Seducing my sexy aunt part 5

Hey guys J here and this is a continuation of my story and how I seduced my aunt. This is the last part of this story. I woke up after like 30 mins of sleep as I had just finished having sex with my aunt all night. She also barely got any sleep and had … Read more

Seducing my sexy aunt part 2

Hey guys, J here. This is going to be a continuation of part 1 so read that before reading this. My cousins had arrived from school and aunt was busy tending to their needs. I did touch her ass a few times throughout the day but wasn’t able to do much due to my cousins … Read more

Seducing my sexy aunt part 1

Hi guys my name is J, Today I am going to be telling you about the time I lost my virginity to my sexy aunt. Let’s begin. I was 18 just finished my first year of higher education in the US. I was going to India to meet my grandparents but first decided to stay … Read more

My Sexy Aunt From Village! (True story)

Hi everyone, this is my first story (which is true). Sorry if there are any mistakes. This is Jon (name changed) and I live in Navi Mumbai. I am 19 years old with a good physique. I hit gym every day and I also play football. I have a strong interest in middle-age Indian MILFs. … Read more