Cecilia was definitely an expert when it came to giving head. It didn’t take me long to cum and when I did, she drank down all of my seed. Good gal, she was alright! Next, I put on a condom. Cecilia looked at me mischievously and told me that she wanted to feel my ten-inch cock up her ass. Apparently, she found anal sex a lot more stimulating than cock-to-pussy action. I grinned, not believing my luck. Cecilia took a blue plastic tube which she had brought in her bag and poured out some liquid. I watched as she applied the substance all over her pink little asshole, and then she put some on my cock as well. I nodded understandingly. Hey, I’m not exactly small so the more lube she had, the better.
Next came the actual action. How were we going to do this? It’s not like the movies, folks. You’re dealing with another person. Their body. Their needs and desires. It all has to mesh with yours nicely, or not all. I told Cecilia that I wanted to do her on all fours but she said that she wanted to look at me while I fucked her. I conceded and we got started. She lay on her back, that sexy body and fabulous ass looking very inviting. I placed my cock against her tiny back door, and pushed. My first sensation upon entry was one of warmth and tightness. I placed my hands on Cecilia’s hips and thrust into her. Cecilia gasped as I entered her. Her eyes widened, then her lips seemed to murmur something. I continued, sliding my pole deeper into her. Man, that ass of hers felt so wonderfully warm and tight.
Cecilia looked me in the eye, took some deep breaths, then told me to continue. I smiled, and slid my pole deeper into her. She gently rubbed her breasts together, and I watched as her hands slid to her pussy. She dipped one finger inside, licked it, and repeated the gesture. I was incredibly turned on by that. She noticed and leaned upward, wincing a bit and slid her finger in my mouth. Hmm. I tasted her inner flesh, and it tasted good. We went at it like this for some time, then changed positions. I put Cecilia on all fours, and took her from behind. That’s when all hell broke loose. I’ve never heard a woman scream so loudly. She kept screaming and begging me for more, backing that fabulous booty of hers against my groin, driving me deeper into her. Her lust-filled screams resonated through the motel room. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen. A disheveled, lust-filled, sex-crazed woman screaming in a decidedly primal way. It excited me so much that I came right then and there.
A short while later, Cecilia and I lay on the bed, our bodies soaked with sweat. Man, this was a very interesting experience. We just lay there, talking. Just making small talk after sex. I knew from experience that this liaison was a brief encounter and so did she. She told me that there was some accountant whom she was dating. He was the man who helped her put her life together after the divorce. I almost asked her why she was in bed with me, a total stranger who just fucked her brains out and not this good man whom she claimed to care so much about. But I didn’t ask, because she volunteered the answer. Cecilia told me that she cared deeply about Doug the accountant, whom she described as a middle-aged widower with collegiate sons and daughters who had been her neighbor for ages. He’d been there for her after the divorce. She claimed to care about him but said their relationship lacked passion. Doug was too much of a gentleman to do certain things. Sometimes, Cecilia liked to take her inner freak out for a ride. I guess that’s why she looked for hot Black studs online. I looked at her, and did not see a beautiful woman. Instead, I saw a person who disgusted me. Ah, women could be cruel and deceitful. A good man gave his heart to her and he was there for her in her time of need. How did she repay him? By sleeping with some stranger she met online. What a bitch! Cecilia leaned closer, touched my chest and asked me what I was thinking. How I loathed this question! If she only knew…