Wife cuckolds blustering husband with his friends

“Lloyd? Am I bothering you?” I purred.

Lloyd laughed, “You can bother me like that all you want.”

I started to realize Jim’s friends did not respect Jim as much as he thought they did. Jim always thought everyone respected and looked up to him.

I kissed Lloyd on the cheek. Pretty close to his lips.

Jim was sputtering. “That’s enough. Guys, get out. Lisa, go upstairs.”

The guys started to get up. I pushed my ass closer to Frank’s face, waved it a bit and kissed Lloyd on the side of his mouth.

“Do you guys want to go?” I pouted. “It’s my house too, I’m kinda having fun.”

They all sat back down.

“See Jim, they want to stay.” I walked over to Enrique, bent over, and with my ass in Lloyd’s face kissed Enrique actually on the lips.

“See, they want to stay,” I again said to Jim.

I don’t really know why I kept pushing it. Pent up anger? Whatever it was, I was having fun. Also, I have to admit, being such a flirt, the way the guys were reacting to me, and defying Jim was turning me on a bit. Ok, more than a bit.

Jim was pissed. “Get out! All of you!” he shouted.

I sat down on Enrique’s lap and kissed him on the lips. No tongue, just a kiss. I looked at Jim and said, “It’s my house too and I’m having fun. I want them to stay.”

Then to Lloyd I said, “You guys are having fun, aren’t you?”

Enrique laughed and said, “I am.”

Frank also laughed, “Well, I don’t know Enrique seems to be having all the fun.”

I crooked my finger at Frank and beckoned him over. Frank stood up and came over to me. I put my arms around him and kissed him. I was still sitting in Enrique’s lap, I felt one of his hands slip to my ass. Jim couldn’t see it. I kind of wiggled my ass into it. Enrique had his other arm around me.

I hadn’t really expected to go this far but I was getting turned on and I was enjoying Jim’s growing discomfort. Not because I liked that he was jealous. I liked that he felt he was losing control and that I was making it happen. I even liked the feel of Enrique’s hand on my ass.

I parted my lips when I kissed Frank. I felt his tongue against my lips.

“This is my last warning,” Jim growled. “Stop acting like a slut.”

My arms around Frank and sitting on Enrique’s lap I looked around at the guys and said, “You don’t think I’m slutty do you?”

“That’s enough,” Jim bellowed.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me off Enrique’s lap. My arms were around Frank’s neck so it pulled him forward as well. I struggled to get out Jim’s grasp. He was hurting me.

“Let go,” I hissed. I was mad. It was my fault, I did this, still I was mad.

“I’m not letting you go until you behave and stop acting like a cheap slut,” he said.

I struggled some more, “Cheap slut? I’ll show you cheap slut. Maybe one of these guys could make me cum more than 6 times a year than your little cock can.”

I don’t know where that came from, but I said it.

Whap! He slapped me across the face.

Frank pushed him away from me. Jim let go of me. He turned to Frank and tried to punch him. Frank tackled him and grappled Jim to the ground. They crashed into a cabinet and knocked it over breaking a vase and a few other things. Now Jim was fighting. Enrique and Lloyd stood up and helped Frank hold Jim down. I dialed 911.

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