A massage therapist has an unexpected client

“It’s just,” he began awkwardly, looking down the length of his body. “The has felt really, really good.”

She laughed aloud in surprise, and he grinned a little despite his pained expression.

She turned back briefly, grabbing a bean-filled heating pad and handing it to him.

“What’s this for?”

“To weigh it down,” she laughed.

“It’s a boner pad?” he asked in disbelief, picking it up.

She laughed again, unable to help it. “Well, it’s technically a heating pad. You microwave it. I use it in my work sometimes when people have injuries. But guys get… well, you know. It happens plenty, and I use this.”

He stared at it, as if imagining all the men who had used it before.

“It goes over the towel,” she clarified.

He snorted, glancing up at her with a wry smile. “Yeah, I would hope so.”

He took a deep breath, as if steeling himself, and began to flip over. Maggie turned away to give him some privacy, though all she could think about now was his dick. Such a beautiful dick. Girthy and long, almost a smidge too long for her, the way she liked it. Derrick had been a good, strenuous lover, she hadn’t gone unsatisfied. But nothing had ever quite compared to JT’s equipment and damn, did he know how to use it. During the months they were together she had grown used to the pure oblivion he could somehow hurl her into in a matter of minutes.

When she ventured a peek back at him he had laid back down and his breath was a little audible now. She wondered if he was nervous again. She certainly felt the flutters.

She moved to stand directly behind his head, slipping her hands under the base of his head to cradle his neck and knead the column with her fingertips. His eyes were open, looking up at her now, and suddenly the position felt too intimate.

“Close your eyes and relax, JT,” she urged him, and he fought a smile, closing his eyes gently.

“You know, I don’t go by JT anymore.”

“Well, no way I’m calling you John.”

He laughed that nice, deep rumble of his, smiling despite himself.

“Nobody ever called me Mags but you,” she said gently, after a while.

He was silent for a moment, his eyes still closed, but he lifted one hand from his side and blindly found her forearm, wrapping his warm fingers around it and stilling her circling motions.

The electrical charge in the room changed in an instant, and she felt with the simple gesture that he had crossed the line she had been hoping he’d cross the whole damn appointment. And just like JT too, to make a move at the last minute when they barely had any time.

“Mind if I dim the lights a bit more?” she asked briskly, slipping her arms out of his grasp and moving already to the light panel.

“Uh, sure,” he stumbled, and she could tell she had thrown him off.

She turned the lights to near darkness, going next to the stereo and slowly increasing its volume. By the time she clicked the lock to her room, she had slipped off her shoes and undone the tie of her scrub pants. It was quick work to divest herself of her remaining clothing, feeling like a risky teenager.

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