Wife cuckolds blustering husband with his friends

The night started out normally. I welcomed the guys and got some snacks. They sat around the table talking and playing cards while I went in the other room to watch TV. It wasn’t a party or anything. No one drank to excess. I was meeting people so, of course, I had on a nice pair of jeans, brushed my hair, and a little makeup, but nothing I wouldn’t wear to the grocery store.

Generally I could hear what the guys were saying. I usually didn’t pay attention, this time, one of the guys, Enrique, started talking about a of his who was getting divorced. He had to pay alimony and child support and was struggling to get back on his feet. The ex already had a boyfriend and they were moving in together into her, their, old house with her kids.

That set Jim off. He retold the story of our friend. He went on about how he would have beat the new boyfriend silly and have tossed her out of the house. I listened to this story again. I don’t know why, something just hit me.

I didn’t really have a plan. I went in the kitchen. Jim, Frank, Lloyd, and Enrique were all playing cards.

“Whatchya talking about,” I asked sounding innocent. I knew, but I wanted them to tell me.

Jim jumped in. He told me Enrique’s story about his friend. Then he went on and retold the story about our friends. He went on about what he would do to whom and how. The parts about hitting the guy or the wife really bothered me.

I couldn’t listen anymore. I don’t know what possessed me. I sat down on Frank’s lap, put my arms around his neck and asked, “So if I did this you’d hit me?”

“Cut it out,” he said. “Of course not. Get off his lap.”

“What would you do if I kissed him on the cheek?” I kissed Frank on the cheek. “Would you hit me? Or Frank?”

“Lisa, cut it out. You’re making a scene. Get off his lap,” Jim said. He wasn’t shouting but he was getting agitated.

“Ok,” I flirted. I kissed Frank on the cheek and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t want Jim to hit us.”

I should have stopped but I didn’t. I went and sat on Enrique’s lap and put my arms around him. Enrique looked past me at Jim. I don’t think he knew what to say.

“What about now?” I said to Jim. “Would you really hit me?”

“Get off his lap Lisa. You’re being ridiculous. Cut it out.” He was starting to raise his voice.

I got up and sat back on Frank’s lap. This time I kind of bent over so my ass was pointing right at Frank giving him a great view. Then I sat back on his lap and stretching up put my arms around his neck. Frank put his arms around my waist.

“Lisa, the jokes over. Stop it. You’re making people uncomfortable.”

I looked over my shoulder at Frank. I wiggled my ass a bit in his lap. “Frank,” I said. “Am I bothering you?”

Frank laughed, “Well, not in the way Jim means.”

Enrique and Lloyd laughed. I looked at them.

“Am I bothering you guys?”

Now Jim was mad. His face was getting red. “Guys, I think the party’s over. I don’t know what she’s doing, but I think you should go.”

I got off Frank’s lap and, standing, I put my arms around Lloyd’s neck. My ass was practically in Frank’s face.

Please wait…

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