Summertime Bondage for Bi-Dads in their tricked-out VW Bus

Then, side by side, each of us exhausted, me on my stomach, Roger on his back, we grabbed a little nap there in the sun.

I don’t know how long we dozed, but a mosquito bite on my back brought me back to consciousness. The tree shade had returned with the sun’s passage overhead, inviting the insects. We looked at each other groggy-eyed.

We’d run a bit of a risk, lying nude in the open. Any hiker coming by, or someone spotting the VW and investigating, who’d likely be local, would have gotten an eyeful. But we had chosen our spot for its remoteness.

Roger looked at my rump.

“You got some sun there.” Indeed my skin was no longer pale but distinctly pink. I often worked shirtless in my backyard in summer, so was tan enough there, but my ass stayed pretty white. Not any more.

I looked at him, he’d been on his back.

“Think your own prick got sunburned too?”

“Hope not, maybe some groin hair was protection, that and the fact that it shrank back to tiny helped.”

His thighs, although not quite as pale as my ass had been, were also a bit red.

We laughed.

But it was no laughing matter later that night with Barb.

While disrobing in our bedroom with the light still on she noticed my bum.

“Good lord Clay! Your ass is lobster red. What happened? Roger paddle you or something?”

That was a ridiculous comment. What did she think we do to each other? I shook my head.

“No, no. I feel asleep in the sun. Ass skyward.” I felt awfully stupid.


“A little.”

“I’m gonna bed me a Sore-Ass Clay tonight then.” She snickered.

As we lay next to each other, she wanted to hear all about everything. I was cagey about our hardware buying expedition and bondage plans, and told her up front I would divulge more about our store purchases later.

Her face was puzzled but she trusted me.

But she still wanted to hear about the rest of our activities, and I gave her a nice account of Roger’s pent-up sperm reserves and how I handled it all. She got excited hearing about our outdoors romp and Roger’s two climaxes.

“But only one for you?”

“Yep, I saved myself for you, love.”

Her eyes shone.

The sixty-nine intrigued her, which we hadn’t done ourselves in ages. However it only works for us with Barb on top, she doesn’t like my weight on her, but my ass was too tender to endure being on the bottom.

It was too bad, I could have had a shot at a double sixty-nine with two different partners (what’s that, a “one hundred and thirty-eight?”) in one day, but missed the chance.

We ended up mostly sucking and licking each other until I finished missionary style with me on top, lasting longer than usual but not quite enough for her to climax. So I licked her good, getting another mouthful of sperm, my own this time, in the process. My sperm quotient for the day had attained impressive dimensions.

I slept on my side that night and for a couple nights beyond, until my sunburn faded. Barb was highly amused.

The next weekend was cold and rainy, and Roger and I did our bondage equipment installation inside my garage. Getting the hardware in was easy enough, didn’t take us but an hour or so. Roger works careful and meticulous and we make a good team together in more than one way.

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