Father submits to curious game for daughter’s slumber party

I was still at a block and didn’t know what to say. Was I hearing all this right? My own was trying to get me to cheat on her mother, with her best ? Lindsay could see it was taking me a moment to process all of this and took advantage of my continued silence.

“I got this idea from a college social site I was on. They were talking about different kinds of parties and games,” she continued. “Most of them revolve around drinking, sex, or both – of course. The one that really caught my eye though was called The & The .”

My daughter was looking up sex games on forums? My daughter wanted me to play sex games with her friends? My mind was still racing and my mouth still was not working as my daughter continued.

“…and the guy sits in the chair with a hood on all night. As the night goes on, if any of the girls want to check out his penis, she can do it without worrying about the guy knowing who she is, or if she knows who the guy is, or worrying about being judged. She can just look, touch, experiment, play, kiss, suck, or even fuck the guy’s dick as much as she wants – whenever she feels like it.”

The block in my mind released.

“What the hell kind of websites are you getting on Lindsay!?” I almost yelled. “You want me to sit in a chair so your friends can play with my dick?? Forget that it’s your friends or that your mom is my wife. Have you even considered the age difference involved here?”

“Dad!” she interrupted. “Be quiet or you’ll ruin everything. Yes, I thought about all of those things. The girls don’t need to know who you are, or how old you are. Your head will be covered by the hood I got. Besides, I already told the girls about the and they loved the idea! We don’t have a lot of experience, dad. This would give them a chance to see what a real man’s penis is like without the embarrassment. If you think about it, it’s kind of like hands-on sex education. Whenever they’re ready, each girl can come over and check you out – well, your penis anyways. I told them I could guarantee the person I picked would understand the rules and know that it’s not about them. I also told them whoever I picked would be patient, kind, clean, and STD free.” She paused as she could see I had more questions to ask.

“What about pregnancy?”

“I have condoms if we need them,” she stated simply, and pointed through the door window to a small mixing bowl sitting on a table by the chair she had set up. It was full of a variety of condoms. “We collected them from various places” she said, answering my next question before I could ask it.

“And what the hell did you do to that chair?” I asked, also pointing in the window. The chair Lindsay had set up looked to be a four-legged, reclined, molded plastic dining chair. It appeared to be a normal chair, but for one exception. The front center of the seat had been cut away. The actual sitting portion of the chair was now shaped like a large “U” with just enough back edge to barely sit on, and just enough side edges to hold the chair together while supporting my legs – provided I keep them slightly apart. The whole thing had been crudely covered with what looked like thin foam padding and a soft fabric. I could also make out four wide strips of Velcro at the top of each chair leg, just under the seat.

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