A massage therapist has an unexpected client

“Just relax,” she hummed, hoping he kept his eyes closed as she neared. He breathed deeply, and her fingers grazed ever so lightly over the surface of the weighted pad, knowing he couldn’t feel her touch through it.

Taking the utmost care, she hoisted one knee on the side of the table, leaning over him to grip the other side as she climbed atop him. As she did so, she slid the weighted pad down to the space between his calves, noting with a deep pleasure the outline of his thick erection under the towel.

“Whoa,” he exclaimed in surprise, his eyes flying open to watch her as she settled to sit astride his thighs.

“This ok?” she asked, hoping the nervousness wasn’t too obvious in her voice.

“Jesus, it’s more than ok,” he swore, his hands lifting to caress her legs. “Fuck, Maggie, you’re gorgeous.”

“I remember how much you always liked to curse,” she laughed softly, reaching up to undo her ponytail, shaking out her chestnut waves.

“Yeah, sorry,” he laughed without much humor, his fingers squeezing the soft skin of her upper thighs. Yes, that was what she wanted.

“Don’t be,” she replied. “It’s sexy.”

She started to move her hips against him, the towel still between them. It felt so good to be bad like this at work, felt simultaneously completely out of character and also like coming home to a version of herself she used to relish. The dim lighting gave her added confidence. She was sure her curves were a little rounder than they were six years ago, but JT had always loved her body.

If the way he was looking at her now was any hint, he still liked what he saw.

“Is this really happening?” he whispered reverently, and she bit her lower lip. Working up her courage, she moved over his erection, stroking its length with the heat between her legs. The fabric of the towel felt good against her sensitive flesh. She was so wet.

“It is, if you want it to,” she murmured, lifting his hands from her thighs to place both over her breasts.

“God, yes,” he swore, squeezing her breasts roughly. She laughed, reminded of his voracity in bed, his eagerness. JT barely knew how to make love, fucking was his domain. Five months of dating and she had just begun teaching him how to be gentle, how to savor. But gentleness was the last thing she wanted now.

Her gyrations over his crotch had shifted the towel, and she felt the difference in texture as she began grinding over his velvet hardness instead of the cloth. She kept going, a slow, steady pace, showing him what she wanted. His hands cupped her breasts, stroking and massaging them, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. A moan escaped her, and he hissed between his teeth.

“I’ve got a condom in my wallet,” he ground out, his voice sounding harried. “But if I’m honest it’s probably a decade old at this point.”

She continued to stroke his length with her pussy, preparing him with her slickness. She felt his eyes intense on her body, but couldn’t bring herself to meet his gaze just yet.

“I’ve got an IUD.”

“Jesus, Mags,” he swore again, his hips bucking once underneath her. Faintly she wondered how long it had been for him, if it had been anything near as long as her drought. May as well be honest, she thought. Get the best out of it.

Please wait…

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