Sweet 18-year old virgin is seduced by lesbian MILF

“I guess I could use some; thank you,” Mary nodded.

Gloria went to the kitchen and poured two glasses, including the one she planned to spill all over her ripe, young prey.

Giddy with anticipation at the likelihood of this virginal teen being turned into her newest pussy munching sex slave, she returned to the living room, went to hand Mary a glass, and ‘accidentally’ tripped, spilling not one, but two full glasses of cold lemonade all over the shocked teen.

“Aaaah!!” Mary screamed, as the ice cold lemonade soaked through her sundress and onto her skin.

“I’m so sorry,” Gloria apologised, in Oscar winning performance mode, as she acted completely mortified by her clumsiness.

“It’s okay,” Mary said, standing up. She joked, “I was so hot and sweaty, that kind of felt nice.”

Gloria smiled at just how sweet and innocent the young brunette was. So ripe for the licking.

As Mary was plucking the wet, clinging dress away from her body, Gloria ordered, “Arms up.”

“What?” Mary asked, complying, but before she knew what was happening, Mrs. Taylor had swept her wet dress over her head and completely off of her.

“I’ll just throw this in the wash quickly, we don’t want it to stain,” Gloria explained, slyly.

“It’s… it’s… okay,” Mary stammered, shocked to be suddenly standing in front of a church acquaintance wearing only her underwear and pantyhose.

“No, no,” Gloria feigned caring urgency, as she admired the teen’s very impressive body hid well in her usually conservative attire and voiced further crocodile concern, saying, “Oh no, your bra is soaked too.”

Gloria then quickly reached around the girl, unclasped the bra and removed it.

Mary’s eyes went big; she was suddenly topless.

Before the teen could protest, Gloria quickly left the room and put the dress and bra in the washing machine, her pussy already tingling at what she hoped would happen next.

Mary stood paralyzed with shock, trying to process how she’d gone from fully dressed to almost naked in less than fifteen seconds. And what should she do now?

She looked around and was thankful to see the front curtains were closed against anyone passing by, as she felt a chill go up her spine from the cold lemonade and the air-conditioning. She was embarrassed to notice that her nipples were hard. Perhaps Mrs. Taylor wouldn’t notice if she covered them with her hands. In any case, that would be the modest thing to do.

She considered sitting back down, but the seat of the chair was wet with lemonade.

She considered going to the washroom for a towel, but she didn’t know where it was, having never been inside the Taylors’ before, and didn’t want to intrude where she wasn’t invited.

So she stood there… feeling completely vulnerable and awkward.

Gloria returned and smiled internally when she saw the cute, big busted teen standing in her living room covering her breasts. She reassured connivingly, “It’s okay, Mary. I’ve seen breasts before.”

“I’ve never been naked in front of anyone before,” Mary admitted, now shivering from the cold.

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