My Son and Me

The years went by My Son and Me. Peter went to uni, then got a great job with an investment bank, things between John and I deteriorated to the point that we got divorced and a few months after Peter got transferred to Dubai and Sara went to uni. I was alone in a lovely apartment in London. During his time at university and the first year with the investment bank I saw quite a lot of Peter as he came home fairly frequently from uni, mainly for friends’ parties and for football and cricket club events and lived with … Read more

Skype sex with staf fin lockdown time

Hello all this is me once again narrating a story which happened few days back . as you all must have read how my staff shilpa shah and I had fun as lockdown time I was very eager to see her as days passed only some text msg or pic from het that also on my she belongs to a very conservative gujju family I also few days back I send her a msg to call me .she replied she will try as going out is not much . I said I need to see her … Read more

Mother and Son yearn for each other

Mother and Son yearn for each other… I had been waiting for this day for two long years. Today Ryan was coming home, and I wanted to look my total best. He’d been gone for two years, most of that time spent in school, he had applied and been accepted into Oxford, the famed University in England. And because of the rigors of his study and the cost of returning home being rather cost prohibitive, we had not seen each other for those two long years. We had corresponded regularly by e-mail and Skyped occasionally, but I missed my baby … Read more