Signe’s Math Study Group Gets Sexual

I didn’t like that Ray seemed to want to fuck me just because he could, and I would be a white girl to add to his list of conquests. I wanted him to want to fuck me because I was me, Signe Sørensen, a girl he truly liked. Nevertheless, in a flagrant double standard, I was thrilled that an Asian guy wanted to fuck me. Usually Asian men enjoyed the charms of Asian girls exclusively, and not blonde bimbos like myself.

My reply to Ray’s quip that made me feel like a sex object, was simply a groan of pleasure, as his gorgeous Asian fuck-tool pummeled my well used body, filled with the happy, sloppy sounds of the cum of Josh and Kevin already sloshing around inside me, as Ray did his thing. I came twice more during Ray’s time with me, and I was one happy wreck of a woman. When Ray got off me, Kevin took a picture of the river of cum draining out of me, pooling into a small lake on my bed. It was to be the wet spot of all wet spots!

All three men had me again, after which we rested. I gave them each a short blow job, getting them up for a third round, and Josh took me from behind, while I sucked off Kevin, in my first ever spit roast. The evening ended when Ray took me up my ass, my first ever anal fuck. It surprised the shit out of me (so to speak), when I discovered I actually liked anal sex, or at least I did when it was Ray giving it to me. Ray had been gentle and kind with my first time anal.

I was fucked nine times that night, and I gave three blow jobs, had my first spit roast, and experienced my first anal sex. My first gangbang had a lot of firsts. As the three men filtered out of my room, Josh looking quite sheepish as the enormity of the implications of the evening began to sink in, I was finally left alone, wallowing in my own thoughts of what I had become, and what — if anything — I was going to tell Roger on Friday, the time of our next date.

I knew Josh and Kevin would not blab, since they both loved their girlfriends. I knew both of their girlfriends, of course, and doubtless they would not be understanding of what we had just done, nor forgiving. The real wild card was Ray. Perhaps that’s why, when Ray came around on Thursday, the day after the math study group gangbang, I felt I had no choice but to let him fuck me another three times, just to buy his silence about the gangbang. Ray thought he was blackmailing me into the extra three fucks, and I let him think that. In actuality, however, I loved it. Maybe I had really and truly become a slut?

Maybe Roger would be pleased? I was losing sleep worrying, and the stabbing pains in my neck returned. I needed another one of Josh’s massages. Did I dare ask for one? Maybe if Roger was there, too, watching, you know, for security? Maybe, if the gods were smiling, Roger would finally get his wish for a threesome, and my neck pain would be a bad memory? Something to consider, I guess.

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