A mother finally love her son the way he deserves

It finally happened, after years of tension and desire building up…it happened. I finally fucked my son. It was incredible, unlike everything I ever imagined, and It wasn’t as awkward as I thought it might be when it finally happened. I have been hinting and flirting for nearly a year, but I have wanted this ever since my son Victor was 20 years old. Ever since the first time I saw him touching himself. He was in his bedroom and I walked in to grab his laundry and there he was in bed, on his back completely naked. His covers … Read more

When a son sees his mom with another man

Jason slammed the door more vehemently than he’d intended. It was so quiet inside the house from no one being in it that the force of the slam shook the walls and seemed to ricochet off every surface, ringing and echoing hollowly in his ears. Jason had been counting on the sleepover all week. It had buoyed him up every day, he’d told himself he could make it through what had proven to be a really shitty time in his life if he could just survive until Friday night. It just seemed like everything that could go wrong lately had … Read more