The Big Belly of Cassie [First Month]

Cain was lying on the couch with Cassie, slowly stroking the flatness of his pretty wife’s stomach. Just yesterday, they had happily found out from her doctor she was miraculously blessed with triplets. They had been only married for a year and had finally decided to conceive. It was ironic in the fact that they had both wanted exactly three children, and it was all going to be done in just one pregnancy. At times, he had expressed if it were humanly possible, they would have thousands of babies. Obviously, they didn’t have the finances or a to do so.

He lifted up her shirt, and slowly and sensually kissed her belly intimately all over. Something then happened that he couldn’t be explained. It was like a small surge of power and desire had filled his mind and body. He became obsessed with her belly and began to kiss and touch more and more. He thought of nothing else but the belly and in the back of his mind, he envisioned it growing to great heights. Like a second voice guiding him to see that it happened.

He had always had a love for bellies and was excited to know she was so fertile with three of them. Being the close couple that they are, he had told her embarrassingly about it shortly after they were married. He knew she would accept him for it, but they never really spoke of it much more after that.

She was resting on the couch with Cain and just trying to imagine what their home would be like with three beautiful children running around them. She ran her hand alongside Cain’s as she made as much of an attempt as she could to show their children that they were already loved. She was in truth, a little worried about the finances and if her silky belly would be able to support the three children. Though that was something she wasn’t going to focus her pregnancy on as she smiled and kissed her husband’s temple content. If she didn’t have him with her, then the triplets would not be hers.

A delighted smile spread across her lips as she watched him kiss the children. They were both first-time parents but she saw just how great of a father Cain already was. She was amazed by the sweetness he had for her . While he was already receiving minor influences of the magical power her belly offered, she didn’t recognize was within her. Either way, she was just happy to know that Cain would be able to stick the pregnancy out with her. Cassie knew she was a little underweight but hoped that her cravings could help her gain enough weight to keep them healthy.

She knew that Cain loved pregnant bellies, and thought it was a cute quirk. It wasn’t of course in the daily conversation between them, but she hadn’t forgotten. The only thing that worried her seriously was how to talk to her family about being pregnant. She let out a sigh as she watched her husband. Maybe she wouldn’t even need to tell her family, she doubted they would care about it anyway. It would just be another nuisance in their eyes.

Cain ceased his pleasuring her belly for just a moment. He looked up to see that she was all “hot and bothered”. He brushed the curly, dark brown locks from her perfect face and wiped the film of sweat from her brow. Rubbing his big hand all over her tiny belly, he kissed her lips more passionately than he had on their honeymoon. He looked down back at her belly, feeling a warmth coming it, and then looked back at her. “You like, Cassie? How…big would you like your belly to be?” he said very flirtatiously. He had always loved her petite and short stature, but imagining a big belly on her made her seem more alluring than he had ever seen her.

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