Saduce aunt

Working with my aunt she 55 latina very sexy and my aunt i help her once in awhile in her printing shop she is day i over heard her talking on the phone about her sex life she wasn’t getting attention at home so she would stay late in her office doing prints and paper work.

Jokingly to who ever was on the other end she mentioned how she would hire a male to assist in work and a few others she described how she’d dress and how it would happen..she was a door over from the print area so i could hear it all how she would be on her chair legs open and call him in…

One evening she stepped out and i decided id peak around i found a few toys hidden in her desk and thought how fun it would be to walk in on her wgile she was in action. I went back to work and a few days later came back i wore some light shorts that would be obvious visible of my junk walk in front of her and i did catch her eyes looking a few times but did not say anything she gave me a big order to start wich would keep me busy a few hours i fire up the printer began to set and print i waited 30 mins then her door closed i stood thinking if maybe. That’s when she breaks her toys out for some release i decided i would just go i get to her door its quite i can hear moans i stop in my tracks..making sure them are really moans and not my dirty mind playing games…yes its moans and she playing i didnt knock just walked on in…

She had her vibrator against her pussy tits hanging out and was enjoying her self till i popped the. Door open she quickly covered up and sat in embarrassment..are eyes locked on eachothers and her apologies i said no worries i do the same we laughed it off…as she got her blouse and tits together she explained of her needs i stood and listened to her…i did not notice my erect cock popping through my shorts till she looked and pointed it out…i instantly covered it up but it still showed..lets both enjoy some play time i with out thinking whip it out and start to stroke her eyes locked on me and she sat in limbo come on join me a few seconds and her hands went to her wet pussy i walked closer so i could get a good look my cock in hand just a step away from her i reached for her tits and rubbed her nipples she moved my hand and took over before i knew her mouth was all over my cock then i slipped into her and filled her up we now work and play

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