Father submits to curious game for daughter’s slumber party

“Looks like you’ve got it pretty much taken care of down here. What’s up with the blanket hanging in the back?” I asked.

“That’s where I’ll need your help,” she replied. I started to walk back, but she caught my arm and said, “Not yet. Let’s wait till everyone gets here first. I want to make sure no one is going to chicken out.”

“Chicken out? What are you planning Lindsay?”

“You’ll see.” And with that, the doorbell rang.

I made my way to the kitchen as Lindsay answered the front door. Judging by the voices, all the girls had arrived at the same time. They greeted each other loudly, which only emphasized the sudden drop in volume when they started whispering to each other. “Boy talk” I thought to myself before hearing a loud burst of laughter break out. Just then Lindsay poked her head into the kitchen to inform me they were going downstairs and asked if I could bring the pizza we had ordered down when it arrived. I agreed and watched as she headed back to the foyer to lead the other girls downstairs.

When the pizza arrived, I paid for the food, gathered some paper plates and towels, and gave my crotch a quick glance to make sure nothing was too obvious. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Lindsay had said about the other girls getting dressed up too. Taking a deep breath, I double-checked that I had everything and made my way downstairs. As I came around the corner at the bottom of the stairs, I was almost capsized by a speeding, giggling blur of brunette hair and large tote bags.

“Sorry Mr. D!” two voices exclaimed from behind my pile of plates, boxes, cups, and assorted things I carried. I half-turned, half caught out of the corner of my eye, two petite figures rush by into the bathroom behind me.

Regaining my bearings, I stepped into the living room and deposited everything on the table Lindsay had moved along the side wall. Nervous and excited, I finally allowed myself to look up – but the girls were gone. Then I heard voices behind the curtain Lindsay had set up over the back entrance.

“Are you serious!?” I heard Kristy’s voice say. “…but what if your dad comes down?”

“Don’t worry about my dad,” I heard Lindsay reply. “He has plans for the night. He won’t even be here.”

Now I knew something was up, because Lindsay knew I wasn’t going anywhere. She had made me promise not to go out so I would be here.

“Pizza’s here!” I called out, announcing my presence. I heard a fresh batch of giggles coming from behind the curtain when my poked her head out.

“Thanks dad.” Her face seemed slightly blushed. “Anne and Elizabeth went to change into their sleep clothes.” She winked as she said this. I didn’t know who Elizabeth was, but I knew Anne was also one of Lindsay’s closest . I guessed that Anne and Elizabeth were the two giggling brunettes that almost ran me over in the hallway.

“I think that’s all we need,” she continued. “I’ll come up and say goodbye before you leave.” She said this with a wink, indicating I was to play along.

I’ll admit I was pretty disappointed I didn’t get a chance to see any of the girls in their outfits, but then I scolded myself for acting like a teenager and headed back upstairs. As I walked by the bathroom, I could resist taking a quick peek through the open, old-style key lock on the door. Almost as soon as I had put my eye up to the keyhole though, I quickly pulled back. It looked like one of the girls had been turned towards the door, and I swear I saw her eyes flicker towards the keyhole right as I had looked through. I paused for a second, expecting to hear offended screams about perverted old men, but no screams rang out. Once my heartbeat slowed again, I realized that I had also caught the briefest glimpse of a cute, small, naked butt reflected back at me through the mirror. I tried to recapture the image in my head, but it had been so brief and fast that I couldn’t keep the picture clearly in my mind. Trying to be a good guy, I headed up the stairs before I could convince myself to take another peak.

Please wait…

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