First time she plays with her son

I’ve thought about this a lot over the last few weeks.

Do you know how, in stories of this ilk, there’s typically some bolt-of-lightning effect, a ‘lightbulb moment,’ where everything ‘makes sense’ and some ‘inner beast is awoken?’ The truth is that things don’t work like that. It’s not that –

All right, that’s not fair. I can’t say that. I was about to say that these things never work like that but I can’t speak for anyone else. All I can say is that’s not how it worked for me – and I don’t know anyone who’s been through the same things I have, though looking around on the Internet makes it clear plenty of people have.

Just nobody I know.

Okay, getting away from the point. It’s just that this is hard to write out.

Here’s the thing: I fucked my son.

Here’s the other thing: I can’t work out why.

Oh, he’s cute as hell, don’t get me wrong. And that cock? It’s just delicious. Turns out he’s just as sick as me, too, but that’s all icing on the cake. Or cum on the face. Both those things.

But why him? That’s the bit I can’t work out. There are tons of reasons why I shouldn’t want to but they just… don’t seem to apply.

I’ll start from… I don’t really know where the ‘start’ is. So I’ll just pick a point and go from there.


I have a really satisfying marriage.

My husband Albert, perhaps in spite of his name (which he’s always found boring and mundane; as much as I’d like to, I can’t really disagree, so I call him Al), is a very, um, broad-minded fellow. We met at an orgy in university when we were both barely eighteen and painfully naive. I’d like to say that as soon as I saw him sparks flew, but that would be bullshit. Maybe because I had three other cocks in me at the time and he was just someone waiting his turn. The point is, we met, we fucked, it was good but not actually any better than anyone else I had that night.

Then we didn’t meet for another, oh… four years, I guess.

That was at a strip club in Melbourne where I was working. He was in for a buck’s party – his own buck’s party – and the Best Man picked me to strip for the groom-to-be. We broke a lot of rules in the private room and getting DP’d by those two wasn’t the least of it. Sadly, it got me fired – I really liked that job.

Luckily, it got the Best Man in a really happy mood, which meant that when they found me crying on the footpath outside the club, he was the one who suggested I come with them.

We all went back to some dodgy hotel room and fucked like mad – me, seven guys and another girl I used to work with (different job, a call centre, but we’d stayed close). I got pregnant, the Best Man got wildly drunk, Al got informed (by the Best Man) that his fiancee was cheating on him (with his Best Man).

I always thought it was a bit hypocritical of Al to drunk dial his fiancee and tell her that he was balls-deep in another woman and that she was a cheating whore who could go fuck herself, when he’d been balls deep in me for several hours before that. But that’s what he did.

They broke up. I had a miscarriage. We got together. It took us another year to work out that we’d actually met – and fucked – before.

The world’s a weird place, isn’t it?

Anyway, we’ve always been swingers. He’s the balding accountant (no, really) and I’m the hotwife who sleeps with all of his friends – whether he’s watching or not. The secrets to a happy marriage are to find someone who’s not afraid of rolling up their sleeves and getting shit done when they need to, and who’s exactly as filthy-minded as you are.

The point is, my sex life is not boring. My sex life is probably light years ahead of yours – or maybe it’s not. I don’t know your life. But I do know mine.

I got pregnant for a second time with my first child, Teagan, who was named by his Dad because there was no way the family tradition of handing down the name ‘Albert’ was going to stick. I don’t think Al’s Dad ever forgave him for that.

Anyway, apart from all of the sex, giving birth to my second child (a girl I named Tara, just because I liked how it looked next to Teagan) and several failed attempts at picking up part-time work (stripper, prostitute, child care worker, chemical analyst and so on), the next couple of decades aren’t…

Well, no, they were interesting. But they weren’t all that relevant to this story.


I suppose the really interesting stuff started a few days after Teagan’s twenty-second birthday.

Usually, on Wednesdays, Al and I have a date night. It gives the term ‘Hump Day’ a different dimension and it makes the mid-week something for all of us to look forward to – Al and I because we go out for the night, Teagan and Tara because… Well, because we go out for the night. We’re not the kind of parents who only have sex once in a blue moon, and even though I’ve learned to hold it in (for the most part) I’m naturally a screamer. Nobody’s kidding ourselves that the kids can’t hear us fucking some nights.

Al’s supposed to put soundproofing on the bedroom walls but he never seems to get around to it. I think I’m just going to ask Teagan to do it, especially since I’ve started fucking him anyway.

Anyway, this is all prior to that. It was Wednesday and I got a text.

:: Georgia – won’t make it tonight, sorry ::

My name is Georgia, by the way. It suddenly occurred to me I hadn’t mentioned that. Al never abbreviates it or uses a pet name for me, either – something about the phonetics gets him hot and I’m fine with that. It feels good to be relished.

Anyway, I was… Let’s say ‘disappointed.’ So I put down my vibrator, dried off my hands and grabbed my phone.

:: Whats up Al? ::

He hates that I don’t use proper punctuation in texts. He’s angry-fucked me over it more than once before – which is why I don’t do it. Shh. Don’t tell him. I don’t think he’s worked it out yet.

:: Got to work late, honey. Mind if I fuck Cora? ::

:: Cora gets cock and I dont? Okay have fun. C U tonight. ::

I didn’t get a response back for a few minutes. I guess Cora – his secretary – was sucking his cock. Which is a fucking hot sight, by the way. Almost as hot as when I’m licking her pussy. So yes, you know, Cora was a known factor. Al already had permission to fuck her, anyway. He didn’t have to ask. But it was a courtesy and my husband is a sweety, even if he was fucking his secretary on our date night.

So yes, I was annoyed. But it was at the circumstance, not at them. Frankly, I was more irritated I didn’t get a fun date than that I was unlikely to get hard cock.

:: Okay, I love you. See you tonight. Cora says hi and that she’ll pretend to be you so you kind of get spiritual cock by proxy. I don’t think that’s how it works. ::

:: U had better fuckin well take photos or ur in the dog house buddy! ::

:: Shall do. <3 ::

It was Wednesday, I wasn’t in the mood to masturbate any more, I wasn’t going to get cock and I wasn’t going on a date. Things weren’t looking good. Given the circumstances, I turned to the reliable comforter of all jilted wives and lonesome lovers.


Tara and Teagan were in the kitchen when I went to the freezer to get the ice cream which, of course, was what I meant by ‘comforter.’

We have a nice house with a big kitchen. Apparently the family who built it had four kids and they used half of the kitchen as their dining room, so it was far from crowded. Not with half as many children and no need for a table, thanks to the dining room that the second family built on ten years after the house was first constructed.

My children were both topless, but that was nothing new. The whole family went around topless a lot of the time – when the weather was good, anyway. Funnily enough Teagan had a period in high school where he wasn’t seen without a shirt – probably because he got pretty chunky there for a few years – but Tara didn’t care. Al and I refused to teach them that bodies were shameful and they grew up with us typically naked from the waist up.

I was topless, too, and somewhat less enticing a sight than my daughter’s firm tits when I wandered in.

“You’re a bit underdressed, aren’t you, Mum?” Tara asked, looking up from her X-Men comic and pushing her glasses up her nose.

“Not really,” I told her, trying and completely failing to keep the self-piteous disappointment out of my voice. “Your Dad pulled out of our date night.” That made Teagan look up, too, from his phone. “He has to work back late at the office.” Even to me the excuse sounded a bit stupid, even though I knew it was true. There’s no point lying to your wife to fuck women when she doesn’t really care if you do.

I saw Teagan’s frown, though, and I knew what that meant. Because we’re not entirely devoid of morals, Al and I kept our sex lives out of our kids’ business. They had no idea we were shameless hussies. Is a man-hussy called a hussy? He is now.

I could just see the cogs whirling behind their eyes as my kids started to wonder – and probably not for the first time – if their Dad was cheating on their Mum. What could I say? ‘Don’t worry, kids, I know he fucks other women, but you wouldn’t believe how many non-Dad dicks I’ve had in my mouth in this month alone’? Probably not. Even I have limits.

Well… I thought I did.

Tara was the first one to speak and her eyes lit up in that way they do when she’s dead certain that what she’s about to utter is, clearly, the most brilliant thing anyone could say in the situation.

“So what? Teagan will take you on a date.”

“What? I will?” This was news to her brother, obviously. Tara gave him a ‘well, duh,’ look. He frowned and then, as if he had clearly just said ‘Fuck it,’ shrugged and nodded. “Yeah, sure. I think I’ve got something decent to wear.”

I sighed, particularly because I’d just opened the ice cream bucket (punnet? I don’t know) and found it very nearly empty.

“No, Teagan, you don’t have to,” I protested, but Tara cut me off. She does that sometimes.

“It’ll be fun, Mum! Teagan’s a great date. At least that’s what Julie says,” she added, throwing a Look at her brother. Julie was Tara’s best friend and she hadn’t been happy when the two of them had been dating. Ignoring his eye-roll, she poked him in the arm. Pretty hard, by the look of it. “Go on, go have a shower and put something decent on!”

“He doesn’t want to be seen out on the town with his Mum, Tara.”

“Bullshit. Most of his friends would kill to date you. Hell, some of my friends would happily volunteer.” Tara looked again at Teagan, this time for support, and he reluctantly nodded.

I protested again. Teagan tried to say if I didn’t want to then Tara should leave well enough alone. Tara didn’t, because she usually doesn’t. Somehow, as things often seem to in this household, events panned out the way Tara insisted they do and it was decided: I was to have a date with my son.

‘Oh, aha! That’s the light-bulb moment,’ I hear you say. No, it wasn’t. Right then I was honestly just humouring Tara because it was easier than making her shut up. Teagan was doing the same thing, that was obvious. I think even Tara knew it but she was getting her way so that made her happy.

She’s not actually as selfish as I’m making her out to be, by the way. I just don’t like being railroaded.

Anyway, an hour later we’d both showered and changed.

I’d opted for something more sedate than my usual date-night dresses but that isn’t really saying much; I was still showing a lot of leg and my neck-line wasn’t exactly, um, virginal. I have huge boobs, a smallish waist and a generous butt, and all of my going-out clothes kind of… accentuate them. And believe it or not, when I was building my wardrobe over the years I never considered that my ‘going on a date’ section should have a ‘with my son’ subsection. Eventually I was clad in a figure-hugging wine-red velvet dress, black push-up bra (as if I needed any help in that area) and matching panties.

About halfway through my makeup I stopped resenting Tara’s pushiness and started enjoying myself again, so I guess the shade of lipstick I opted for was a touch racy. It was the stay-fast type, though, not one of what I call my ‘Strumpet Lips collection,’ the colours and the textures that make for vivid, intentional smears. A deep red matching the dress, a semi-gloss that somehow seemed to be made of velvet as surely as the dress it matched.

Following about three minutes of deliberation I put on a garter belt and my long sheer black stockings, the cat-paw patterned tops hid by about three inches of the hem of my dress. Shoes were next, red heels that gave me a little extra height and made my arse look incredible, if I do say so myself. I left my long, curly brunette hair out.

Teagan, typically, had opted for a clean t-shirt and black jeans with only one hole in them. Tara was marching him back into his room as I came out of mine, so I was stuck downstairs staring at the wine rack while my kids had a less-than-subtle argument upstairs in my son’s room.

Finally they came down again, Tara looking smug. She’d obviously taken the matter of his outfit into her own hands.

Teagan had on a shirt – a proper shirt, which I hadn’t even realised he owned – along with dress pants, proper shoes and a jacket slung over one shoulder. The short and his socks, which I could just see under the cuffs of his pants, were wine-red to match my dress.

A scene from the original Jurassic Park movie flashed through my head.

Clever girl…


The date-night was wonderful.

It could have gone terribly in so many ways but somehow, miraculously, it didn’t. We had dinner, we talked, had some drinks and then we even went dancing. I think Teagan was really doing his best to make me forget about his Dad. I’d like to say that it deepened my realisation of my son as a man but I was already aware of that.

He looked like he was having as much fun as I was. He wasn’t as drunk as I was, but then he was being all protective. His Dad does the same thing. Or maybe I just can’t hold my alcohol…

Maybe a bit of both.

We got to the front door laughing. I was way past tipsy but not falling-down wasted. Just leaning-heavily drunk. He had an arm around my waist and we navigated the front steps one at a time, giggling and trying not to wake Tara up. I leaned against him and rested my head on his chest as he worked out which key he was after on his key ring.

“Thanks, Mum,” he said, pausing to grin down at me. “I had a great time tonight.”

“Thanks, honey,” I slurred at him, “I did too. Great time.”

That was when I did something stupid: I reached up, languidly put my arms around his neck, went up on my tippy-toes and kissed Teagan full on the mouth. It wasn’t a motherly kiss. It was a prelude-to-fucking kiss. It was the kiss I used on people I really, really liked to convince them that they should really be taking me somewhere private and peeling my dress off.

I leaned back. I suppose he was staring at me in shock but I couldn’t really say. I had that drunken tunnel vision thing that people get and as I licked my lips, still tasting the wine and chocolate cake we’d had for dessert, the only thing I saw was his mouth.

He leaned back when I leaned forward again but I pulled his head down again and this time I felt his tongue as I slid mine along it, cursing the panties trapping the heat at my crotch, wanting to reach down to his but knowing that as soon as I let go he’d break the kiss –

Which, obviously, he did anyway.

We didn’t say anything as we went inside. Tara was actually asleep, I think, and Al wasn’t home yet. We went upstairs, he went into his room, I went into mine and then I fell bodily onto my bed, crawling inside my own skin with hunger I knew wasn’t going to get solved that night.


I had a lot of thinking to do the next day.

At first I blamed it on the wine but that excuse didn’t even last as long as the hangover, dismissed as bullshit of the highest order. Oh, I kissed him because of the wine, guilty as charged there, but that wasn’t why I’d liked it so much. It definitely wasn’t why I was one tweaked nipple away from stripping my panties off right there on the front step and getting his fingers as deep in me as I could.

There was no way, either, that the wine was why I was still horny just thinking about it. My sex drive is intimidatingly high but it’s usually also pretty indiscriminate. But I didn’t want to pick up the phone and make an early-morning booty call. I didn’t want to hook up with a friend or even a complete stranger.

Hell, I didn’t even want my husband. Teagan had crawled into my fantasies and started flicking at my metaphorical clit, without ever meaning to.

As I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling – Al hadn’t come home, which wasn’t all that unusual as Cora lived closer to their office – I started to think back. I needed to pin this on something, I didn’t care what, and so I tried to think of the first time I’d found Teagan even remotely appealing.

Attraction is a weird thing. It can slip by unnoticed, masquerading as other, more motherly instincts, until it’s examined thoroughly. All those excuses we make to sit closer to someone, to touch their arm, to keep them in eyesight.

The fact is that I couldn’t then – and still can’t now – point to any one event that caused myself to find Teagan sexy. Nothing spurred it. He’s just a damn good-looking guy and that magical safeguard that says, ‘Hey, perhaps fucking your adult son isn’t so great an idea,’ that instinctual block just isn’t there for me. Nothing stops me from looking at him as a man as surely as I do a mother; the two aren’t mutually exclusive.

I don’t know why this is. I might have a Masters degree in chemical science but I’m no psychologist. All I know is that the fact that he was pushed out of my cunt twenty-two years ago doesn’t in the least stop me from wanting him to shove part of himself back in there.

I’m not sure how long it was before I heard Tara yell out that she’d be back that night and the door slammed downstairs louder than it had any right to. I drank more than half of the bottle of water I keep my the bed and dozed off after that.


When I woke up I felt better in as much as no longer having a hangover, but otherwise I was a hot, wet, swampy mess.

I got up, pulled on my stupidly pink fluffy dressing gown and headed down the hall. My destination was initially the bathroom – I wanted a shower – but I stopped when I saw Teagan’s door open a little. Feeling like a light-headed school girl, I peeked inside and saw my boy laying on his bed, spread-eagled, fast asleep. The boxers he had on – ridiculous Superman boxer shorts, I remember that very vividly – did nothing to hide the bulge inside.

Exactly three heartbeats. That is precisely how long it took me to throw away the last of my apparently flimsy decency.

The door swung silently as I pushed it open. I hate squeaky hinges. My bare feet made no sound as I padded across the floorboards to his bed.

He woke up when I got on the bed. It’s a nice fantasy that people don’t do that and somehow stay asleep while naughty stuff happens but the inner ear is a touchy device. Teagan raised his head and looked at me blearily, eyes widening in alarm as I pulled my dressing gown open and off. His eyes were dragged helplessly downward – my tits he’d seen countless times, but this was the first time he’d seen my damp, perfectly bald pussy.

“Mum, what the fuck -”

“Shh, shut up, Teagan,” I shushed him, putting both my hands on his chest and forcing him back down to the mattress when he tried to sit up. It took my whole weight; my son’s not a weak boy. “I just really need you to fuck me.”

“What the fucking fuck?” he demanded, his voice a hoarse whisper. Panic was in his tone, now, and his eyes flicked toward the doorway. I’d closed the door but the meaning was clear.

“Tara’s gone, your Dad didn’t come home. We’re alone.” I slid down the bed and pulled his boxers down, fishing around in them to pull his stiffening cock out. He wasn’t stopping me, I noticed.

“Are you still drunk?” he asked, in a more normal voice.

“Not even slightly,” I grinned, wrapping my hand around the base of his shaft. “Not even hung over any more. But I’m really fucking horny and I need my cunt stuffed. Right now. By you.”

“But you’re my Mmmmmotherfucker,” he groaned as my lips slid down over his glans, down, down until I had his whole length trapped in my mouth, in my throat. Up and down my head bobbed, deep-throating one moment, lavishing attention on the head of his cock the next. It took a long time for me to be willing to let him go, and that was mostly so he didn’t blow his load too soon.

“No, honey,” I laughed, “you’re my motherfucker.”

He made some cute wordless noise and I took him back in, working him with my mouth and my hand. He’s not exactly a small guy but I have excellent gag reflex control. Laying on my front between his legs, I pulled back and looked his manhood over as I pumped its length with one hand. About seven, maybe seven and a half inches. Bigger than average but not so big it was going to rip me apart.

To this day I don’t know why he didn’t stop me. I don’t know if he wanted to fuck me. I don’t think he did – not initially, at least. He got into it pretty quick but I think if I’d ever stopped to actually ask him what he wanted he’d have let me down. Maybe that’s why I didn’t.

Still, he got used to the idea very quickly.

He was in my hand, my fist moving up and down in a blur, when his first shot of cum hit me in the face. I quickly sank him in my mouth and swallowed as much of it as I could, eyes on his agonised O-face all the while.

“Oh my God,” he started, sitting up. “I came way too quickly.”

“Shut up, I wanted you to,” I giggled, still pumping his cock. “This way you last longer when you’re fucking the living shit out of me.” I licked my lips, tasting the spilled cum there, and caught that tasty initial spray with one finger before slurping it off. Fuck, there are only a few things I love more than swallowing cum. The taste of it made me hotter, wetter, even though I hadn’t been sure that was possible.

Perhaps it was the fact that he was getting a post-orgasmic blowjob from his own mother. It could have been his youth. Maybe it’s just because I have a lot of experience getting men hard for Round Two. Whatever the case his boner was soon a thick, hard mass in my hands again.

Then I dropped beside him on the bed and spread my legs, fingertips circling my rosy little clit. He didn’t need to be told, thankfully; I think I might have screamed in frustration if he’d objected again. Instead he was kneeling between my legs, his muscled chest inches from my heaving tits. I didn’t look down. I stared him in the eyes as I grabbed his cock and aimed it to where I needed it to go.

My labia spread for him like I’d always been expecting that moment. He tried to go slowly but I wrapped my legs around his backside and pulled him in, sinking with a very wet squelch until he was seated in me to the hilt.

I could hardly breathe. The implications of the moment hit me all at once at exactly the same time that the head of his cock bumped against my cervix. I think the shock, perhaps the fear, showed on my face because he leant down and kissed me.

That was the hottest, most intense kiss I’d had in decades. It lasted a long time and it didn’t stop when he started moving in me, his back arching, hips shifting as he fucked me with long, deliberate strokes. At first he was gentle, slow, but as I whimpered encouragements to him – without words, considering he still had his tongue in my mouth – he began to really fuck me properly.

They were powerful, deep motions that churned my already sticky cunt into a literal froth. I’ve always been a hot, wet lay, but what my boy was doing to me… What we were doing together… Even if he hadn’t felt the gush as I came, screaming into the kiss, he’d have heard the wet smacking as my juices came out in a flood. My fingers tightened around the muscular globes of his arse and I heard him hiss as my nails drew blood.

I didn’t care. I could care later. Right then I needed to have my brains fucked out.

And boy, did my son oblige!

Teagan got a glimpse – though only a glimpse – of some of the stuff I’m into during that intense sex. He kissed my skin; I bit his. The harder he ploughed me, the harder I wanted it. He moved his hand to my shoulder; I repositioned it around my throat. The harder he squeezed, the harder I bucked against him. It got so intense I very nearly passed out before finally tapping his hand to get him to back off.

I could feel my cunt aching beautifully as he pulled out and flipped me onto my stomach. Immediately I got onto all fours and presented him with his new target. I didn’t bother with dirty talk – I’m actually not very good at it, despite my experience with sex in general – but he soon had me moaning and then screaming into his pillows as he fucked another orgasm out of my pussy, and then another. I was making a mess of his sheets and neither of us cared in the slightest.

This is why I keep a bottle of water beside my bed.

I shuddered and actually came again – a much smaller orgasm but still pretty damn good – when he grabbed a handful of my brown hair and pulled me back onto his dick, spearing me as deep as he could. I felt his balls hit my clit with the force of the entry; I moaned in pure pleasure as he forced two fingers up my arse. I simply let him have me, let him do whatever the fuck he wanted to. He’d earned it.

I felt a ridiculous sense of pride. My beautiful son was no dud lay. He was a choice piece of cock. I think that was the moment I knew this wasn’t going to be our last romp. Not if I had anything to say about it, anyway.

It still surprised me, though, when he came inside me. I felt it approaching, felt his nuts tighten, his arms tense, his body tremble. I heard the growing growl in his throat, one of the sexiest noises any man can make, and I knew what was next. But I expected him to pull back, splash across my butt, my spine, even flip me over and aim for my tits or my face.

Nope. He let out something awfully like a roar, buried himself as deep in me as he could and then he was pumping ropes of stringy cum deep into my waiting, desperate pussy.

We lay there, my rounded body pinned beneath his chiselled one, panting desperately, our skin flushed, as his cock slid from me. I could feel his seed leak down over my clit on its way to meet the squalid mess of pussy juices I’d left in a massive puddle on the bed.

“That… Was…” I tried to summon some kind of appropriate words, something that would do the moment justice but all I could come up with was, “Fucking. Awesome.

Teagan didn’t say anything. He twisted his hand, which was still holding a large fistful of my hair, and kissed me hard when my lips came in range. Eventually I twisted over and lay on my back, pulling him back down onto me, dragging the sheet over us both and shutting out the world.

“Fucking awesome,” I repeated. The head of his cock rested at the cum-drooling entrance of my sex, both of them sensitive beyond description. We both winced at the contact, then laughed, then kissed again. And then some more.

“Mum,” Teagan began in his Serious Voice, “what about Dad?”

I shook my head, adopting my own Serious Voice, mirroring his no-nonsense, frowning countenance (I love that word – countenance).

“No, he’s not into guys, sorry.”

“No! No, Mum,” he protested, trying not to laugh. “I mean what about him not coming home last night?”

“Oh, that.” I shrugged. “He probably spent the night fucking his secretary. No, it’s okay,” I tried to explain, as I saw his face cloud darkly, “he can fuck whoever he likes. We’ve always been that way. Cora and I both fucked him last week.”

There was a long pause as Teagan took this in, digested the news that his mother was a swinging hotwife slut.

“Um. Like, at the same time?”

“Yep, uh-huh. I mean, do you want the details, or..?”

“No, God no,” he protested, so quickly that I laughed. Then I shifted and then I squelched. That brought on a fit of giggles that made him laugh and then I laughed more and it kind of went on in a post-coital feedback loop until I kissed him again.

“You know, I wasn’t banking on you finishing inside me,” I admitted. “I’m not so old that you couldn’t get me pregnant.” His eyes went wide – he obviously hadn’t considered that. “Good thing I’m on the pill,” I added, letting him off that hook a lot sooner than I’d meant to.

We didn’t speak for a while. We didn’t even kiss. We just looked at once another, from close range, in complete wonder.

“So,” he tried, when the silence went on too long.

“So,” I agreed. “So that’s incest.” The word made him wince and I bit his shoulder, though not too hard. “That’s what it is, though. You fucked your Mum.”

“Yeah,” he nodded, frowning again. He shifted to get off but I trapped him, arms around his waist, pulling him back.

And,” I continued, “your mother loved every fucking God-damned second of it.” He smiled hesitantly. “And she’s going to enjoy it even more the next time.”

“Wait, what? Next time?” This time he did sit up, before I could tighten my grip. The sheet fell away and I sat up, too, resting my hand on his chest. I could feel his heart beating under the ribs, beating hard.

“Hell yes,” I retorted. “I’m not letting that magnificent cock get away that easily, young man.” Then I got out of bed, a roll-and-stand motion that I’ve perfected over the years. “But not right now. We both need a rest. Oh, and a shower,” I added, as the smell of sweat and spunk hit me.

As I bounced out of the room, my dressing gown in one hand and cum running down my thigh, I heard one last whisper behind me.



So that was the first time we fucked.

Obviously you’ve gathered it wasn’t the last, not by far, but it was the first and probably the most important, and not only because my son is the only man I’ve actually cheated on Al with. When I say ‘cheated’ I mean that we haven’t told Teagan’s father about it yet. I mean technically we don’t need to, because of agreements we’ve made in the past… but I know that’s just an excuse.

This is something that, to put it mildly, Al would want to know about.

I just don’t know how to tell him.

I also don’t know if Teagan’s told anyone. I don’t think he has, as he’s a very thoughtful guy, and he knows what’s at stake. I know for sure that Tara doesn’t know because she doesn’t have the impulse control to stop herself from marching in and confronting us about it. But that’s just her way. And I’m sure that Al doesn’t know yet, either. That would involve one hell of a Talk.

So for now we’re keeping things on the down-low.

For no real reason.

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