Like many things, that thrill died away but my uncle’s boorish manners didn’t. Eventually it deteriorated to where I hated it when he fucked me. He was fat, rough and foul-mouthed (there’s a difference between talking dirty during sex and cursing), didn’t bathe as he should, and was just generally not someone I enjoyed being around. I put up with him mainly because my dad loved fucking Tammy and although it was never said so straight out, I was worried that if I cut off my uncle that he would keep my dad from fucking Tammy.
Back in the fall of last year my dad and his brother re-enacted the first time the two of the swapped daughters. The first time was fun and exciting, most likely because it WAS the first time that Tammy was fucked by her dad and I got to watch it. This time, though, was totally different. Although I allowed him to fuck me, I detested him the entire time and even though his dick felt good in me (you can’t help but feel good when you’re being fucked, no matter the guy attached to the dick), in the end I felt empty and used. Well, empty spiritually and emotionally, not in terms of the contents of my pussy!
The more I dwelled on it the more it ate away at me. It got to where I couldn’t bear to even imagine allowing my uncle to fuck me again. For a long time I put up with it but our last time went over the top and the dam finally gave way. It took me a while but finally I worked up the courage to go to my father and explain to him how I felt about my Uncle Jim fucking me. After I’d finished my well-rehearsed but poorly delivered speech, I just sat there across from him on the couch, wringing my hands as I waited for him to respond, certain he would be terribly disappointed in me.
Well, if there was ever even the slightest of doubts as to my father’s love and respect for me, his answer swept them aside. He reached over and kissed me for the longest time, a deep, passionate kiss as our tongues met and we pulled up tight against each other. Then he smiled and told me I never had to do anything I didn’t want to and that if I didn’t want my uncle to fuck me, then he would make sure I never had to worry about it again. When I started to say something about Tammy, he stopped me and told me to let him worry about that and that my need’s came first. Isn’t my father a truly fantastic man?!
As things turned out, my fears came true. My mom told me later that my dad had gone to my uncle and told him that he couldn’t fuck me anymore. My uncle immediately retaliated by informing him that his niece was officially off-limits from that point onward. I guess for a while things were tense between them but after all, they are brothers and brothers work through these sorts of things. Besides, it’s not like my dad had nobody else to turn to. My mom was there for him not to mention my Aunt Linda and cousin Kristi. Of course, there was me, even if I was living in my own place now. The only thing is, the youngest of us is Kristi and she isn’t even a teenager anymore. In fact, she can legally drink in just a few months. I can only imagine how it felt for my dad to see the college girls at the mall and church and have to think about how Tammy was once available to him and now she wasn’t.