Father submits to curious game for daughter’s slumber party

Lindsay was standing in my doorway with her mouth open and eyes wide. I almost screamed she surprised me so much. Trying to grab my blankets and cover myself, I kept stuttering apologies and asking why she didn’t knock.

“You left the door open,” she said plainly.

“I’m so sorry Lindsay. You shouldn’t have seen that. I was just…just…” but I couldn’t finish.

Lindsay seemed to regain her senses as she looked up at me and smiled. “Sorry dad. I know I shouldn’t have walked in on you, but I thought I heard you say…” she paused “…anyways, I was just surprised to see you doing that, and next thing I know you were, um…you know,” and she made a spraying motion with her hands. “…finished,” she translated.

“I…um…” I was still speechless.

“It’s all good, dad. If mom’s not going to take care of you, then there’s no shame in doing it yourself,” she said with a chuckle. “We’re all human!” And with that, she turned and left the room.

I lay there for a while, recovering from the intensity of my orgasm and the shock of seeing my watching me shoot cum all over myself. There was nothing to do about it now. I kept wondering how much she had seen, or even more important – how much had she heard? It’s one thing for her to catch me jerking off, but another thing all together if she heard me fantasizing about her . I was only half aware of talking out loud while I was doing it, so I really don’t know how loud I was being. It would be really awkward if she heard me talking dirty to her friends in my head. These thoughts raced through my mind until I eventually fell asleep.

The next morning, Lindsay acted like nothing happened as we ate breakfast and waved my wife off to her week-long conference. As soon as her car was out of sight, Lindsay grabbed her jacket and purse.

“Where are you headed off to?” I asked.

“Kristy’s,” she answered. “We’re gonna go over the stuff we want for tonight.”

“I hope you not planning anything too wild,” I said.

“Depends on your definition of wild,” she replied with a sly grin. “I have a special surprise I want to set up for the girls, but I’ll need your help. I’ll be back around four o’clock to go over everything with you.”

I started thinking that this was more coordinated than I had originally thought. I had figured on it being just a bunch of girls sitting around, watching movies, and talking about boys; but it seemed my daughter had something a little more structured in mind. Not one to worry before I have all the details though, I shrugged my shoulders and began working on the to-do list my wife had left for me.

At almost exactly four o’clock, Lindsay came through the door. I had just finished cleaning the garage and sat down to relax when she walked into the living room and saw me.

“Dad!” she exclaimed. “You can’t look like that!”

“Why?” I asked. “I’ll probably just hang out up in my bedroom most of the time.”

“No sir. I have plans for you.”

“That doesn’t sound good.”

“Oh, I think you’ll be OK with what I have in mind,” she said, grinning again. Now I was really worried. “I need you showered, shaved, smelling good, and ready for inspection in thirty minutes.”

Please wait…

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