They both Know Now

Chapter Ten Charlotte and Dorothy followed Sol and his mates into the ‘waiting room’ where they were offered further drinks. ‘I thought we were going upstairs,’ claimed Dorothy ruefully. ‘We are, we are,’ growled Sol and then, in a lighter tone, added, ‘We just have to wait until the room is ready. The lights have to be checked and fresh towels need to be supplied, also the computer has to be looked at to make sure the cameras are working, we are filming.’ ‘Oh,’ replied Dorothy wide eyed are we going on the telly?’ ‘Not exactly,’ grinned Sol,but we thought your hubbies,s might like to see you in action so a film will be made.’ Charlotte wasn,t sure if she wanted to be on camera but reasoned at least Steven will see and enjoy the sex.’ Another moment of doubt entered her mind as she thought about her , ‘is this really what he wants,’ she pondered and then remembering their conversation earlier accepted the situation for what it was;’her Steven liked seeing her in sexy situations with strangers, she liked to enjoy more exciting sexual moments with any man, so they both complimented each other.’ One more idea entered her head and the more she considered it the better it appeared. She still felt uneasy about their new life styles and she began to realise what it was. Even though they both enjoyed each other,s sexual activities, these pursuits were basically separate actions; Charlotte enjoyed the physical side, her husband enjoyed the voyeuristic aspect but there was still something missing; ‘togetherness’ ‘We should be in the same room,’ she considered,’this way she would be getting the best of both worlds, carnal sex with her lovers and the all empowering, mindful love of her wonderful husband.

This way she would know for certain that her hubby was quite happy with their new life style, even encourage it. Charlotte would see his adoring face, perhaps even hold his hand while she writhed and gasped under the body of an unknown man, this way she would never have any more doubts and could really let herself go and enjoy, without guilt, the, more, fulfilling sexual pleasures her body craved.’ With this, satisfying, solution resting in her mind, she felt so much more relaxed and contented; now she could tune her mind and body into the forth coming sex that was about to happen. Sol,s urging to drink the aperatif that he now handed her brought her back from thoughts of herself and her husband. ‘Finish your drink,’ he demanded, ‘it consists of a strong mixture of aphrodisiac and alchohol mixed with a little pot, it will make you feel really good and horny and will heighten your senses so much that you will abandon yourself to our, and your own, sexual needs with no shame or guilt. This is going to be a night you will never forget.

Come to that, neither will your husband.’ Charlotte could already feel the liqueur burning into her belly as she gulped it down and looking at Dorothy she saw that she had already finished hers. ‘God!’ Dorothy giggled beginning to slur her words, ‘that,s something else. Lovely,’ and she licked her lips, both at the sweet nectar and at the thought of unrestrained sex with these virile young men. Sol led the way up the stairs, both girls needing help as their legs became sloppy with the drugged beverage. Opening the door to room number four he felt for and switched the light on. Immediately the room was bathed in brightness.

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