Jasmine Flower To Red Flower

Hi All. Read Fucked Deepa On Deepawali before starting this.

After coming from Preethi house on Wednesday morning I went to college in the afternoon. When I went to college staff found that I didn’t came to college from last week and informed to the disciplinary staff. Raj Sir came from disciplinary staff and took me to the Principal room and I tried to give some explanation and tried to escape from them. They didn’t believe me and finally they given me the punishment to me for not attending to the classes without having a valid reason. Even that is fine Principal given punishment to me for not attending to the college. But Raj Sir is keeping on scolding me while going to Principal room and while coming from Principal room. I got a lot of irritation and anger on him. I stayed calm and waited for the situation to take my revenge on him.

After few days there is a party happened as a treat for chairman son marriage. Party is happening in the night in the college ground and we all are enjoying and staff came to control the students if anyone is behaving more than normal. Concert is happening on the stage. We all are enjoying and after sometime I felt like want to piss and went behind the stage. Behind stage there are full of bushes and full of dark. I am just casually walking and trying to find a place to piss. I saw a bunch of Jasmine flowers fell on the ground there. I am hearing some moaning sounds from bushes. I thought it might be some students enjoying there and left them and moving. In the same time I heard the woman is moaning Ahhhh…………. Come On Raj, Come On Raj…………….. I stood there for a minute and think and tried to remember whether Raj Sir is there in the party or not. I remembered I saw him in the starting when we came for party. After that I didn’t saw him. I got a doubt that Raj might be Raj Sir and went nearby bushes and slowly moved bushes aside and peeped inside. Yes that is Raj Sir. I looked for the woman with him. She is Rajitha Mam. The hottest figure of the entire college in the staff. Her figure is 36-24-36 with white skin tone and having a fit structure at age 28. While she is walking itself all students will stare at her. She is lying down and Raj Sir is leaning on her and just now he started to fuck her pussy and she is moaning with his name. I thought it is the perfect time to take my revenge and I just want to disturb them and make them to move away from there. I stood there and started to piss on them. They are in a situation can’t shout on me and stayed calm. My piss went on to Raj Sir face and Rajitha Mam boobs and face. The stayed calm for sometime without making any sound and they thought I went from there and again they continued to fuck. My plan didn’t worked properly and they didn’t moved away from there and again they continued to fuck. I took my phone and peeped inside into the bushes and took photos of them in the bushes with flash. Rajitha Mam turned her face aside and covered her face with hands. Raj Sir is starring at camera and got a clear picture of him. They didn’t saw me clearly. Raj Sir started to shout and asking me stop. I didn’t stop and ran away from there and went into the crowd and enjoying the party. After sometime I saw Raj Sir and Rajitha Mam is coming from behind the stage. Raj Sir is searching for the person who took photos in the crowd. He is not able to find the person and walking all over the ground in the party with full of frustration and anger.

I took my revenge on him and felt happy and don’t want to send those photos to anyone and just kept with me to use them if required in future. Next day onwards I have noticed that he is pointing out to the students who are having mobile phones in the college and making them to get into problems wanted. I got anger on him and decided to use those photos and make him to get out of the college. I took print out of his photos from one of the my friends photoshop and came to college and went to staff room to send them as a compliant from staff to principal using the staff complaint cover and stamp. Why I thought soo means if we send a compliant cover as a student first it will go to the disciplinary staff and if they are not able to resolve the problem then it will go principal. If I send from staff cover it will directly go to the principal. I am able to theft a staff complaint cover without knowing to the staff and came back to class and filled the complaint and kept photos inside the cover and made it ready to send to the principal. Before sending I saw a notice printed on the cover that stamp from cleark is mandatory to send it to principal directly or else it will go to disciplinary staff first and then it will go to principal. I want to send it to principal directly and didn’t understand what to do and how to get stamp without knowing to the cleark. I waited for the cleark to move away from his place and planned to get the stamp on that cover without knowing to him. After sometime he went to toilet and within the to time I went inside and searched for the stamp. I am unable to find it and keepon searching. After sometime I saw it and immediately took it out and placed stamp on the cover. Exactly when the time I placed stamp on the cover cleark came and saw me.

He came in anger towards me and asked

Cleark: What are doing here? Why there is stamp in your hand?
Me: This is a complaint letter of staff. He asked me to get stamp on this to send it to the Principal. He asked me to get the stamp fast that he need to send it to the Principal immediately.
Cleark: On whom that compliant letter I there?
Me: It is on me.
Cleark got shocked and asked
Cleark: What?
Me: Yes, it is on me. I have shouted on a staff in the class. He got anger and wanted to compliant on me directly to the Principal. I requested him to forgive me and leave me. He didn’t listened me and after requesting him for long time he said me to take stamp on the cover. He said if I do so he will think about giving compliant to Principal or not. I am not sure whether he will leave me or not. I am just doing what he says just to get a chance to escape from him without complaining on me to the Principal.
Cleark came near to me by laughing and said
Cleark: He sent you to take stamp on the complaint on you to send it to the principal. Who is that staff? Give that cover to me. I want to see it.
I given cover to him. It is already sealed. So he can’t open and see it. I have written some random staff name on the cover who is not there in the entire college. He looked at the cover and checked the name and asked
Cleark: Who is this staff? I haven’t seen anyone with this name in our college.
Me: He is a senior professor newly joined in the college. I too thought like you that I have never seen him before and thought he is a temporary staff and shouted on him. Now I am moving around him to get the excuse. If you want to see him come with me I will show you.
He got frightened but acted like normal and said
Cleark: Ok that is fine. Do you know taking a stamp without knowing to cleark is wrong.
Me: Yeah I know. But due to hurry to get the stamp on it even I saw you are not here and searched for the stamp and placed stamp on the cover.
Cleark: Do You know that you will get punishment for this?
Me: Yeah I know. But I am already in problem. I thought to escape from one problem and get into another problem. What I can do apart from taking the punishment from you as well. I can’t do anything, I can’t do anything…………….
I acted like I got irritation and frustration and beating my self and pretended like going to cry. He immediately given the cover to me and said
Cleark: Don’t worry I am not going to complain on you. Next time onwards don’t take any stamp from my desk without knowing to me.

I said ok and came back from there and went to the complaint box and placed it in the staff complaint box and came from there and went to class. After two days I came to know that Raj Sir is suspended for entire semester. It became a hot topic in the entire college. I felt happy but I thought he will permanently out of the college. Unexpectedly he tried to manage by saying he is not the one in the image. It is not happened in the college. It happened somewhere else outside of the college. Even they are not able to find the woman face in the photo and they are not having a strong evidence that this happened in the college. They searched for the staff who sent that cover to get more details. But they find there is no staff with that name. Anyhow by keeping the complaint and photos as a evidence and suspended him for entire semester.

Even cleark knows that I am the one who sent that cover he doesn’t want to speak it out because if he speaks he will loose his job for placing stamp on it without checking it properly. We didn’t told to anyone and kept it as a secret between us. But Rajitha didn’t left it and keepon trying to know the person who complained on Raj Sir without getting doubt to anyone on her. Finally she is able to know that I am the one who complained on Raj Sir from that cleark. She wanted to take revenge on me but she is not having any chance to do that. So she managed to speak with the head of the course and replaced one of staff in our course with her and started to take classes for us and always keepon trying to point out me. Some how she came to know that I am fucking many girls from the college. She started to give special focus on me from that time to get a chance to complain on me. One day she given a difficult assignment to everyone in the class asked us to submit it in two days. Everyone in the class knows it is difficult and can’t be completed in two days and didn’t did it and decided to ask her more time after two days. After two days she didn’t asked about that assignment and no one in the class speak about it with her and we all thought she got forgeted and left it without doing the assignment. Not even one person did that assignment from the entire class. After two weeks while leaving from the class she asked me to meet her in the staff room after all the classes. All the classes got completed and all students gone and I went to the staff room in search of Rajitha Mam. All the staff in the staff room are packing their bags and about to leave. I went nearby to Rajitha Mam and said

Me: Mam you asked me to meet you after the classes.
Rajitha: Where is your assignment?
She asked me very loudly like every will hear in the staff room.
Me: Which assignment? You didn’t given assignment to us recently. I have submitted all the assignments which you have given before.
Rajitha: Oh is it? I didn’t given any assignment recently. It is being two weeks I have given assignment. Everyone in the class submitted except you.
She shouted at me in angry tone and everyone in the staff room looked at me. I got shocked by she saying that everyone in the class submitted except me. She shown me a bundle of assignments which are on my classmates names and roll numbers. I got shocked and took that bundle and started to search it. She is keeping on shouting and scolding at me and I am searching the bundle for my assignment. All staff started to leave except me and Rajitha. By the time I completely searching all the staff left and only me and Rajitha are there in the staff room. She asked
Rajitha: Did you find yours?
Me: No
Rajitha: Then when you will submit.
I stayed calm without saying anything. It is Saturday. She asked
Rajitha: Can you submit it by tomorrow.
Me: Tomorrow means Monday?
Rajitha: Is tomorrow Monday?
Me: No tomorrow is Sunday. But tomorrow is holiday.
Rajitha: Don’t you know that before you delaying to submit the assignment. I don’t know what you will do. I want you to submit your assignment to me by tomorrow.
Me: But I don’t know how to do that assignment.
Rajitha: Ok did you asked me explain to once again when you didn’t understand?
Me: No
Rajitha: Then it is not my mistake. I don’t know how you will complete you need to submit it to me by tomorrow.
Me: Are you coming to college tomorrow?
Rajitha: No. Why I need to come to college tomorrow? Did I need to come college only to take your assignment?
Me: Then how can I submit the assignment.
Rajitha: Give me your mobile.

I given her my mobile and she given missed call from my mobile to her number. She said to me to call her and come to her home and submit the assignment. I am fully tensed at that time and not understand why she given her number to me and asked me to come to her home to submit the assignment. After that she left to her home. I didn’t think about it and called to my friends and asked about the assignment. They made fun of me by saying no one submitted assignment. How she will ask assignment you alone. They are keepon making fun of me without listening to me what I am saying. I cut the call and went to home and tried to complete that assignment on my own. I tried till late night and slept. Next day morning I wokeup and understood that I can’t complete assignment and called to the Rajitha Mam and told that I can’t complete the assignment. She said that she will help me to complete the assignment and asked me to come to her home and told her home address. I started to her home and it took 1 hr for me to reach her home. Her house is having full of different types of plants like a garden between compound wall and house entrance. House is looking very nice and decent. I went nearby to her house entrance and called her. She came and greeted me to come inside. I went inside and she asked me to sit and I sit in the sofa. She said to me wait for sometime and she went inside and came after sometime and asked me where I am having doubt in writing the assignment. She turned on the fan and kept in full speed and sat beside me on the sofa. I asked her the doubt and she started to explain me and we moved closer to each other. We are sitting very close by touching each other bodies and I am slowly getting diverted from the assignment to her body. I controlled myself and concentrated on assignment. Suddenly her saree fell down from her shoulder due to fan speed and she is didn’t kept any safety pin and her boobs are clearly visible to me. By seeing her boobs I got completely diverted and not concentrating on the assignment and starring at her boobs. She looked at me and asked what? I didn’t said anything and starring at her boobs. She said to me to look at the assignment. I turned at the assignment and again starring a her boobs. Again she told me to look at the assignment. Everytime she is telling me to look at the assignment but she is not at all trying to cover her boobs. She asked me in angry

Rajitha: What you never looked any woman boobs? Starring at me like that. I heard that you have fucked many girls in our college. Didn’t they have boobs.
Me: Yes they had boobs but they are not as much big as yours.
Rajitha: What? Is my boobs are that much big? Check them clearly and tell me.
She immediately dragged my face close to her boobs and asked me check them clearly and I understood that she wants me smooch and lick her boobs and tried to touch her boobs. She immediately stopped me and said
Rajitha: What you are doing? I just asked you to see and tell. Why are you trying to touch them.
Me: When I fuck girls from our college I touched their boobs and came to know how are big they. Without touching I can’t say.
She immediately took my hand and placed them on her boobs. I Started to squeeze her boobs and she started to moan and I am smooching and licking her cleavage and asked

Me: Is no one there in the house apart from you and me.
Rajitha: No.
Me: What about your husband and children.
Rajitha: My husband went to Dubai just after two months we got married. When he is going he said he will come and take me after few months. It is being two years. He didn’t came yet. Every month he is sending money. I am getting my sex desires high. He is not understanding my sex desires and sending money. How I can fulfill my sex desires with the money. I can’t control myself and just before few months I Seduced Raj Sir and getting fucked with him. But from the day he got suspended he as well not coming to fuck me. I came to know that you are the reason for his suspension and wanted to take revenge on you. I started to take classes for you class. Just before few weeks I came to know that you are fucking many girls in our college. Then I thought instead of taking revenge why can’t I have sex with you.

I immediately stopped smooching and licking her boobs and looked at her. She looked at me and asked

Rajitha: What? Why did you stopped? Do it more.
I pointed towards door and said
Me: Door is open.
Rajitha: You won’t do the assignment given to you properly but you will watch all these things well.
She stood up and went and closed the door and stood there and called me to her and asked me to continue. I went nearby to her and continued to smooch and lick her boobs. I removed her saree completely. I am squeezing and smooching and licking her boobs. I moved to her lips and started to give liplock to her and she is responding very well. We both are kissing each other and slowly walked towards bedroom and we went into the bedroom. We closed the door and pushed her on to the bed and I fell on her and kissing all over her face and I removed her blouse and she is wearing bra and I am squeezing her boobs over the bra. After sometime I removed her bra and started to squeeze her bare boobs and smooch and lick and bite them. She is pressing my head tight to her boobs by holding my hair and asking me to do it more. I squeezed, smooched, licked and bite her boobs and nipples for long time and moved to her petticoat. She asked me

Rajitha: Is my boobs are bigger than the girls you fucked in our college?
Me: Their boobs are nothing in front of your boobs. What about my assignment?
Rajitha: Which assignment?
Me: The assignment you asked me to write?
She laughed at me and said
Rajitha: There is no any assignment. I just played a trick on you with the name of assignment. I know that the assignment which I given before two weeks to your entire class is difficult and can’t be done by you people. I have forgeted about that on the next day itself.
Me: Then what about the assignment papers bundle you shown to me in college?
Rajitha: Oh that, it is the assignment given by the other courses students. I just replaced the front page with your class students name and roll numbers. Haven’t you saw the same hand writing on all the assignment papers.

Me: In the tension I didn’t noticed all these. Why did you did all these?
Rajitha: Still you didn’t understand. To seduce you and want to get fuck with you.
I immediately bite on her waist hard and she shouted loudly in pain. I am squeezing her boobs and waist hard and loosened her petticoat and dragged it down and directly inserted my fingers into her pussy from her petticoat and panty. She moaned Ahhhh…………… and continued to moan Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah…………………..

I am fingering her pussy and squeezing her boobs and waist. I removed her petticoat and panty and made her completely naked. I removed my clothes and become completely naked. We both are naked now infront of each other. She hold my dick and started to do handjob and after sometime she started to do blowjob. I inserted my dick deep inside her mouth and fucked her inside her mouth. She got tired and fell on the bed. I went to her legs and expanded her legs and seeing her pussy. Her pussy is fully red and looking very nice on her white skin tone. I slowly expanded her pussy and rubbing and fingering her pussy and making it more expanding. I opened her pussy very well and licking her pussy.

She is moaning and enjoying. Several layers of her pussy came out and it is looking like a red flower on her white skin tone. I licked it more and made her to release orgasm. I keepon licking and fingering her pussy and made her to release many orgasm. Due to releasing many orgasm she got tired and lying in the bed and at that time I pointed my dick to her pussy. She understood that I am going to fuck her. She is fully tired and not able to bare it and asked me to do it slow. I remembered all her acts on me in the college and inserted my dick into her pussy with one force. She shouted loudly with pain and lifted her body up not able to bare the pain. I understood that she is fully tired and not able to bare and slowly started to give strokes. She is moaning very slowly and after sometime she is not able to even moan and left me like without giving any movement and lying like that. I am unable to control and keepon fucking her like that and fucked her for 30 mins and released sperm inside her pussy.

She slept like that for sometime and got relaxed. After getting relaxed she wakeup and we had lunch and again she came back to room with full energy and we started to do sex again. I fucked her again and fucked her in the ass hole and we tried all the styles and fucked each other and enjoyed the sex all the day. She didn’t changed her behaviour towards me in the college to make sure that no one will get doubt on us. We used to meet in her house when ever it is possible and have sex and enjoy. After few days she said one more woman staff from our college want to participate in sex along with us. If there is no problem I will ask her to join with us. I accepted and asked her to join with us. After that I fucked many woman staff from our college.

If any girls, aunties and women from Chennai are intrested to have sex you can mail me to [email protected] 100% privacy will be maintained.

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