Sweet 18-year old virgin is seduced by lesbian MILF

“The church will say lots of things are a sin, but the truth is that the church will use fearmongering to keep you shackled to it,” Gloria continued. “The truth is that the Lord created your body, and thus the pleasures the body can experience, and why would he do that, and then turn around and make it a sin?”

“I don’t know,” Mary answered, the question a deep one.

“The answer is that men have manipulated the Bible and the church so they can remain dominant in the social hierarchy, but that power is dwindling year after year,” Gloria explained, not really lying, as she believed all this to be true.

“I guess,” Mary nodded, as she contemplated the reality that the church at almost all levels other than daycare and Sunday School were led by men.

“So women must stick together, sometimes secretly, as we wait for society to accept the truth spoken by Jesus, which is somewhere in John, although I can’t remember the number or the exact phrase, but it’s something like ‘Love one another as I have loved you.”

Mary nodded, “That’s John 13:34.”

“You know your Bible,” Gloria smiled.

“I read it every day,” Mary admitted.

“Well, that passage I read differently from many people. We must love everyone… and that includes women loving women,” Gloria explained, before adding, “as only women truly understand the female body.”

“I guess,” Mary nodded, trying to process all this.

“But be careful,” Gloria warned, “boys will try to manipulate this newfound pleasure if you allow them to.”

“I won’t tell anyone,” Mary promised. “We can keep sex a secret just between the two of us,”

“Good,” Gloria nodded, leaving well enough alone for now, as she got off the bed. “Mary, you are now my pet, and I will train you to understand the human body in all its God created glory.”

“What do you mean by ‘pet,’?” Mary finally asked.

“I will be your goddess,” Gloria said, liking the term that had popped into her head at the last second. “And you will be my disciple, my servant, my pet.”

“Oh,” Mary said, finding the idea of Mrs. Taylor actually guiding her along the way very exciting.

“And I will expect complete loyalty and obedience,” Gloria added.

“Of course,” Mary nodded, this making innate sense to her.

This was going even better than Gloria could have imagined. She continued, “I will expect you to always have your cell phone turned on, and to respond immediately when I beckon you for more training.”

“Of course,” Mary again agreed, without hesitation.

“Tomorrow you will wear these thigh highs and no panties,” Gloria explained.

“No panties?” Mary questioned.

“Does a servant ever question their Master?” Gloria questioned sternly.

“S-s-sorry,” Mary apologized, guilt rushing through her at disobeying.

“You’re forgiven,” Gloria said. “But I know what’s best for you. For example, now that your body has discovered the pleasures of the flesh, sometimes your pussy will need to be free for purity cleansing.”

“Oh, that makes sense,” Mary nodded, although she was worried her juices might leak out of her, as she couldn’t seem to stop them right now.

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