Sister Sucks Sleeping Sibling

She helped me in the house; I put on quite a show by being ‘too drunk’ to get out of the car on my own and ‘too drunk’ to climb the stairs. When we got to the front porch, met us at the door and helped Jill get me inside. Jill whispered ‘I told you–look at him! He’s trashed! He won’t remember a thing!’

Really pouring it on, I said ‘Hi, Jen!’ far too loudly and headed for the couch.

‘Oh, no, big guy, you’re going to your room. Straight to bed! You had a bit too much tonight; I told you you better watch it!’ She swung her arms around me and led me down the hall and into my room. Jen just stood and stared. I mumbled goodnight to both, pretending a drunken stupor and hoping for Jill to make a move on my prick once we were in my room.

But she didn’t. She lay me down onto my bed and I immediately pretended to be out cold. Then Jill clicked off the light and left. That was it. Hmm…Maybe she was waiting for Jenna to go to sleep? Maybe she wasn’t falling for my act. To tell you the truth, I was a little drunk (I had to drink some that night; Jill’s no dope) and after listening for her return I fell asleep. And was re-awakened soon after…

My room was dark. My jeans were being removed; then my boxers. I lay there, completely exposed, before…who? Was that 3 hands I felt? Clad in only my shirt, I waited for my ‘s mouth on my cock. But instead, I heard her speak: ‘Just sit down! Don’t worry; he’s out, trust me.’ Another person was in the room, too; I heard Jenna’s voice but I couldn’t hear what she said as she whipered. Jill continued. ‘Be quiet and watch, I’ll show you.’ Then, finally, I felt Jill’s hand on my dick. She stroked my balls with the other hand and soon she massaged me into a full 10 inch erection. I heard Jenna say ‘Move over a little, I can’t see it!’ I felt Jill move on the bed as she continued stroking my shaft. My eyes were adjusting to the light from the hallway and I could see Jenna sitting in the chair near my bedroom window, wearing a grey cotton pajama set consisting of shorts and a top. She wasn’t wearing that when she met us at the door…Jill wore a white nightshirt that ended just above the knees. Jenna was staring at my cock.

‘Wow…I’ve seen a few, but not like that…’

‘Like what?’ Jill whispered.

‘So…big…You really put your mouth on it and he doesn’t wake up?’

‘Yeah! Watch this…’ And with that, my sister proceeded to give me the second greatest blow job of my life. She took care not to block Jenna’s view of the action; pulling her hair out of the way if it fell into her line of sight. Jenna watched, amazed, as her big sister slurped and sucked their brother’s cock.

‘Do you think he can feel it?’ She asked.

Jill slid her head up and off my dick. ‘Oh, yeah–he moves around and moans a lot, especially before he comes. Sometimes he even opens his eyes. But he never wakes up. And he never remembers anything about it ’cause he ‘blacks out’ when he’s this drunk!’

‘What do you do with his…cum?’

Jill just looked over at her with a look like ‘what do you think?’ and continued to .

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