A college student’s first MILF sexual education

Sex stories, A summer’s education, college student’s first milf sexual education. Any sexual knowledge I had came from exploring my mom’s World Book dictionary. 

In the summer of 1972 I was 19 years old and between my freshman and sophomore years in college. I always did well with my school work but was socially immature. I guess I would have been considered a nerd. It didn’t help that I had a baby face and looked like I was 15 or 16. I was sexually immature also, which wasn’t really a surprise. I was shy around people, especially girls. I knew about sex but at that point in my life I never figured I would ever actually fuck a woman.

Any sexual knowledge I had came from exploring my mom’s World Book dictionary. It was always exciting to follow from one word to the next. Reproduction led to copulation, which led to genitals, which led to vagina, which led to labia. Fuck didn’t appear in my mom’s dictionary. I was really excited when I discovered new words, like fellatio or cunninglus. I dreamed about “copulation” and at that point in my life always figured it would be just a dream.

I had a great summer job. I worked for a plumbing supply warehouse pulling orders and helping load trucks. The really great part was when drivers took their vacations and I got to drive truck. I loved to drive and our warehouse covered a couple hundred mile radius so I got to see a lot of new places.

In 1972 it was the second summer I had worked there. There were five truck drivers and 3 full time warehouse workers and I was one of 2 summer helpers. We all reported to the warehouse foreman, an old German named Ron Dietrich. The entire operation was run by the regional manager, Larry Wodell. There were also salesmen and office help. The office help included an older lady, Betty Jones, who was the receptionist and Jean Taylor a bookkeeper/accountant. Betty was about 55 and had two grown kids and a grandchild. Jean was probably in her mid to late 20’s and had a son that was 9 years old. She was very pretty. She had soft auburn hair that fell to her shoulders and was kind of fluffy with large curls in it. Her eyes were a bright green and seemed to twinkle. Her nose was a little large, but not too much so, and had distinctive somewhat elongated nostrils. And she also had very large breasts. When I had first started work there they both seemed to notice my shyness and both were nice enough to talk to me and draw me out a little. They were both easy to talk to and I enjoyed the times I had to go to the office. Jean in particular seemed to take an interest in me and we had quite a few conversations about college and what I wanted to do in the future. She told me stories about her son but never mentioned her husband much. She was easy to look at and I tried not to be too obvious glancing at her breasts. There really wasn’t much to see any way. She always dressed conservatively and wore blouses that never showed any cleavage and the curves of her breasts were always smooth with no bumps or other hint of nipples. There were just the big mounds that stuck out from her chest. I remember one time when Larry and I were walking in the same direction and Jean walked by heading to the office. After she passed Larry looked at me and said. “Man oh man! Do you think she has big nipples on those tits of hers?” I blushed and Larry just chuckled.

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