A love story

One night I have a message from her saying that her kid is having heavy fever and they are planning to go to the hospital in the night itself. It’s heavy raining outside and I am in the office with my extra work.
After sometime she messaged me saying that no vehicle is available and her father in law has gone to the junction to search for an auto.
Suddenly I got an idea and asked the vehicle of my superior. I told him that I need to rush to the city because my friend is coming so I have to pick up him. My superior is a nice guy actually so he given me the keys.
I messaged her “don’t worry. The vehicle is ready and waits for 10 minutes”
I came back to home and knocked on her door. Her father in la has opened the door. I convinced him that it’s not a better idea to travel now in auto because the kid is already shivering. He also agreed. I told him that I have the car with me so it’s better to go in it. Firstly he hesitated to say yes but later I made him to say yes.
This time when she has seen me she didn’t smiled. She was anxious at that time. A real mother.
We rushed to the hospital in my car. I have done all the things like I am her husband. We moved to the casuality and the doctor attended the kid. She was with the kid. Me and her father in law moved to the billing section and I told him that after billing section we have to move to pharmacy and it’s not sure whether the pharmacy is open or not. So it’s better you sit in front of the casuality and I will take care of it. If there happens any urgency please give me a call.
Billing, pharmacy everything I have done and back to casuality. Her father in law was sleeping in the chair. I moved near to the bed and met her. Handed over the medicines to her. She smiled and I asked.
“did you had food?”
“yes, I had”
“ok, hows she (kid) now?”
“doctor has given the injection and now it’s getting ok”
“ok. Good. Now have it and call me if anything needed. I will be in the chairs”
By saying that I have given her a juice bottle and a bun packet.
She has smiled.
“don’t say anything. Had food and take care of her”
I left the room and sat in the chair. I have started to play some movies in YouTube.
After half an hour I have got a message from her.
“rahul I think I has go outside to the pharmacy. I am having stomach pain”
Suddenly I thought that may be it’s her periods starting. Without hesitation I asked her.
“did your periods started”
“yes” she replied.
“ok. I am in a hotel having my dinner so please wait 10 minutes.” I lied to her.
I rushed to the pharmacy and bought a pack of sanitary napkin and a small hot water bag.
Rushed to the casuality and met her. She told me “please be here I will go the pharmacy and will be back in no time”. She was about to go.
“for what? Pads?” I asked her
“hmm” she replied
I have given her the kit. She has opened it and found the pads and hot water bag.
She smiled, but not just a usual smile it’s filled with pure , pure love.
I have left the place with a smile.
On next day her kid got discharged and we moved back to her home. After dropping them I drove back to my superiors place to hand over the vehicle.
I have bought some fruits, biscuits and lunch and driven back to home. Saw her house door is wide opened and there is no sign of her. Suddenly I heard the sound of cloth washing from terrace. I went to the terrace and fund her washing the cloths. Rushed to her and given a small slap on her shoulder.
“are you mad? You have told na you are in periods. So you must take rest na? Don’t you know that? Don’t make me angry please.”
By saying that I have put my hands on her shoulder and made to move her away from the washing site. Handed over the kit and told
“go to your home and have it along with your kid. Take rest”
“hey Rahul..Its too over na? I will wash it”
“ I have told you already don’t make me angry”
“ok then keep the dresses be like this. I will wash it later”
“ok let us see. Now you leave” I replied.
She left the place. While leaving she turned back and smiled at me.
After she let the terrace I have washed all the dresses. It includes her nighty, saree, under garments her kids dress etc.
In the evening I got a message from her.
“thank you Rahul. You are not a bad boy, instead a super boy. The girl whom you gonna marry is a very lucky one. Not everyone will get a guy like you”
“hey akka what happened now?”
“I am serious Rahul. Understanding a women’s mind is not an easy task. Understanding her feelings, taking care of her all were great things for her. Marrying someone and making a kid is not a big thing. After having kid even the phone calls from husband will just to enquire about the kid not about the . He wont ask her did you had food? Hows your fever? Anything. He will forget to appreciate her. She too had a mind which expects appreciation, happiness, romance everything. Being a husband is not a big thing but being a life partner is a very big thing. I think you will be a great life partner for your wife”
In a simple text message she has narrated her entire story.
She continued “even I thought that you are just usual boy but you understands things very well. When you came to know that I am in my periods without saying anything you have bought me the pads and hot water bag. You don’t know how much relaxed was me then. I was not in a situation to even to walk, but lot of cloths were there to wash. So somehow I have to wash it. But you had washed all those dresses. I don’t know how to say all these things.”
“akka its fine. I like you very much akka. That’s why “
Yeah I have told it but instead of I love you told her I like you.
“I know Rahul that you like me very much. I am not blind I can feel it in your care”
Wow….Oh my god at last I convinced her that 27 year boy is flattered for that 33-year-old lady who is a mother of 2-year-old kid.
“if you were not a married one…”
“rahul stop it.. I know what you are going to say”
“ok” I replied.
“I will message you later”
“take care akka” I replied
“ha ha that’s what you are now doing na?” she is happy
“ha ha..Ok see you later” I replied.
From that day onwards we were like lovers. We have shared everything. Her childhood, studies, marriage, sex life everything she had shared. I also told about my details, fantasies etc. Every day we use to message. Even if I am out of station she will call me and ask things.

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