Word of Mouth

I sat and stared at her for a very long time. My mouth was possibly hanging open. Finally, I asked, “Can I talk now?” She nodded. “You want to pimp me out?”

Nico shook her head vigorously. “No, of course not, no money will change hands, although I will get a piece of the action.”

“What do you mean?”

“Afterwards, you tell me, in glorious Technicolor, all the sordid details. It’s a win-win-win for everyone. You meet new girls, they have the best orgasms of their lives, your fame spreads and I get off afterwards.”

“Sounds like everyone will get off. Will I?”

She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder. “Silly boy — of course you do. It’s part of the ‘after.’ Now,” she slid off the table and stood up, “I want you to think about this and tell me your answer tomorrow night. Pick me up at six and take me out to dinner.”

“Why should I take you to dinner?”

“It’s only fair,” she said over her shoulder as she walked out. “I’m a convicted felon with a doctorate. I can’t get a job in this economy.”

I sat in that room for a long time and pondered on what kind of sociopath I had gotten mixed up with.

I didn’t get any sleep that night. I simply lay there and thought about her proposal. It was both terrifying and titillating. I would have to put myself out there and meet new people. On the other hand I longed to know how other girls tasted. Would they be like Nico or does each woman have their own unique flavor? From the porn I’ve seen I knew vaginas came in all shapes and shades but would they taste different? Would some girls be clean shaven? I oscillated between panic and arousal all night.

Of course I said yes, because that’s what Nico wanted. I told her the next night as we were finishing up our meal at a nice Italian place near the edge of campus. But I also had some concerns. “Will there be any ground rules?” I asked.

“Like what.”

“I don’t know.” I looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping. All the closest tables were engrossed in their own conversations. “Do I get right of refusal?”

Nico nodded. “Of course. If you feel uncomfortable or get some weird vibe off a client you can call it off.”

I was appalled. “Did you just say client?”

“Maybe trick is a better term?” She watched with amusement as my face turned crimson red. Our waitress dropped off the check and was about to say something but hustled away when she saw me. It took me a minute to realize Nico was toying with me. “Yeah,” she said, finishing the last of her soda, “I’m just fucking with you.”

“Someday I’ll learn,” I muttered as I left enough cash to cover the check and the tip. I looked across the table at her. “Walk you back to your dorm?” I offered.

On the walk back she veered us through a graveyard, saying it was a shortcut. The sun had set minutes before but we still had enough light to pick our way along the paths. There, deep in the middle of the graveyard, she sucked me off as I leaned against a huge headstone. When I was finished she forced me onto the ground and straddled my face. The dry, dormant grass scratched the back of my neck as she writhed above me. And, yes, her pubic hair was streaked with green.

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