Slut before marriage

Hi, my name is Tanisha; my name is in another caste, but I am a Hindu-Muslim mixed. My mom married a Muslim man, so my name was given to me by him, and my surname is the same as my mother’s. (About my parents: My mom is a Hindu woman and my dad is a Muslim man; they both loved each other and wanted to marry, but as we know the complications, they were having a lot of trouble on both sides, so both decided not to change their names and caste.) My body measurement is 34-26-34. And if you … Read more

Consensual spanking and anal

“You need a spanking.” “I do not need a spanking.” “Do you really think that arguing is going to help your case?” “Might do.” “Or?” “Or it may mean you spank me harder, and longer.” “And which of those two options do you think will happen?” “Can’t we just have sex instead? You could always do me in the arse.” “You don’t think that’s going to happen anyway?” “Worth a try, I suppose.” “You’re just procr-ass-tinating; I’m going to fetch the hairbrush.” “Oh, there’s really no need, your hair looks wonderful my love.” “It’s time the smart-arse got a smarting … Read more