Visiting parent’s home : Brother’s late night sex

It’s true that Bina Mishra have been with several guys as my pre-marital life was normal with a single mistake as my younger brother Jeet have forced me for sex. So a college student in a middle class society have no liberty to put modern outfits to reveal my sexy figure as “Boy friends “were not allowed but my parent’s conservative mind have made me a little slut as inside home I have had a great physical relations with my brother Jeet and so loosing virginity to him was like a dream got fulfilled and than jeet’s friend sunny have satisfied me with his long thick penis and after I got married , my hubby Anish have a nice sexual activities with me but as his professional life starts diminishing ,he put me on his bosses bed and there my slut character took me to a new peak as list of lovers on bed grows……Jeet ,sunny ,Anish ,Raj , Rachel and Iqbal ….all have put their cocks in my glory hole. So like a shameless lady I starts my extramarital affairs with guys.

Bina Mishra is a 27 years married lady with her curvy figure as my lovely boobs will make your mouth’s watering ,my V shaped buttocks shakes like a two parts cucumber ,so it can make old men’s tool hard and my slim waist to smooth thighs are attractive and so my vagina is like a glittering pearls,it’s labias are well distracted as it’s reddish with a black mounds on its hole,lot of penetration in my vagina as I am addicted to it .so as I am in parent’s home ,a teenager fucked me in train as my brother Jeet enjoyed my sexy body in early morning (read previous story “Visiting parent’s home: a teenager hunger ” & “early morning fuck“).

So day’s passes as I have lunch with my mom and brother ,so I slept soundly as my body is too tired and in parent’s home I have to live in a limit but my brother Jeet can assist me in drinks and in the evening ,I wake up and after having refreshment walked to dinning space ,mom and brother is not there ,so I moved to mom’s bedroom as she is sleeping and now it’s my legs moving to jeet’s room.i can see him holding his mobile as he is watching something special but looking at me ,he wake up and put his mobile on bed ,so I sit near him as his eyes are gazed on my chest ,it’s a semi nude one as my deep necked night wear is showing as his hand hold my hairs and put his lips on my lips I opened my mouth ,than he pushed his long tongue and his arms have hold me tight as I am sucking his tongue and his hand is rubbing my back .so my legs are on earth as my sexy butts is on bed’s corner ,so as I have turned my face to his face,his hard bulge is showing it’s erection and feeling too sexy ,I hold his bulge on bermuda as sucking his tongue hard is making us bit my eyes are closed as Jeet starts squeezing my breast on night wear ,it’s my vagina that’s turning into a itchy canal and I pushed his face back as I put my head on his his hand is rubbing my back and my lips starts kissing his neck to face ,we are desperate for physical love but both are scared also as mom is in I put my face straight as I smiled

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