face and she knew he was trying to time his orgasm with Mom’s too. His face was a mask of contorted muscles and his teeth were clamped together as he seethed air through them.

Max could feel his mother convulse into spasms. She didn’t have control of her hips anymore as they flailed forward and back. Mom screamed out, “UUUUUNNNGGGGHHHHH. OH FUCK. I’MMM CCUUUMMMINNNGGG. CCCUUMM WWWITHH MEEEE.”

Max was pummeling his cock into her pussy and he couldn’t go any faster or harder. Mini’s fingers were flying in her pussy. Max looked down at Mini’s contorted face and just as he felt Mom’s first clench of her pussy, cum exploded from his cock which was buried deep in Mom’s pussy. He continued to fuck her hard as her pussy convulsed on his cock over and over again. She was milking cum from his cock and he shoved his cock in deep on each shot.

Max counted six long, lunging spurts shoot into his mother’s pussy. Mom let out a wail with each one. Mini’s orgasm was only a second or two behind Mom’s. Her hips were bouncing Mom’s head up and down, but she was too far gone to care.

Max kept driving his cock into Mom after he had finished. It was still hard and it still felt fantastic. Mom gave no indication that her conscious self was even there. Cum oozed from her pussy, down over Max’s balls, to the bed. It seemed that there was no more room in Mom’s pussy and cum squeezed out of her on every penetration of Max’s cock until it began to soften.

It was nearly five minutes before Max let his soft cock pull from Mom’s pussy. She just collapsed forward pushing her face up onto Mini’s stomach. Mini had recovered from her orgasm and was caressing Mom’s face.

Max pulled himself back and stood at the bottom of the bed and came around the side to sit beside Mom’s inert body. Other than her breathing, she hadn’t moved since she’d collapsed. Her eyes were open and staring in Max’s direction but it didn’t seem to him that she was actually seeing anything. Her mouth was open as she continued to gasp for air. Mini’s fingers lightly traced a path around Mom’s face.

Mini looked at Max with a look of concern on her face. Another five minutes ticked by and still nothing from Mom. Mini adjusted her leg that was pinned under Mom to get blood flowing in it again. Mini’s movement seemed to bring Mom back to the living and she groaned out, “Jesus fucking Christ. I’m done. I may never have to fuck again. I’m done.” She smiled up at Max and continued, “Not really. I could fuck my baby-boy’s cock forever.”

Mom rolled over Mini’s leg to lie beside her. She reached her hand up and cradled one of Mini’s tits and tweaked the nipple. It was still hard as a nail. Mini sighed, “Mom you’d better not get me going again.” Mom pulled her hand back down and tweaked her own nipple.

Max got off the bed and went to the bathroom and started the shower. They all piled in and washed each other without any further sexual teasing. When they were all dried off, Max and Mini dressed in their usual after-school clothes and Mom pulled on her terry-cloth full length robe.

Mom went to the kitchen to start dinner. Mini set the table for the three of them and Max peeled several potatoes and diced them up to make French-fries. He pulled out the deep-fryer and turned it on. Mom came over to Max and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into her. He could feel her firm tits pressing on his chest. She said, “Thank you Max, for that incredible fuck and for helping with dinner. I love you.” She kissed him passionately on the lips and Max kissed her right back.

Mom then went over to Mini and pulled her in for an amazing sensual kiss and said, “Thank you Mini, for all you do. I love you too.”

Dinner was steak and French-fries and it was delicious. The depression Max had felt when he got home from school was gone. He luxuriated in the love he felt for his mother and sister and the love they felt back.

Then the thought of school washed back in on him and he became anxious as he thought about what might go wrong tomorrow. Things were happening too fast. His mind was swimming from everything that had happened in the past few days.

His life had been a boring as hell. Masturbating had been his only enjoyment. Now, a mere few days later, he was hardly masturbating at all. He didn’t need too. He started counting up the sex scenes with actual women and he lost count. The number of women was four: Mom, Mini, Nadia and Meghan. Max decided that his life didn’t suck so badly after all.

After dinner, they all congregated in front of the TV and watched their favorite reality-show. They had fucked themselves out and as each of them tired, they said their “good-nights’ and went to their own beds.

—To be Continued Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor – Part 5 —

Added by BigZeke13

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