Circumstances led me to my Daughter

I am Ajay a 53 years old man who lost his wife a year ago. Before her death she was ill and bedridden so my sex life was restricted. Because of that, I got addicted to hashish. Under its influence I approached her sometimes. She allowed me to hug her and suck her boobs … Sometimes she let me ejaculate my semen between her boobs or in her mouth. She was beautiful despite her suffering. She had smooth white skin and her boobs were large. I was patient with her because of her permanent illness and my compassion for her suffering. I forget to tell that I had a daughter named Bindya who was married. She was a replica of her mother …. Color, complexion, and body with its large and small details … She got married to a man named Mukesh when she was 18. She was a obedient daughter as she accepted this marriage to please me only. I told her that I saw poverty in my early life so I don’t want her to suffer what I and her mother suffered. That was 10 years ago. In that time she became mother to two boys. Her elder boy was 8 and younger 6. A year ago tragedy struck her too. Her husband died in a road accident. First she decided to live on her own but when my wife died she decided to move in with me. This adjustment 0 suited to us both. I used to hear her crying long nights … I feel sad for her and what she suffers from the loss of a husband. She is only 28 and can marry again but she was not interested.

One hot, humid night … I was smoking hashish, my only medicine and my best friend … I heard some noise. I opened the door of my room and went out to the hall ….. I saw her siiting there alone. As she saw me she said, – You are still awake, Papa – … I looked at her .. I imagined my dead wife is the one talking to me … I said, – Oh, I was free today, I don’t know sleep – She said … I also sleep very little, the heat is very strong … I sat down near her on couch.

She said … do you want to nullify the promise you made to mother about not taking hashish. I said … I fulfil half of the promise by not taking it on working days but holidays and some black days are exception….. I blew a strong smoke towards her as I said that. She looked at me and coughed hard. She tried to clear smoke from her face.
-It seems black days are quiet large in numbers- She said and both of us laughed …

She leaned on me while lying on the outstretched leg, hiding her shyness while laughing … I blew one more and she came closer to the smoke more boldly … and pulled out a long breath … she did not cough like the time before … I had always looked upon her as my little girl. Though she was the mother of two cildren, it was for the first time I realized that, she was a fully grown woman! … She looked so much like her mother … with her charm, beauty, youth, and plump body … and her full chest, her proudly erect nipples were piercing the light fabric … I discovered that she was wearing the cotton shirt like her mother.

Due to heat or night her legs were bare. While she was hiding in my chest, she tucked her hand into the opening of my robe, wiping my chest hair with the comfort of her soft hand … as she sighed she raised her leg, holding it to her stomach. The front of her shirt moved up to reveals her ass cheeks .. that set a fire in my body. Without thinking much, I extended my hand and placed it on her bare thigh … she groaned … “Aaaaaaah” and stuck to my chest more. she planted her nipples like a bullet in my chest and her soft hand massaged my naked flesh … and she tilted with her head looking into my eyes … and her lips were trembling.

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