Again my skirt slid up much higher this time revealing my panties completely. Vinod again pulled it back down and started his massage. His strong hands on my thighs felt really good also arousing me because my inner thighs are overly sensitive.
When his hands stopped at the helm of my skirt he looked at me for the first time. I nodded in affirmative looking at him. He continued massaging the length of my thighs slipping his hands under my skirt stopping just before my crotch.
I was so fucking aroused now that even if he went higher then I might not have stopped him. He continued for a while before saying “madam can you please roll over so I can massage your back”? I was fully under his spell now so quickly rolled over without caring about my clothes.
He again corrected my t-shirt and skirt. Them he asked “madam are you comfortable if I do over your t-shirt or without it”? I never got a massage before so I asked “what difference does it make”?
He said “in my experience I have seen that some women are not comfortable removing their clothes to an outsider. He had already reached under my skirt earlier, so I said “it does not matter to me. Just do whatever you have to do”.
Vinod pushed my t-shirt upto my shoulders and undid my bra spreading it. I was taken by surprise at the bra part but stayed quiet without reacting. He continued his massage making me feel really very relaxed.
A few times his fingers brushed the sides of my tits sending pleasures ripping thru my body pushing my arousal to greater heights. He massaged me nicely draining all my exhaustion from the last fuck with Khan.
Then he hooked back my bra and corrected my t-shirt. He asked “how are you feeling now madam”? I rolled over saying “I am feeling very nice now. Thank You Vinod”. He smiled and held my arms and resumed.
After doing both my arms, he went to my waist. I was praying that he stayed away from my navel because I was on the edge of my orgasm now. While he continued my t-shirt came in the way. I thought what the hell after all this.
So I got up and removed my t-shirt throwing it aside. I lay back down and signalled him to resume. He continued till his fingers were touching the underside of my bra. It was obviously proving a hindrance.
I looked at him and asked “do you want me to remove it”? He calmly replied “no madam, I will manage around it”. I was so impressed by this guy because any other male would have jumped on my proposition.
Despite the hindrance of my bra he continued massaging me everywhere also brushing the sides of my tits. This was it and I couldn’t avoid my orgasm crashing thru me now. After I recovered, I was too embarrassed to look at him after this incident.
Vinod also continued like nothing ever happened, nothing said or spoken between us. A short while later, he said “I am done madam, do you need anything else”? I so much wanted to scream saying that I wanted a hard fuck right now, but controlled myself.
I said “no thank you Vinod. This was my first every massage and it was definitely superb”. He said “I am happy that you liked it, call me whenever you need it again” and gave me my t-shirt and left. I saw the time, Dinesh would be back anytime now.