A couple’s first BDSM experience

We talk a lot. We talk on the phone. We send email. We stay up late chatting. Best of all, our topics cover everything. It is so refreshing to find a conversationalist who also has something interesting to say. We all know, there are many people who love to talk but never about anything you want to hear. Not the case here, which is a very good thing. My boyfriend and I live in separate states and talking is what we do the most.

I’m sorry, how rude. I should introduce myself: I’m Lisa Baldwin. Currently in an amazingly fulfilling, unfortunately long distance relationship with Walter Williams. We met online several months ago and have since created a mutual admiration society.

Both of us being on the kinky side of freaky, our discussions contain a generous helping of sex. One night, sitting in front of our respective computer screens our talk turned to fantasies. Our tastes are quite similar in most respects and once again, we discovered something in common. We both wanted to meet as strangers in a singles bar and seduce each other. We’re both huge flirts and I’d love to see what witty repartee my baby would use to convince me I should be in his bed. I was lost in thought, creating the bar scene in my head when the instant message window blinked.

WW: Anything else you want to try?

LB: Everything.

WW: Sounds good to me. How about on our next visit? What should we do…..

Now there’s a wide open question if ever there was one. I’m sure he did it on purpose, testing to see if I felt comfortable enough to pull out the Nasty Files from the back of my fantasy rolodex. I watched the cursor blink, teasing me. In all of our previous conversations we’d never held back. Sharing feelings and thoughts easily. Why stop now?

LB: I like being tied up. Blindfolded. Restrained.

Once again I sat watching the cursor blink. He already knew I enjoyed an amount of pain with my sex. Nothing most couples don’t do – nipple pinching. Ass smacking. He enjoys the ass smacking. But what about bondage? I saw the note at the bottom of the IM window. WW is typing a message. Okay, let’s see how much alike we are now…

WW: Really? Like for real S&M type stuff?

LB: Yes. It’s an extreme turn on to give up control of your body. To let someone have their way with you.

WW: I get to have my way, huh?

Yeah, he was feeling the idea. I swear I could hear the gears in his brain cranking away.

LB: I trust you completely. I’m yours for whatever you want to do.

WW: This sounds like more than just a physical thing for you.

As usual, he read between the lines.

LB: True. It’s more about the psychological aspect of being dominated by another person. Of giving up your control. Of the trust you place in the person who holds the control.

WW: I never thought of you as .

LB: That’s what makes it so exciting for me. In everyday life, I’m the one people count on. The person they come to when they need to get the job done. I enjoy the position of power and I love my independent personality. But sometimes I just want to let go. Let someone else be responsible. Let someone take care of me for a change.

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