Step Mom, She was not at all what she appeared to be

After a few days I noticed that Mandy was sticking her ass out whenever I was around. She would be sure to bend over and rock her ass left and right to tease me! When I passed by her she would be sure to push her rump out to make contact. She was constantly searching the lower shelf in the laundry or the base cabinet in the kitchen. She would be on her hands and knees searching under the bed or the sofa for something that she had “just dropped”. I would catch her glancing over her shoulder to see if I had taken notice of the display she was putting on!

If I didn’t take the hint immediately she would get more and more brazen! Making her butt twitch left and right. Rubbing her butt against my hard-on! Making sure that I could feel her as she pushed herself against my rock hard dick!

And then she began to take the initiative! I was getting a drink of water at the kitchen sink when Mandy appeared at my side. Without saying a word she snuggled up to me. With one hand she cupped my butt cheek. With the other she caressed my groin. She began to cup and caress my dick! Needless to say I sprang a hard-on. She purred in pleasure as she encouraged me to grow larger and larger!

“You have such an exciting cock, Lance! I have to admit that at first I was reluctant but you are so large and you seem to have a really strong sex drive! So many of the men I’ve been involved with were disappointing. But you seem to recover quickly and be eager to go again a lot faster than any of the men I’ve known!

“But you need to know that my needs are very strong! I want, I need sex more often than most women! I like sex! A lot! It’s how I got into trouble. It’s the reason your Dad is so good for me!

“But I think it’s going to be more fun with you, Lance. But you have to understand how this is going to work!” She paused and looked me in the eyes.

“I’m going to drain your balls! I’m going to take every last drop of sperm you have to offer! I’m going to drink your cum, slather it all over my big titties and make sure that you have nothing left in the tank for any of the skanks you are seeing on the side! This huge cock and balls are mine, all mine!”

“Big talk for a little…wait, big titties?” I asked.

“Oh, you have no idea. I’m really good at hiding myself now. I didn’t use to disguise my body, but I’ve learned how to cover up so I’m not showing off the way I used to! And when I show off you’ll really know it!” she bragged. Her eyes dropped to her chest and then to my groin before she looked me in the eyes again. As I watched she reached behind her back and pulled her oversized sweater tight around her. Suddenly a big pair of tits were on display as was her minuscule waist line. The difference between her boobs and her midsection was amazing! I had no idea how I had not noticed it before.

“I wear a 32-Double J cup bra. When I wear one,” she bragged. “And my waist measures just a little less than 24 inches.” The pride in her voice was obvious.

As I gaped at her she pulled the bottom of the sweater up until it was just under her tits. Without a word she began to raise and lower her sweater bouncing her big tits in front of me. Slowly she allowed more and more of her bra to be seen. When she finally pulled it up and off her boobs were rocking and shaking, trying to escape her commodious bra.

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