Experience with Shy/Introvert chennai milf

I replied, I actually have to say thanks for the wonderful chance you provided to me. I personally enjoyed your company and you helped me to give pleasure. It’s time to leave.
I hugged and said we will meet once again, if we get a chance. She said keep in touch. I left her home and said to myself that finally I did it. Thanks to god.

Post this incident, I met her one more time in a famous velachery mall. Just had some partial fun inside my car which was parked in the parking lot. Two months later she called and informed me that her husband returned to home.

Thank you very much for your time to read this story. Please forgive me if I made any mistakes. Your valuable feedback/comments are always welcome, indeed it helps to motivate a person like me to share more and more real stories. Interested women/girls can inbox/hangout me [email protected].

Next, I will write another incident which happened between myself and neighbor milf when helped to reduce pain due to formed milk ducts.

Added by Pradeep

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