Signe’s Math Study Group Gets Sexual

My next big mistake was that I made no protest regarding Kevin’s outrageous liberties taken.

Ray had had enough. He felt left out, and he upped the ante by coming over to my salacious body, and kissing me. Being felt up and having Kevin’s fingers touch my pussy under the towel had a not too credible innocent interpretation, but Ray’s kisses, well, obviously that was some kind of affectionate sex. Worse still, I kissed Ray back. It’s who I am. If I like a guy, and I liked all three of the guys, I cooperate with whatever they want to do, within reason, of course.

I’ve always been like that, which is why I was so popular with the guys in high school, many of whom quite generously gave me their virginity. I could give mine away only to one of them, virginity being like that, of course. Virginity is kind of a single use thing. A guy named Eric was the recipient of my virginity. Eric was two years older than me. He was a high school dropout and he drove the UPS truck, but that’s a whole different story, and yes, it’s one of Roger’s favorite stories that I tell him, during pillow talk. I lost my virginity on top of a pile of boxes in the back of Eric’s truck. I even got blood from my hymen on one of the boxes he delivered later that same day.

Ray and I kissing each other removed any pretense that what was going on was in any way innocent. The massage, and my nudity, plus Ray’s kisses, meant this party had turned sexual. Quite sexual in fact, and I was the only woman. I thought of Roger, and how he liked to ask me if ever I had enjoyed a threesome before. What would he think of a foursome, I wondered? It seemed to me, even in my brain-addled state, that we were heading that way.

I knew, however, that these were good men. All I had ever to do was to say no, and that would be the end of it. The worst of it would have been showing off my naked bod to three friends, and Roger could easily get into getting off on imagining that, if that’s all this was.

I knew, too, that that was all it would be. So, no worries. Well, Ray’s spectacular kisses were a bit of a worry, I guess, because they were melting my resistance in real time, but Lordy, they were good! I’ve always been a sucker for a man who kisses well.

When Josh saw Ray kissing me, he began to play with my nipples, and sexually to caress my breasts. It just so happens that I love it when a man does that. So, with Ray and me French kissing and swapping tongues, and Josh making love to my boobs, Kevin pulled off the modesty towel and began blatantly to finger my pussy, and everybody could see him doing it. Kevin was much better, seriously better, at fingering a girl’s pussy than he was at giving said girl a leg massage. It took only seconds for my passage to lubricate thoroughly, and my breathing became heavy, reflecting my extreme arousal.

I was drunk, stoned, and had too many gumdrops, but I was still there, present enough, to realize things were getting out of hand. I pushed Ray’s wonderful mouth away from mine, and I yelled “Stop!”

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