Creampie Mother and Daughter

Creampie Mother and Daughter – Threesome 

She was Latina with a beautiful face, jet black hair which was kind of poofy if that’s the proper description. It had that slight wave to it, as though it was undecided as to be either curly or straight. Volume, that sounds best, she had black mid back length hair that was voluminous. Her eyes were bright cheerful and hazel, not a color you see a lot in Hispanics of Mexican ancestry, but bright hazel eyes none the less. She was small figured, skinny, with not much of a bust to show for it. To many people, it’s a real turn off, but I like that kind of figure, I like it a lot. That being said, she was pretty much a flat chested A cup girl, with an ass to match. She was the kind of girl you’d look at and realize that she’d never gain any kind of weight throughout her life. She would be a good wife if you like them skinny, which I did. She was beautiful. In high school, we had the same Spanish class as well as being my aural practice partner. She would wear those skorts, looks like a skirt from the front but were shorts from the back, which were in fad at the time. Anyway, while we practiced our Spanish, she would take off her shoes, which were a kind black leather slip on dress shoes with a bit of heel to them, and put her legs on her desk which was behind me. I sat in front and had to turn around to speak to her. Those beautiful skinny legs and gorgeous petite feet were practically in my face. I’d swear she was doing it on purpose. My hard on was doing all it could to burst out of my pants, while I did my best to concentrate on not licking her beautiful slightly tan skinny legs and small feet. Watching her toes play with each other mesmerized me.

But alas it was never meant to be, on that unfortunate freshman year in high school, she caught me in between class and quite sadly told me, that she was pregnant. Her confession meant that I was important to her. She wanted to tell me so that I wouldn’t have to hear from anyone else. I gave her a hug and told that if she ever needed anything, to just let me know. That was the last time I ever saw Christina.

Until now, 18 years later, I’m here in a restaurant working. It’s the middle of the week in the middle of the day and the place is empty enough that I can see all the way to the back and see a pair of skinny legs that were very familiar. She turns around and we lock eyes, we recognize each other. She walks towards me and her most striking feature was that she looked exactly the same as I remembered in high school, it was uncanny. I was stuck jaw dropped staring like I was back in high school.

“I thought it was you, but I wasn’t sure. How have you been?” She extended her slender arm towards me and I grasped her smooth petite hand in mine, shook hers holding on a little bit too long.

“Sorry, it’s just been so long since I’ve seen you Christina…you look beautiful. Like you did in high school.” I cursed myself for bringing up the memories of the last time I saw her.

“Thanks,” she blushed. “It has been a while, you’re looking good. Seems like you’ve been working out since high school.”

“Oh yeah yeah. I work from home so all I do is work and exercise.” I maintain adult websites, but that’s not something you say to people.

“Oh cool, wish I could work from home then I wouldn’t have to wear this,” she stepped back and gestured towards her waitress uniform, which was really old fashioned. It was a light blue mid-thigh length dress with a white apron over it. On her feet were running shoes, which she wore without socks. Man, she had not aged a bit.

A look of horror flashed across her face as she saw a man outside leaning against his car. “Sorry, excuse me a second”.

“Sure,” I watched her walk off, the dress she wore was nice and tight, oh man what a sight. She turned and caught me checking her out and smiled at me. I watched her walk out of the restaurant to talk to some shady looking guy who seemed very angry. She never looked him in the face, just at her feet as this guy seemed to be working himself up more and more as he went off. Then he grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her.

“It’s go time,” I muttered to myself, got up and headed outside. I’m no white night, I usually stay out of people’s business, but I still had a bit of a crush on her even after all this time. “Hey shit head,” I yelled! “We got a problem here?”

He stammered a bit not expecting anyone to have noticed his antics. “Your lady friend here is behind on the rent. I don’t run a fucking charity. She needs to pa-”

“Oh, so you thought you could shake it out of her,” I retorted interrupting him? “Bet you’re a real tough guy huh? Wanna see if you can shake rent money out of me?”

Without hesitation, he launches towards me, but I was watching his posture and expected it. I side stepped to his left. He turned around just in time to catch a right hook to his face that knocked him on his ass. He blinked, spit a bit of blood out and wiped his mouth. Which put a little fear in me. I’ve seen that before, on Bruce Lee.

“You little BITCH! Your boyfriend here just got you evicted. So consider the lock changed and all your shit on fire!” He stepped into his car and peeled out of the parking lot.

She seemed to be shocked and withdrawn by all of this. When our eyes met she gave me a small embarrassed smile while I raised my eyebrows at her to diffuse the intense situation. Suddenly she fell into me crying and sobbing. I felt like shit, I just ruined her life. It took her some time to calm down, but she did.

“Sorry, that wasn’t your fault, it was a long time coming. It’s just that I’m so relieved and worried. I’m out of that shithole, but now I have nowhere to go.”

That time in high school was all coming back to me now. Only this time I have more than words. “Remember back in high school, when I told you anything you need from me just ask? Since I got you evicted, you can come and live with me.”

“Really,” her eyes flashed with elation?

“Of course.” I gave her my address and number and told her that stop by and that if she needed help, let me know. She dried her eyes smiling and thanking me as I walked her back inside the restaurant, I didn’t want her getting fired on the same day. We talked a bit more in between her tending to her section. She was as much a pleasure to be around as she was in high school. We even practiced a bit of Spanish as well. Funny how things seem to come full circle.

Well, it turns it she didn’t have much stuff. The guy was a man of his word, he burned all her stuff. All she moved in with was her work uniform and two days worth of clothing in her truck. She hugged me again, I let her in the house and showed her around the place. I have a guest room for guests I never have and told her she can move into that room. I also reassured her that my house is your house, feel free to use the towels, shower, etc.

My living room is kind of odd. It has a couch and a TV, but it also has a weight bench and my work desk, which I “sanitized,” from adult website material. Hard to convince people you work, with a desk full of pornographic material. It can be a bit embarrassing, but I do like my job.

I went back to work while she showered. When she came out she was in a purple t-shirt with a panda on the front and tight jean shorts. The shirt looked odd until I realized that it was something a little girl would wear. I laughed to myself, she has such a petite body that the shirt actually fit her well. Crazy to think she was my age 36, she could have been all of 21 at best. She sat on the couch Indian style and looked around the place.

“Thank you so much for opening your home to me,” she paused with some embarrassment. “I really can’t thank you enough.”

“No worries, I’m just sorry he burned all of your clothing.” There was some silence after my comment.

Then she said, “I don’t own as much clothing as your typical girl,” she paused considering what to say next. “Not to weird you out, but I’m a bit of a nudist in my own home. So I don’t own that much clothing anyway.” She was always a free spirit, just like she was in school.

Bells were ringing in my head and cock. I didn’t turn back to look at her, but I could tell she was watching my reaction. I might get to have her run around as a nudist, badass. I laughed out loud. “Perhaps our meeting is providence. I live alone here and running all of this computer equipment can be costly. So to keep the electric bill down, I don’t usually wear clothing as well. I guess that makes me a nudist but in private.”

“No way!”

“Way,” I replied.

“May I? I mean I don’t want to put you out of your own home.”

“Mi casa es su casa, of course. So long as you don’t mind me running around naked.”

“Nope, not at all,” so she undressed right here in the living room. “Hey, do you have a washer and dryer?”

“Yeah,” I turned around to my desk and was in awe of her beautiful, light brown, tight petite figure. She was all that I’d imagine her to be when I was in high school. Her skin was a smooth caramel brown all over, skinny legs that met to her body enclosing a tall thin, thigh gap. Her abs caught me off guard, not many women have a six pack. Her breasts were small with tiny brown nipples. I got a hold of myself and quickly moved ahead of her to guide her through the kitchen and into the garage to the washer and dryer. What I was really doing was hiding my raging boner. I might have opened up pandora’s box. Once I showed her I went back to work at my desk. A few minutes later she came running by to get her work uniform to throw in as well. I stored a mental picture of her toned body jogging by on tiny-toed feet. I’ll be doing a whole lot of masturbating just to get to bed tonight. She startled me out of guilt running back through with her uniform. When she came back she laid down on the couch behind me and took a nap.

I turned to look at her body and resting face, I lost track of how long I was staring at her and only realized I was doing so because I was also rubbing the head of my throbbing penis through my shorts. This hard on will not do when she wakes up. Knowing I needed to rub one out, I took the time to admire her small, girly feet for inspiration. Then went to the bathroom and blew a load into the sink. This became a pattern I had to frequently repeat over the next couple of days, often multiple times a day.

That was until day four when something caught her attention. “You had told me that you were an at home nudist as well, but I seem to be the only one in the nude around here. What gives?”

“Well, it’s just that, you’re such a beautiful woman. I uh… how can I say this…didn’t expect to be so…”

“Aroused,” She chimed in with a smile?

“Yeah, sorry. I’m not trying to get pervy on you.”

“It’s cool, you make it seem like a boner were something abnormal. I can help if you like?”

“Huh? Help?”

“I’m sorry, to some guys I’m a real turn off because of how open I am about sex. I really don’t see the shame in it. It’s fun, a stress reliever and good exercise. Everyone want’s to do it, so what’s the problem? I suppose some think I’m slutty. But you’ve been so kind to me that anything I can do to help, I will.”

“I don’t think I understand what you’re saying.”

She smiled at me seductively, “You need relief just let me know.” She cocked her head looking down at my lap smiling. “Judging by that tent in your shorts, you could use some relief right now.” I hadn’t realized that when I turned to her my hard on was clearly visible. “I’ll be right back, let me get a towel and I’ll give you a handy.”

“A handy,” I muttered to myself while trying to subdue a wicked grin, could I be this lucky. She came back with two towels. One she draped over the back of the couch and the other she let cover from the seat back down to the floor. She sat down on the couch back and spread her legs wide. I could see her small, tiny, pink hairless pussy part a little, glistening in the light. This alone was enough of a turn on, but what was really driving me over the edge was how casual and relaxed she was about all of this.

“Take off your clothing and sit down in front of me.” I sat on the floor at first but she corrected me all smiles and playful giggles. I sat on the couch with her behind me. She wrapped her legs around me and sank down into the couch cushions, which left her a bit elevated behind me. She hooked her feet into my legs and spread my knees out. “Relax,” she said, “just sit back and enjoy.” She reached around me and began fondling my cock and balls with very experienced hands. She would touch around my head, tickle the rim. She even rubbed below my pee hole, a spot so sensitive it made me shiver.

“You’re really good,” I moaned. She then cupped her hand loosely around my shaft and began to move it up and down. With her other hand, she wrapped her index finger and thumb around the base of my cock and squeezed. I could not believe this was happening. Her tiny hands were just barely able to circle my girth. This must be a dream, Christina naked in my house giving me a handjob. She was squeezing my precum out and rubbing it all over my head until it dried up. At one point she squeezed some drops onto her finger and tasted it.

“Wow, that’s nice, sweet and a little salty. When you cum, would it be cool if I taste it?”

“With hands like yours, you can do anything with my cock and cum you want, this is just what I needed.”

She tried to stroke her hand faster but was running into too much friction. “Let me get some lube on you.” She was extremely flexible, which later would come in real handy. She brought her upper body under my right arm while still hooking her legs to pull mine apart. I wonder if she’s a contortionist? She leaned her head over my cock, I thought she was gonna suck me off, but instead did something else that completely caught me off guard and turned me so much I almost creamed her face. She took her fingers and shoved them deep into her mouth to make herself gag softly. After a couple of seconds, she was drooling a stream of saliva onto my purple bulging head, like syrup on pancakes. Damn, she was hot and nasty, my kind of girl. She did this a couple of times finally covering my cock and balls with her thick spit. Now with both hands, she started stroking my shaft. “There, now you’re nice and slippery. Hey let me know when you’re gonna cum, I wanna catch some to taste”.

The thought of her drinking my semen was too much, “Now! I’m gonna cum. I’m cumming, I’m cum… ahh.” Not a moment later did a pleasure bomb go off in my brain, down my spinal cord and eject out of my penis. Her hand strokes were perfectly timed to each pulse of my ejaculations, prolonging my orgasm. One hand stroked my cock with each pump while her other hand cupped itself underneath catching all of my cum. As my first orgasm subsided another built up underneath. Two of her hand strokes later I went full swing into another orgasm. I have never had this happen before. Two orgasms right after the other. I could see that her hand was overflowing with cum.

“Wow, I’m…so…sorry, I had no idea you were so corked.”

I had to catch my breath and moisten my mouth before I could even speak. “I’m loosey goosey now, thank you so much for that.”

She brought her hand up to her mouth and smelled my cum. “It smells sweet.” She poured a little bit into her mouth. I saw her eyes widen. “Wow, it’s really sweet, like, like sweet tea or something.” She drank the whole handful down, licking her fingers clean. It was so hot my hard on hadn’t even gone down. “My god,” she moaned, “it’s intoxicating.”

Christina squeezed every drop out of my still pulsing member, like the last bit of toothpaste until she was satisfied she had it all. Then unwrapped herself from around me, laid back lengthwise on the couch draping one leg over the back of the couch behind me. With her other leg on my lap, she licked the last little bit of my spunk from her hands. Even after she was done she searched her hand for more giving a small cute frown at having found none.

This spread her legs pretty wide. I could clearly see her pussy dripping white cream. I went from full spent to full hard in under a second. I love pussy, I love wet pussy. But the best is the wet pussy that drips cream all on its own. A pussy fountain of grool is a fetish of mine and she had it going on. Drinking my cum must have really got her fire going. With her saliva soaked hand, she smeared it all over her pussy mixing with her juices making soft, wet squishy sounds. I could hear and see how sopping wet she was as she squeezed down on her clit and hole forcing more white cream out. As though I wasn’t there, she slid in two fingers and began fucking herself. Oozing white cream from her pussy the whole time. All I did was stare and wank off and in no time her body was bucking in a hard silent orgasm. A steady stream of her white creamy girly juice was oozing out of her pussy through her fingers. So much that the towel could not absorb any more, it was pooling up at her butt crack. I licked my lips at the sight.

She lifted her pussy juice soaked hand to me, which was dripping like she dipped it into a vat of milk and white cake icing, “Have a taste.” I devoured her little hand. Her vagina cream was intoxicating, like a slightly sweet, slightly sour lemon tea. I took her whole hand in my mouth and sucked her nourishing juices off, not caring that some of my own cum was mixed in. When I was done we both looked at each other and smiled. Both of us understanding, this might be the start of a beautiful relationship.

We fucked and sucked each other almost every chance we got. Ruining towels, couch cushions and creating slip and fall hazards all over my tiled floor. Then when Saturday came around things took a bit of a turn. I had overheard part of a phone call. Something about that she’s not ready just yet. She came out of her room and laid out on the couch covering her eyes with an arm in contemplation. Something was wrong. She could sense that I knew. “Do you remember why I left high school?”

It just now occurred to me she left high school because she got pregnant. She might have a child. How and the hell did I miss this? “Yeah,” I replied in a mild question?

“Well, my daughter turns 19 tomorrow. She had been living with my mother. In town, so I see her almost all the time. I just couldn’t afford to pay for a place for me and her. The diner doesn’t pay much. My Mom gave me until she was 19 and then she gets the boot, well that’s tomorrow.” She looked at me with pleading eyes, I knew what she wanted to ask me.

“Look I know what you’re getting at and I’m sorry to have to be this way. It’s just that I’m not sure about having a child in my household.”

“She’s no little kid anymore, she’ll be 19 tomorrow.” She paused putting her finger to her teeth thinking. “You know…I’m gonna take her out for a nice birthday dinner tomorrow. Come with me and get to know her. If she seems like a spoiled brat whom you don’t want around, I’ll understand. If you think she’s cool and I know I’m asking too much of you, seeing as we just met again since high school weeks ago. Could she please move in? We’ll share a room. She’s small like me and takes up almost no space. She cooks and cleans, you’ll like her. Pleeease?” In my mind, I had already said yes, but I found it’s best not to be impulsive especially with children involved.

“How about I take you both out to dinner tomorrow and let you know afterward. How does that sound?”

“Great, that’s all I ask,” and with that, she gave me a big hug crying happy tears of relief.

I tried to get her to come to a really nice restaurant, but she pleaded for some hole in the wall place. I later understood that she’d been saving money to get her own place and didn’t have another outfit other than the purple shirt, jean shorts, and flip flops. When I entered she waved me over as she was already sitting down. Before I got a chance to sit down her daughter jumped up from her chair and gave me a big hug. Now Christina wasn’t very tall maybe 5’4″ and maybe 90lbs. Her daughter who was introduced to me as Clarissa was a bit shorter and just as petite. I had misgivings about her being 19 today. She seemed really sweet and kept her bear hug on me, to which her head only came to the middle of my chest. She then looked up at me, “Thank you so much for helping my Mom get away from that creep landlord she had.” She held my hand and guided me to my seat.

“This is my daughter Clarissa, Clarissa this is Mike.” With that, we shook hands in childish formality, for some reason Clarissa and I were smiling as though we had some childhood secret between us. What a funny little girl.

“You’re mother says you turn 19 today?”

She heard my hint of doubt. “Hey, I am 19 today. I don’t look it huh? Yeah, I’ve my Mom’s young looking genetics. People look at me and think I’m 16 sometimes. It sucks at times.”

They both laughed and Christina chimed in, “Yeah, we’re both stuck with perpetual prepubescent looking bodies,” they both burst out in roaring laughter at what I think is an inside joke. I laughed along as well, they were an adorable mother and daughter, who acted and looked more like sisters. It made me wish I had married and had children of my own.

Over dinner, I got to know Clarissa better and found myself astonished. In her petite body was the mind of a very smart and mature woman. Graduated first in her class from high school with a full scholarship to a local university. She was shooting to be a physician, which I gathered from probing her knowledge of biology with my limited knowledge, she was more than well prepared. This girl was not the spoiled little brat that I had imagined. Nor was she an immature young adult that her figure gave the impression of. So there before dinner was even over, I told them both yes. It would help them both out. They were both too cute and sweet for me not to give them a break in life.

So with that Clarissa moved in that day, bringing along her truck and all that she owned in it. Which was at best 9 times more than what her mother owned. It also explained why Christina’s only set of clothing looked like that of a teen girl, it was borrowed from Clarissa. Which now all made sense, seeing as neither have them have grown much since middle school or high school. They didn’t need to get larger clothing. It was cute and funny at the same time. The nudity stopped once Clarissa moved in. It seemed to be an unspoken agreement so I went with it.

Truth be told I had no real issues with either of them. Clarissa went to school during the day, spent the evenings studying, cooked and cleaned. I found myself always thanking her, she was a good cook, so much so that I worried that I’d get fat and lazy the longer that she lived here. Christina would go to work and back and do the rest of the housework and laundry, most of which was mine. We would fool around late at night as Clarissa went to bed early.

On that Friday night, Christina had to work a double to cover for a call in. Clarissa had fallen asleep on the couch studying. I could not help but admire her body, she was so much like her mother. They had different faces, but they were both beautiful in their own way. Other than that, they were identical in body. Their hair styles differed, Christina, kept long wavy hair. Clarissa, on the other hand, had a mid-length bob. They both had skinny legs, little feet, and no bust if any at all. Now that I think about it, I don’t think either of them wore let alone even owned a bra. I guess it would be more of a formality on either of them.

My mind wondered with the urge to do all the nasty things with Clarissa that I do with her mother. Great, now another girl in my household giving me uncontrollable erections. My naughty thoughts woke her up. I quickly sat back down at my desk and pushed down my stiff penis hoping to hide it.

“Oh hey,” she said when she saw me. “Where’s Mom?”

“She had to work a double tonight to cover for someone.”

“Bummer. It’s movie night. Wanna watch a movie with me?”

“Sure what are we watching?”

“Whatever is on TV. I’m gonna get some popcorn started then go change. Be right back.” She walked off down the hallway. Damn, she had a nice figure, just like her mother. And just like her mother, she turned, caught me staring and smiled at me. When she came back she got the popcorn and set it down on the coffee table and began flipping through the channels. She was dressed in really tight pink yoga shorts with a matching tight pink halter top. It showed off her beautiful lithe petite body, my eyes ached in their sockets looking over at her, but not turning my head. Her outfit was tight enough that I noticed she had neither panties nor bra on. I had to move a pillow over my crotch to hide my bulge. This is bad, it’s one thing to have nasty sex with her mother, we’re consenting adults. But her daughter…who is also an adult. I started to feel light headed. I might have to get up and beat one off in the bathroom. Not since Christina went full nude had I felt this way, dear God, what if they both go nude? How would I handle that? She ended up picking a horror flick and a ridiculous one as well. Which worked out, for a time, because I became bored and nodded off. I was startled awake by her scream and jumping onto me.

“Sorry, it’s just sometimes these movies get to me.” She then did the unexpected. She sat down on my lap and curled up like a little cat. Her ass was buried into my crotch while her legs were folded up placing both of her feet in my lap. Oh, my good God, this was a bad situation and I could think of no way out of it. I could feel my cock begin to come alive, pulsing faster and faster than I wanted. Mentally I ran through my grandmother’s funeral in my head, that usually gets rid of a boner quick. The ending credits of the movie began to roll. “Awe what a rip-off, you’d think they’d have a better ending with all that buildup huh?” She seemed quite at home on my lap and now sat Indian style right in the middle of me. Her ass cheeks parted right over my cock, which was now burying itself into the crack of her ass. She had to have noticed, but she just kept flipping through the channels like nothing was happening. In just a couple of minutes, I was at full attention, and my member was pressing deep and painfully in between her cheeks, she had to notice now. “What do you wanna watch now?” She shifted her weight just a little bit and clenched her cheeks, “Oh my,” now she noticed. “Sorry about that,” she turned around and smiled, a naughty smile, “wanna practice kagels with me?”

“What,” it sounded bakery related? “What are kagels?”

“It’s like…an exercise for your muscles down there. My vaginal muscles. And Believe me, mine are pretty strong. Trust me,” she winked “I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“Um…don’t take this the wrong way but wouldn’t that seem inappropriate to you. I mean, I think your mother and I are pretty much dating. So with you being her daughter…”

“Oh, don’t be such a stick in the mud,” she said slapping me playfully on my leg. “My mother and I are like sisters. Well, we’re closer than you think. She’s lucky to have found a kind man like you to help us out. You’ve been so cool this week. It’s just I dunno. I can see why she likes you.” She frowned a bit in disappointment, “If I’m making you uncomfortable, I’ll leave you alone.”

Not one to upset a pretty girl, “I’m sorry, you’re beautiful and really attractive, but I just don’t wanna be that guy. I’m lucky to have met her the first time. So now to have her back in my life and then lose her would be too much. If she found out we were fooling around. It would all blow up in my face. I just don’t want to upset her and she means a lot to me. Not to mention, it seems like she’s been through enough.”

“Oh trust me, she won’t be upset. If anything I think she’ll be thrilled.” With that, she lifted herself off of me. I could then clearly see her wet pussy was soaking through her shorts and into mine. She took off her shorts and halter top to confirm my belief that she was not wearing any panties or bra. “Lift up for me,” I moved my butt up and she slid my shorts and underwear off at one time. “Sorry about your shorts, I get really really wet. I’ve been ruining clothing and furniture since I was a teen,” she said it in a sing-song way as though she’s heard it many, many times. “I think that’s why my Grandma wants me out.” She threw my shorts and underwear to the side and stood before me. With one hand she cupped her pussy, caught some of her dripping juices, which was a milky white in color just like her mothers and began to smear it all over my throbbing cock. “I’ll do my kagels, we’ll watch a movie. You’ll like it.”

She then turned to face back towards the TV, and sat her pussy right on my cock, slowly impaling herself so she could adjust to my size. Then she leaned back against me and brought her legs back up to once again sit Indian style on my lap, only now with my throbbing cock balls deep in her scorching hot pussy. I could feel her hip bones bury into my pelvis, her being so light, there was little discomfort. Was this really happening or have I fallen asleep and am dreaming all of this? “Oh wait,” she jumped off running into her room, our genitals made a soft wet popping sound as we parted. She came out smiling. “Sorry, I needed to get a towel. Mind getting up for a second?” When I did she placed the towel down on the couch where I was sitting, laying it out nice and neat. If she is anything like her mother, this is going to get messy.

“Is this gonna get messy?”

“Oh, sometimes I can get a lot of grool going. Sorry.”

“Don’t be,” her honesty was just as refreshing as her mothers, but her pussy was twice as tight, “do what you gotta do,” I sat down on the towel. She straddled my legs, lowered herself onto my still throbbing cock all the way down to my balls. Once seated she brought her legs up and sat Indian style on my lap. I resigned myself to just going with the flow. I was so turned on by this girl, I cared about nothing. Atomic bombs could go off, but as long as she was sitting on my lap with my cock in her, all was right in the world.

Then her vaginal muscles started squeezing. With each squeeze, it felt as though she was sliding up and inch and then back down. Like her pussy was not only gripping me but pulling me deeper into her. She was very nonchalant about it, sitting on my lap, leaning forward, elbows on her knees while flipping through the TV channels. It was magical, it was like her pussy was giving me a handjob, a pussy job if you will. I had to ask her. “Hey, how are you doing this? It’s heaven, I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“Oh, my Mom said it’s called a milkmaid’s hand. I learned that I could squeeze and pulse it up and down. When I first started practicing, I could only move it just a little bit. But after a year of practice, oh boy can I rock your world and leave you begging for more.” She turned to look back towards me when she said this last part. “The downside is that I tend to make a lot of juices when I do this. Especially when I have something in me. I love how hot your cock feels in me, I can also feel it throbbing. Bet I can tell you pulse,” she giggled a bit at the thought. “You have a nice cock, it’s slightly bigger than my dildo, it’s just more solid with a nice curve. Mom’s was right.”

“Oh, believe me, little girl, my cock is in love oooh oh, my God damn. That feels phenomenal.” Did she just mention her mom? I was too zoned out to even completely comprehend that last little bit.

She brought her legs partly up to her chest and turned around to face me gripping my cock fiercely the whole time. I’ll bet she could have twisted it off if she wanted to. “Wanna feel something real cool. I’ve never done this with a real cock in me. So let me know if it feels good. OK?”

All I could do was nod. She placed her feet on the couch under my arms and leaned back a bit on her arms placing her hands on top of my thighs. I could look down and see white creamy juices flowing out of her with every pump. “Sorry about my messy pussy,” she said with some real embarrassment.

“No, don’t be, don’t ever be. You’re beautiful from head to toe and watching my cock in your pussy with juices flowing all around it is divine. You’re a Goddess, let no man ever tell you otherwise.” She blushed all over, it was cute. Hard to think no man has ever scooped her up, or her Mom. Relaxing into the moment, I reached down to soak some fingers in her pussy juice, brought it up to my mouth for a taste. She had a very light and sweet taste to her, like sweet iced tea. Whereas her mother was more of a lemon sweetness, she was more of like, sugar and milk kind of sweetness. “Wow, I can taste the resemblance to your Mother.” I blurted this out without thinking, I worried for a second thinking I said too much and may have just ruined the moment.

She laughed, “Yeah, I like her taste too. What’ll really knock your socks off is tasting us both at the same time. I’ll bet you get addicted and die a diabetic.”

“Little lady I think I’m addicted already.” She grunted and moaned. I could see her focusing her internal awareness. Then I felt something lightly kiss against the tip of my cock. These kisses came more and more frequent until it was constant contact. Her eyes were closed in concentration, while she pushed herself harder down onto me. The best way I can describe it is that if felt like a soft, warm sphincter were trying to swallow the head of my cock. I could feel it swallow a little bit of my head and then release. And each time it repeated it engulfed more of the cock’s head, you’d think she had a snake up there. I could feel my cock literally getting sucked into her harder and harder. Her sex was so powerful I could feel it all the way down to the base of my member. Powerful enough that I was now getting a bit nervous. Then, whatever was trying to swallow the head finally gulped it all into what was essentially a hotter, tighter vagina, composed of all tongue. She gripped me tightly, stopping just behind the ridge of my penis’ head.

“What is that?” I asked feeling euphoric and light headed.

“I’m sorry does it feel bad,” she said, opening her eyes to look at me with mild concern?

“No, it feels great. I really don’t know what to say.” Her vagina stopped it’s pulsing, but the part that was on the head of my cock would massage the head, with a good deal of strength.

“It’s my cervix.” I looked down at her flat, smooth brown stomach to see her muscles slowly moving. They weren’t her abdominal muscles but were muscles underneath those.

“What? How is this possible?”

“I told you, Mommy said it’s called a milkmaid’s hand. I can pretty much suck your cock with my vagina. Does it feel good? You’re the first guy whom I’ve ever done this to.”

I gave her a sexually submissive nod. I was completely under her control.

“What feels really great is when I can get the tip into my cervix. Mommy and I usually use a dildo. Sometimes we like to compete using a double ended dildo. But she’s no challenge,” she winked at me, “I always win.”

She sat there facing me, legs spread, with her arms behind her resting on my knees, smiling at me like a mischevious cat. OK, did I really hear that, did she just admit to her and her mom having sex with one another.

“Does it feel good? Me massaging the head,” she asked?

I could barely see past the pleasure being bombarded onto me. My hands were thrown out to the sides gripping the cushions in fear of falling into the chasm of an orgasm that awaited me. If she wanted to, she could extract my soul. Once again all I could do was smile and nod.

She was on the verge of orgasm. I could feel her body heat radiating from her. Her upper chest, neck, and face were flushing red. Her eyes were fluttering closed and she could barely talk. Fighting her impending orgasm she said, “I can massage the, oh my, I’m getting close to cumming, the head of your cock with it. You can cum in me if you want,” she was really close now, little body spasming. I grabbed her ankles to help her keep control. But she couldn’t hold back any longer.

She went over the edge, I could feel her vagina pulse rapidly on my cock with her cervix sucking on the head of my penis. It was too much. I erupted into her, pulsing squirt after squirt of semen. Pleasure coursed down my body, it was so intense that I had to squeeze my eyes tight in unison with me squeezing her thin ankles. When my orgasm finally subsided. She was still in sitting on me with my cock in her. Looking down I could see her white juices flow down and out of her. The towel was soaked. She leaned forward straddling me and began scooping up her thick fresh orgasm cream, only to smear it all over her upper body. Her small A cup breasts were shiny and slick with her own cum. She kept doing this lost in her own world of lust. She was rubbing her own cum on her neck, her face and into her mouth savoring its flavor. She then lay back on my lap, her eager vagina still gripping my penis, and began to smother her legs with our combined juices. In a matter of minutes, she was completely soaked and shiny with her own cum, slowly writhing on my lap.

“Now isn’t this a sight to see,” it was Christina, home early from her double shift. Shit, shit, shit. It’s over, game over. She’s gonna freak and storm out of here. But she didn’t, first, she seemed a bit disappointed and then relieved.

She brought her finger to her mouth to shush me and then, proceeded to take off clothing next to us leaving her wearing just a smile. Clarissa her daughter never skipped a beat, she was lost in her own world. “So sorry about this. It’s just that once she gets going, she really gets going. How is the milkmaid’s hand?”

“Fan-fucking-tastic,” I said to her a bit unsure. I asked, “So you know about that?”

“Yeah, I practice kagels myself,” as she was talking she moved in behind her daughter and started rubbing her tits from behind. “I told her about them and she started practicing, and then took it to a whole other level. Hey do me a favor, let’s all move to the floor. She gets really into it after her first orgasm. I don’t want her falling off.”

“Yeah, no problem.” We both held her while I slid slowly down to the floor. Which worked out really great. Clarissa’s pussy had a hell of a grip on me the whole time. I ended up laying down on the floor with my head propped up by the foot of the couch. The towel that was underneath of both came down as well and helped prop me a bit, like a pillow, a wet squishy pillow.

“Sorry, we’re really open with each other and I told her about all the nasty things we would do. I guess she just couldn’t help herself.” She frowned a bit and seemed saddened by what she said. “I suppose now you’ll find us both disgusting, the incest and all.” While she was talking to me she knelt down in between my legs behind Clarissa and held her up from behind. Clarissa leaned back against her mother and kept rubbing her slick and shiny body. I was a bit confused, she stripped down as though ready to join in. “So, sorry.If you want I’ll get her off of you and we’ll be out of here in the morning,” and now she seemed ready to leave.

“Nope, not at all. I may come across as a bit prudish, but I actually admire how close you and your daughter are. It’s…beautiful. I’m thankful you have this kind of trust in me.” She smiled back at me in relief. “I mean it, I’m more than OK with this. You two can stay as long as you want. In fact, I hope you stay as long as you want.”

With her daughter still held between us, she moved up to kiss me. The sensation of kissing this woman with her cum soaked writhing daughter between us in orgasm, brought my cock back to full attention.

“Thanks. Thank you so much.” She began to kiss her daughter on the neck, clearly enjoying her skin and juice flavor. Clarissa reciprocated and their lips met passionately. She also seemed to come out of her fog a bit.

“Oh, hi mommy,” she slurred out, “I’m sorry, I just wanted to show Mike some kagels and we got a bit carried away,” she said a bit saddened.

“Shhh, sweetheart, you don’t have to apologize. Mike is Ok with all of this. So no more shame, just relax now.” She said this last part looking me in the eye, “No more shame ever again.” I nodded and smiled at her.

Clarissa looked back to face me. Throughout this entire exchange, her pussy was slowly milking my cock, with her cervix sucking on my head. Even when I went soft, the tip of my penis still stayed in her cervix. She was so tight and good at this, how could anyone be disgusted.

“I’m glad you’re OK with this,” said Clarissa. “Anytime you need to get off, you let us know. OK?” She cupped her hands on my face and brought herself in for a bit of passionate kissing. When we broke contact, we kept our foreheads pressed together, smiling with eyes locked. She gave me one last peck on the lips and then began making out with her mother passionately, with stringy bits of saliva and her vaginal cream stretching out between them as they parted for breath. I was going out of my mind watching these two kiss. At times Clarissa would open her mouth wide, stick out her tongue only to have her mother suck on it like a tiny cock, it was driving me mad. They were mother, daughter and lovers combined, it was beautiful to see and be a part of them.

Clarissa reached down and got two handfuls of her juices that were pouring out of her. Brought her hands up to their faces and smothered it all over her and her mother’s face. Christina began licking her daughter’s fingers and face. She looked me in the eyes as she sucked on each of Clarissa’s little fingers. Clarissa took her mother’s hands in her mouth and shoved them deep enough that she began gagging. Her beautiful body spasmed with each cough. The sight was too much, this petite little girl gagging on her mother’s hands turned me on. Every time her body spasmed her vagina and cervix would pump my shaft just a little bit harder. This caused a slow and steady stream of saliva to flow down her body, only to have her mother smear all over her tiny titties.

“Please help me cum again mommy.” Christina placed one hand down to her daughter’s clit and began softly rubbing her hard red clitoris. With Christina’s other hand, she lubed it with Clarissa’s love juice and brought it around to her backside. I could feel her slowly insert into her daughter’s anus. When Clarissa accepted the size, she began pumping in and out. This livened up Clarissa all over again. I could feel the pumping of her vagina quicken. It was only a matter of time before I would cum again. The pace of her vagina got faster and then faster matching her mother’s finger, much faster than my two hands. I couldn’t take it anymore and nor could she. I felt her body spasm and twitch on my cock, she let out one loud sexy moan. I could see her arch her back away from her mother. I looked down to see her pussy gushing white creamy grool. Making eye contact with Christina’s smiling face brought me instantly to orgasm. Once more filling her daughter’s tight cervix. This second orgasm was much stronger than the first. My vision blacked out and the last thing I felt was an ocean of peace and pleasure radiating away from where Clarissa and I were connected. Then I passed out.

I awoke a couple of hours later on the floor, still naked, with a pillow under my head and a blanket thrown over me. How sweet of them. As I groggily stood up I could hear the shower going and then cut off. I rubbed my eyes remembering last night. Did that really happen, it was like I was on drugs? Was Clarissa’s milkmaid’s had real? It had to be, I’d never heard of that before so surely I couldn’t have imagined that. I could hear both of their voices coming from the bathroom, I guess they were showering at the same time. They came out of the bathroom, both of them naked and heading towards me.

“Good morning Mike,” said Clarissa very sweetly. “Sorry about leaving to sleep all sticky. You looked so peaceful sleeping we didn’t want to wake you. And I really am sorry for last night, it’s just that sometimes cervical orgasms really get me going and I can lose control.”

“It’s OK. So you two are all good with this?”

This time, Christina chimed in, “Yeah, sorry to have overwhelmed you with all of this. We’re as they say, ‘really close,'” she emphasized. “We’ve had a sexual relationship for some time now. We’re just lucky to have met someone who understands. Oh, and she’s a nudist too. We’re dropping a lot on you sorry.”

“You two will never have to apologize about anything to me. I think it’s sweet and beautiful how close you two are. The incest is a nonissue for me. If you don’t wanna wear clothes, you don’t have to. Please make yourselves at home. I’d give you both a hug as a sign of good faith, but I’m still sticky from last night,” we all laughed at that.

Christina laughed looking at the mess they made of me last night. “Go jump in the shower and we’ll have this placed cleaned up with breakfast ready when you get out,” she was amused at aftermath of sexual destruction her and her daughter had unleashed on me.

True to their word, the place was cleaned with breakfast ready. When I came out, Clarissa was seated, absently eating while reading a textbook. Christina was combing Clarissa’s hair into a ponytail. They looked like sisters, not mother and daughter. They both looked up at me and smiled. Christina pointed to a plate of breakfast across from them, “That’s for you.”

“Thanks,” I smiled back. It’s gonna be a good day. I ate my breakfast looking at the both of them. Clarissa had shoulder length black hair with long bangs. Her face had small features, she had a very ethnic Latina, American Indian feyness to her. Her skin was darker than her mother and was the same tone all over. Her breasts were identical to her mothers. In spite of being 19, she was built quite petite. Being that they were both so petite, they still shopped for clothing in the teen’s section. It’s why their clothing seemed so juvenile. When Christina was done with her hair, she went to their bedroom and came back with a pair pink panties, a white halter top, pink t-shirt, jean shorts, and sandals.

“Alright young lady, time to get dressed for school.” Clarissa didn’t say a word. She stood up and stepped to the side of the table, moved her book so she could keep reading, placed her hands on the surface of the table and spread her feet slightly like she was gonna get searched by a cop. With that, her mom knelt down and one leg at a time placed her panties on, and then the shorts. Clarissa sat back down but placed both her hands up, to which her mom then placed on the white halter top and then the pink t-shirt, while still reading her book. Finally, Christina knelt down and strapped the sandals on her daughter’s feet. Not one second after that did the alarm on Clarissa’s phone go off.

“Thanks, Mom, I gotta get to school.” She swept the book into a bookbag that I hadn’t noticed was leaning against the table leg. She threw the bag over her shoulder and placed her phone in her pocket.

“Good luck in school,” she then hugged her daughter tightly. They embraced not like mother and daughter but like lovers. They both had hands on each others ass and were making out like cute teens. I could see that Clarissa was really squeezing her mom’s ass cheeks and spreading them apart. They broke away knowing not to take things too far this early in the morning.

“Bye Mom,” she then came over to me and gave me a peck on the forehead, “Bye Mike,” and with that, she was out the door.

“Man, you two are intense and functional at the same time. It’s getting all of the blood going in the wrong places,” I said smiling at her.

“Oh, my, you’re not kidding,” she said pointing to my boner. With that, she knelt down and crawled underneath the table. Her mouth found the tip of my cock and with one motion, sucked my entire cock into her mouth, down her throat all the way down to my balls. She held her position. I could feel her body spasm, to keep from gagging as she adjusted to me in her throat. When she finally did, she tightened her lips around the base of my cock and then began swallowing. It was amazing, like her throat version of the milkmaid’s vagina, but with a tongue. Then she slid back, slowly sliding my cock out the entire length of her throat until it popped out of her mouth. I could hear her breathing hard, I guess she was holding her breath.

From underneath the table, she looked up at me, “That’s kind of my version of the milkmaid’s vagina, it’s a milkmaid’s throat I guess,” she giggled after saying that. “What do you think?”

“It feels awesome. I wish I had two dicks, so I could have one in your mouth and the other in your Clarissa’s pussy. The orgasm alone would make my head explode.” She laughed at the idea of two dicks. I could see her looking at mine, trying to imagine such sight.

“Just lean back, relax and feel free to cum down my throat. OK?”

“Yes, ma’am.” With that, she sucked my cock back down her throat all over again. While on all fours on under the table, she began to rock her body forward and backward. Her throat was a full length, hot, wet, tight, moaning cock sleeve. She didn’t speed up, but she was able to move the entire length of my cock it was amazing. My own under table cock sucking machine. In no time at all, I was on the brink of cumming and then quickly passed that point. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m oh…oh.” She moved her lips all the way up to the base of my cock. I could feel her throat swallow every spurt of my ejaculation. The massaging effect made me cum more, longer and harder. I didn’t think I’d even be capable of another orgasm, let alone one as intense as the one I’m having now. When my orgasm finally subsided, she pulled back and let my softening cock plop out of her mouth. She moved from underneath the table and then sat on my lap and we began making out. This was the first time I had ever tasted my own cum, but with this woman in my life, I’m thinking it won’t be my last. I don’t know if it was just her or the cum, but she was delicious.

So for the next few days, Christina and I had crazy, dirty passionate sex. I learned a lot about her as well as my own sexual tastes. I don’t how many gallons of cum I blew down her throat, but I do know we both loved every minute of it. I also learned she didn’t have too many taboos. Anal play was something I kind of figured she’d like. What I didn’t figure is that it was something I like as well. Her asshole was another mouth on her body that I could make out with. I loved having her squat down on my face, so I could drench her little pucker with my own saliva and tongue fuck her. What she taught me was how much I enjoyed having my butt hole played with. When she first rimmed me, I blew like a fountain. She at one point locked eyes with me, pushed a finger in and massaged my prostate. That pushed me over the edge and for a third time, since meeting these two, I have had a mind-blowing, blacking out orgasms that I didn’t think were possible. When I regained consciousness, she said some day she’d use a strapon on me made for milking prostates. She was laying on top of me when she said it, I told her she’s welcome to bring any sexual anything she wants in my life.

We were in the sixty-nine position and I loving it. I was lapping at her clitoris and cream dripping slit. She was able to split her legs enough that I was just smothered with her pussy. Her cream was overflowing my mouth, which didn’t matter. She produced so much that I could afford the gluttony that her sex provided. I was a bit taller than her, so at best she could get half of my cock in her mouth, but the half she did have in her mouth was lit up with pleasure. She sucked and tickled the head. Her tongue was unstoppable, it would circle around the rim of my cock head, then slowly stuff it down my pee hole. This was another new thing she brought to my sex life. One thing we did to each other that perhaps other couples may not normally in 69 position was, she would get her fingers good and wet, then reach up, play and finger my asshole. I, on the other end, would wet my hands with her juices flowing from my mouth and play with her asshole as well. It was so perverted, who knows what Clarissa would think if she saw us. Hell for all I know these two did this together. Perhaps we were both thinking the same thing, we came into each other’s mouths at the same time. When we came finally came down from our orgasms, she spun around and laid down next to me in my arms. We were both spent, sticky, satisfied and glowing.

“Hey, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Clarissa. It seems like she’s either sleeping or at school. Something wrong?”

“Oh, finals started last week. She’s been really focused. I think tomorrow will be her last one. Why do you miss the milkmaid,” she asked teasing me?

“Why no, well yeah, I just wanted to be sure everything was alright. But yeah, it was really nice. Really nice.”

“Don’t’ worry, I know she’s gonna need to wind down when she’s all finished. Be patient.”

Sure enough the day after, her mother and I were sitting on the couch, reading. Yeah, I know not what you expected, but we became very relaxed around each other at this point. Clarissa came in through the front door and dropped her bookbag as soon as she got in. Christina put her book down and asked, “How are finals going?”

“Done, all done,” she said blowing her breath out slowly, slumping down on the chair next to the couch. She sat there thinking to herself. “Hey I’m sorry to bug the both of you, but I really need to ask. Mike?” I placed my book down and looked up at her, hoping for something naughty.

“What’s up?”

“This is kind of a rude question to ask, sorry if I make you mad, but…can I…milk your cock. The kagels, like I did the other day?” She was blushing with embarrassment at having to ask someone for sex.

My face lit up with a smile, “Clarissa anytime you or your Mother need anything of me, even sex, all you have to do is ask. I don’t have taboos like most people have. I want you and your mother to always be comfortable here in what I’d like to think of as our home. So yes. ”

She smiled, giggled and jumped up and down clapping like an excited school girl.

Her mother chimed in getting off of the couch, “Alright let’s have some fun you two.” With that, she got up, moved the coffee table out of the way. Then went over to Clarissa and began removing her sandals. Clarissa was removing her t-shirt and her undershirt. These two have done this a lot, she was pushing her shorts down just as her Mom had removed her last sandal. As her shorts were dropping down, Christina’s hands were moving up and stripped her underwear down to her shorts as well. Finally, she stepped out of them and no time at all she was naked. “Sweety,” Christina said to me, ” go ahead and sit down on the floor here in front of the couch.” I did as I was told and sat spreading my legs out. By this time nudity was a regular thing in this house, so neither Christina nor I were wearing clothing. My cock was at full attention, pointing up into the air, throbbing. They both got on all fours in front of me and began sucking, slobbering their glistening, slick saliva all over my cock and balls. They would take turns stuffing each other’s hands in their mouths causing each other to gag saliva down onto my cock. Thy would then rub it into my cock and tickle my cock slit. They pulled my knees up so they could access my ass with their little probing fingers. It was a four hand handjob. Christina was using one hand to probe my asshole with her fingers, Clarissa had one hand wrapped around my balls, softly cupping and massaging them. Christina had her other hand wrapped tightly around my saliva-slickened cock and Clarissa had her other hand in her mother’s mouth gagging her and directing her drool down onto my cock. I am in love with these two girls.

They have gotten to know me too well, as I neared orgasm, they stopped, which I was grateful for, any longer and I would have blown. Christina moved a bit away from me and said, “We don’t want you to blow too soon. Mind watching for a while?” I nodded yeah. I gotta see these two go at it. I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.

Christina sat on the floor, with her knees bent, feet planted flat on the ground, her hands were back behind her supporting her upper body upright with her head facing up towards her daughter. Clarissa stood and placed her pussy onto her mother’s mouth. She grabbed her by the head and really pushed her in. I could see and hear Christina slurping down her daughter’s juices. She reached up and placed one finger in her daughter’s pussy and another in her asshole, sloppily fucking and sucking her.

“Oh, Mom,” Clarissa moaned, “your tongue is so good. I missed this. Mmmmm,” she moaned again, “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too Clarissa,” she then buried herself back into her daughters pussy.

“I love you too Mike. Some people think we’re freaky sluts. But you’ve really accepted us into your house as we are and I thank you for that,” Clarissa said turning towards me, smiling and shivering from her mother’s touch.

Christina stopped for a second, “Really Mike, I loved you since we were in high school. I guess I just, didn’t know how to…”

I interrupted her, “It’s mutual, I’ve had a crush on her since high school and I am glad and lucky that we have met up again, I loved you then, I love you know. And now I’m in love with your daughter as well. I hope we all three stay together for a long time.”

All the romance was really turning on Clarissa, I could see her milky white pussy juice flow down her skinny tan legs and pool up at her feet. The other half of her fluids was going down her mother’s chin and covering her small breasts, flat stomach and pooling up around her ass and pussy. “Sweetheart, sit down. I don’t want you to slip and fall.”

“Yes mommy,” she said her voice drenched with lust. She slid down into her mother’s lap facing her. She began to slurp up her own juices from her mother’s face and then they began a sloppy make-out, french kissing session. As this went on Clarissa began grinding her pussy into her mom’s stomach trying to quench her fire. She wrapped her legs around her mother’s waist desperately trying to rub harder. Christina brought her legs up so that her daughter could lean back against them. Clarissa reached down to fondle her clitoris, but her mother stopped her by grabbing her wrists.

“No, not yet sweety. Let it build up.”

“Please Mommy? I really wanna cum,” she pleaded.

“Just be patient, Mike and I will make you cum all you want, OK?” Clarissa nodded to her mother submissively, still rubbing her pussy into Christina’s stomach. “Good, now I’m gonna make Mike nice and hard for you, OK?” She nodded yes at her mother enthusiastically. They parted away from each other with strings of pussy juice clinging to the both of them as they parted. They were both slick and sticky. Christina then crawled over to me on all fours. Grabbed the tip of my penis with her lips and sucked it into her mouth. She had to lower her shoulders to get near my cock which placed her ass high in the air. I could see Clarissa come up behind her and begin to rim her mother’s asshole staring at me with her lust glazed over eyes. Christina then slowly sucked my cock down into her milkmaid’s throat. I could feel her nose come to rest on my stomach. She then began swallowing, which had the effect of her throat massaging my cock. It was like undulating rippling waves of constriction starting from the base of my cock and squeeze all the way up. It was otherworldly, it may come to be that these two may not even be human. She would then move her whole body slowly back, which created more suction the further out she came. Christina was amazing at this, she would do this and on every fifth stroke she would release her breath through her nose and take in another, but she never let my cock fall out of her mouth. Once she had her breath, she would suck my entire shaft down as deep into her throat as she could. It drove me mad that she knew just how to pace herself and to pace me so that I wouldn’t cum to early. All I could do was drop my head back in ecstasy, I swear she could make me brain dead like this.

“How did you two learn these…techniques?”

Christina kept my cock in her mouth, it was Clarissa who chimed in, “Well, we were broke and had nothing really to do. I learned what masturbation was, from an old encyclopedia set and gave it a try. She caught me trying to get myself off on a pillow, but instead of being mad, she joined in and gave me some pointers. We just kind of hit it off from there. Ever since we’ve always had a kind of open mother, daughter sexual relationship. Which, for what it’s worth, has been the best thing to have happened to us. Mom learned about the kagels from the internet, so she bought a dildo and we began practicing. She was really good at deepthroating it, but I learned I could take it really far in and discovered what we later learned is called a cervical orgasm. So since then, I’ve been addicted to it. I have to get myself off like that at least once a week, or I’ll go bonkers.” Throughout the conversation, she laid her face down on her mother’s ass, kept her fingers working her hole, staring at me the whole time. She had no idea that how casual they were about sex. It was such a turn on.

Christina let my cock slide out of her throat and out of her lips with a wet plop. She said, “I think we’re almost ready for the main event.”

“Main event? I like the sound of that.” These two were too beautiful, to nasty and there were two of them. If I didn’t know any better, they could both be Goddesses. They both came up to me and the three of us began sloppily making out. We were shifting from triple kissing, sucking on each other’s tongues, to even two of us making out with spit flowing from between us and the third catching it from both of our chins. It was so hot, too hot, the kind of hot that I knew if I just so much as brushed against my rock hard throbbing cock, I would cum right here. Hell, I’d have done it just to see if we could make out with my own cum, but never got the chance. Christina took charge, in a very loving motherly manner.

“OK, Mike, stay right where you are.” I nodded in obedience. I was still sitting at the foot of the couch, with my legs straight and spread. She walked over to the coffee table and moved it a couple of feet away in front of me. She eyeballed it and then moved it back just a little bit more. She then sat down facing me, with her legs bent over mine. It was almost like she was gonna mount me, in a cowgirl kind of way, but all she did was scoot closer. Then she moved the coffee table closer to her so that she could lean back against it. I was getting really curious as to what she was after, I wasn’t getting it. “Clarissa, come over and sit on my lap facing Mike.”

“What’s going on Mom? This is new.”

“Oh, it’s something I thought of the other day. I think you’ll both like it. I’m gonna jack off Mike with your pussy. Or jack you off with Mike’s cock.” Clarissa looked excited and confused at the idea. “Look just try it. If it doesn’t work, we’ll just get fucked the old fashioned way, OK?” Her daughter, Clarissa shrugged in obedience and sat down in between us two facing me. Christina made her lean back against her, then grabbed her legs from behind her knees and pulled them up to Clarissa’s chest. They were both so slick from pussy juice and saliva that Clarissa slid easily up and down her mother’s flat chest. So while leaning back against the coffee table, holding her daughter’s legs up and apart in a kind of full nelson, she was able to raise and lower her down towards me.

It then clicked in my head what my part was. In the time, it took to set this up I had softened up a bit. When I reached down to jerk myself back hard again, Christina stopped me, “Don’t bother, just place the head in Clarissa. I’ll do the rest.” I obeyed by placing the head of my semi-rigid cock against Clarissa’s pulsing pussy opening, pushed it in and left it there. “Ok, Clarissa give him the Milkmaid’s hand as hard as you can,” commanded her mother.

“Yes, Mommy.” I could see her look down and concentrate. Slowly and surely I could feel her pussy lightly grip the head of my cock and slowly suck it in. Relax, try to slide down and pull more cock in. I wasn’t hard enough so it just pushed down on my cock. It took all of two seconds for me see what was gonna happen here, and I got rock hard instantly. Then I could really feel her pussy start to suck my cock into her. Her vagina had such power that each tug also tugged a bit of fear in me. I could feel her pull my cock down to its base. If it wasn’t attached to me, she would have sucked it all right in.

Then her mother slid her up, struggling a bit, trying to pull my hard cock from her greedy pussy. “Oh, Mommy, that feels great, please don’t let him slide out of me.” Christina maintained her dominance over the both of use by not saying a word. She slid her up so that just my head was in her once again. The grip and pull of her vagina was out of this world. I moaned loudly, fighting the urge to raise my hips up with her. Every time Christina raised and lowered her daughter’s body, the harder and more desperate she gripped me. Making eye contact with Clarissa brought the understanding and strain it took for neither of us to orgasm too soon. She broke away dropping her head back against her mother’s shoulder. She was in ecstasy. Her mouth was gaping open in pleasure. Christina sure knows how to work us both. She lifted up a bit more almost to the point that the tip of my cock would fall out she lowered her slowly back down, all the way down.

Clarissa’s head snapped up to watch my cock slide in her pussy. “Yes, Mommy, yes. OOhhh.” I could see her body shivering on the verge of orgasm. She lowered her down to the point that I felt the tip of my flaming member press against her cervix.

“How does that feel,” Her mother asked kissing Clarissa on the neck?

“So good,” I mumbled, “so so good. I can barely see straight.”

Clarissa was so close to orgasm she couldn’t get words out. She was moaning, weakly struggling under her mother’s control to get more cock into her.

“Suck him into you, Clarissa, you know you want to sweety. Get him into your cervix. If you do, I’ll let you both cum,” she said teasing with a bit of a pinch on Clarissa’s nipples. I could feel her vagina go into overdrive. She was gripping and pulling my cock in like it would save her life. The opening of her cervix was opening and trying to swallow my cock. I could feel it press down and nibble at my tip. All it managed to do was suck on my pee hole. Essentially Christina was using her daughter’s cervix opening to make out with my pee hole like a maestro. It’s beautiful how well we’ve gotten to know each other.

Clarissa was feebly trying to reach down and pull more cock into her, but her arms and legs were held back by her mother’s full nelson. Just then, Christina pulls her back up to try to leave just the tip in. She had a hard time doing so, Clarissa and I were so tightly joined that she strained against the resistance of Clarissa’s eager and horny pussy. When she got her up as her strength allowed, she would lower her daughter back down my cock again letting the tip of my quivering cock rest on Clarissa’s cervical opening. The suction, and muscle pulsing of her vagina, cervix, and uterus all trying to pull me in was becoming too much. I guess Christina felt it was time. She pushed her daughter down far enough that the tip of my cock popped past her cervix and into her uterus. I felt her cervix grip tightly. It gripped me tighter than any hand could right behind the ridge head of my cock.

Clarissa and I both looked at each other with lust filled eyes knowing we were now past of the point of no return. The crackling and rumbling of impending orgasms consumed us both. I could feel her vagina pulse like crazy, sucking and squeezing the shaft of my cock, the speed was almost impossible. She shouldn’t be able to do this. The head of my cock was fully past her cervix which was also pulsing in time with her vagina, only it was far tighter. Squeezing just behind the ridge on the head of my cock. Her grip was so tight, I wondered if I could ever get my penis out of her. My head was entirely in her uterus, whose grip was a like a mouth composed of all tongue. It was massaging, chewing the head of my cock. The sensation was too much. But it was Clarissa who orgasmed first.

Clarissa’s vagina stopped pulsing and gripped and death gripped my member. Her mouth opened into a large “O”, while her eyes widened and slowly rolled up into their sockets. Her vaginal pulses resumed seconds apart. I could feel her pussy squeeze juices out and past my penis. The sight of so much of her juices being pushed out brought me over the edge. I orgasmed. Blinding pleasure began from the base of my spine, up my spinal cord, consumed my mind, overflowed and sprayed out of the tip of my penis. My orgasms, plural, were so strong that they were in time with Clarissa’s constricting pussy, tightening cervix and munching uterus. When she squeezed I squirted a stream of hot cum into her, we followed this rhythm for as long as her mother could milk the both of us. And just when I thought the orgasm was slowing, we looked into each other’s eyes and saw that we were building into another powerhouse stream of orgasm. Then it would begin all over again. We must have had at least three consecutive orgasms this way. It was too much and the last little bit of orgasms we both had were followed by the last little bit of consciousness. We both passed out entwined tightly to each other.

The End.

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